November 21, 2008

a visit from troop 114

Today, Studio Calico had the pleasure of hosting Girl Scout Troop 114 (From L to R: Darby, Cheyenne, Carrie, Katie, Logan, Meghan, Mattie; In front: [I'm drawing a blank] & Sarah). I knew I'd forget someone's name.
This delightful bunch is working on their silver badge and needed to talk to women in business. I was so thankful their troop leader thought of us!
When they arrived, I gave them the tour of our 4 room office and explained what happens each month from the time product arrives until it is shipped out. They were very prepared and came with a list of questions such as:

  • What are the challenges being in business for yourself?

  • What is most rewarding about owning your own business?

  • Why did you decide to start this business?

  • What advice would you give someone who is starting their own business?

These girls are intelligent, cute, and on the right track for success. They're also very interested in scrapbooking so when I'm ready to retire, I might have someone to buy us out :)

If you see any of them on the message board be sure to give them a warm welcome!


  1. they could not have picked two better ladies to learn from!

  2. That is so cool! I would have loved to visit with you as a Girl Scout. Could this double and get them a badge for scrapbooking? ;o)

  3. This is great. My DD is a little Daisy and I hope she sticks with Scouts. It really is a great way to learn and bond with girls of ones own age.
