May 26, 2008


two (ish) days until reveal night! are you getting excited yet? i am! :)

(by the way, this is caroline and i'm taking over the blog for the week!)

the sneak peeks have been absolutely drool-worthy this month...i can't wait to see the full LOs! in order to make sure that you're not missing any of them, i have decided to compile a master list of peeks for y'all:

april - here, here, here. i especially loooove how she used the apple lace paper. and as usual, i love her use of brilliant little details.

davinie - here, here, and here. in one of her blog posts, dav mentions that this kit is her favorite because of the yummy october afternoon papers, and it's easy to see why - she totally rocked them!!

jenn - here. so, so sneaky. they make you wanting more, don't they?

kirsty - here. i'm loving how she used all the papers and how she's used the apple lace paper as little accents!

nicole h. - here. i'm loving the chipboard tree with the birds and flowers!

nicole s. - here. nic always uses product in the most interesting ways - i love how she wrapped the ribbon around the chip trees and how she used those fruit charms!

steph - here,here, here, and here. holy moly. is steph rocking this kit or what? and how can you not love those barrettes?

tina - here. i can't wait to see that home mini!

last but not least, me - here, and here. i also have one last peek for you:

don't miss all the reveal night festivities on tuesday night! and remember that the kit goes up at 12 midnight on the 28th!


  1. I love all the peaks Caroline. Thanks for bringing them all together in the one place.

    I thought I'd decided on the add-ons I wanted....and now I want them ALL!! laughing!!

  2. wow, thanks for compiling them all. Although i have them already, I just want more!!!

  3. LOVE all the sneaks. I'm off to drool some more!

  4. your compilation skills are FABU Caroline!
    thanks for organizing it so perfectly!
