November 26, 2008

Holiday Photos

With the Christmas holiday approaching so quickly (less than a month away already...can you believe that?!), I thought it would be fun to share some holiday photo tips.

**Disclaimer: I'm not a "professional"...just sharing my own personal tips and tricks for capturing fun photos. :)**

  • Find a "real" Santa! Seriously, a mall Santa with a fake beard doesn't create the best photo. lol. Every town has a "real" Santa some searching, you'll be so glad you did!
  • Get IN the photos! I'm so bad about this myself as I'm always the one taking them, but looking back through our photos over the past few years I've realized that I am hardly in any of them! Do I love this picture of myself? Not at all, but I know my boys will appreciate these photos in the years to come and I will too.

  • Take a photo of your Christmas loot. No, Christmas is not all about the presents ;) , but it is pretty cool to see all of the goodies stacked up in front of the lit tree.

  • Be ready! This shot was totally candid...candids are almost always my favorite photos. Have your camera handy at all times!
  • Get a group shot! You'll cherish these in the years to come. Also, take photos of things other than just your children...don't be afraid to bring your camera to an adult shindig too. :)

  • Take a photo of the kids playing with/wearing their gift. Great-Grandma didn't get to see the girls opening up their new PJs, but wouldn't it be fun to make a personalized thank you card with a photo like this?
    I hope you enjoyed these photo tips...I think the most important thing to remember is that being in the moment is more important than capturing the "perfect" photo. Enjoy! :)


  1. you are so right !
    i love this candid shot of your baby !

  2. great photos!
    is that group shot a handbag exchange? what a freaking awesome idea!

  3. lyn, it is a handbag exchange...SO much fun!!
