December 30, 2008

Scavenger Hunt...Day 2

Hi everyone...Nicole H. here! I am having a blast with this scavenger hunt...hopefully everyone else is as well! So as Emily explained yesterday, I am posting a few questions today. Your job is to find/figure out the answers and then email them to me...just make sure you're logged into Studio Calico, find my profile and then shoot me a note! Everyone who has all 5 correct answers will be entered into the $5 SC Gift Certificate/coupon for the day...easy peasy!!

Round 2: Kit Contents

1. What was the first kit to have an exclusive Studio Calico stamp included?

2. How many add-on kits (including the ones that debuted Saturday night for January 2009) have included rub-ons?

3. How many 12x12 patterned papers did the first SC kit have?

4. How many kits (main or add-on) have contained paint?

5. Which main kit was the first to include die-cut patterned paper?

BONUS: if you get this one right, you'll get your name added a second time for the drawing!!

Which is my favorite Main kit?

I will close the entries tomorrow at noon EST, and post a winner tomorrow evening. Have fun and happy hunting!!


  1. Wow! You guys sure aren't making this easy, are you? I'm not even sure if I could get all the answers correct ;)

  2. I swear, this one is BRUTAL (I'm starting to sound like a broken record).

    Nik, I do believe, is a SADIST!

  3. holy moly - this is hard! I do know one answer - off to find the others!

  4. Easy peasy eh? Well, I spent 2 hours hunting for the answers.... I guess I'm getting old...or crazy!!! lol
