August 16, 2008

living on the edge.

(does anyone else immediately think of that AeroSmith song when they hear that phrase, lol??)

die-cut papers.

all big trends right seems that it's not often you see a layout that doesn't have some kind of die-cut paper on it, or one where someone used a border punch to jazz up their edges. i'll confess, i'm an addict myself.

here's a layout i made (yes yes...i love a good 'grid' layout) using lots of fun edges.
i think it added a bit of interest to the grid...and the scalloped trim finished it off quite nicely. (added a bit of paint to it of course, lol) just an easy way to add a little extra something to your pages...sometimes when you just feel like you're missing that finishing touch, a decorative border just might do the trick. i've been using my 'tools' more and more's fun to pull something out of the drawer that hasn't been used in awhile, dust it off and figure out a way to use it.

check back later for one more post about one of my favorite techniques...wonder if anyone can guess what it might be...
