November 19, 2008

Pink Paislee Winner!!!

The winner of this prize pack.....

was chosen by this boy:

I printed off numbers 1-428 (courtesy of Microsoft Excel) and he highlighted one at random

He highlighted 277, which makes her the winner:

Mel said...

A wide angle lens for my Rebel, a set of the label templates from Spellbinders, a Studio Calico subscription and an Itunes gift card.

But, I'll probably get a blender....sigh.

Send us an email with your address to and we'll send it out right away!


  1. Congrats! Like you, I want a wide angle lens for my Rebel too! LOL

  2. EEE! I can't believe I won. I have sent my let me know if it doesn't arrive shortly (sometimes Blogger does wierd things with my juno email account!) I can't wait to see all the goodies in person!!!!!
