February 6, 2009

A little bit Sketchy, and tempting you with Footnotes

Sometimes after the hustle and bustle of the holidays, all mojo seems to leave the building, leaving us without the will to scrap or a place to begin when we finally decide to clean up the scrapbook room and begin again.

Because of that, sketches are a GREAT place to look for a starting point for creative ideas and to get you out of a rut.

I've been looking around at sketches, particularly 2 page sketches, to give some ideas for your January layouts and multiple photos.

In my search, BHG was the first hit for sketches. They always have a great section in each issue of Scrapbooks Etc. for sketches, and are a great source for inspiration. You can check out the sketch section of their website here.

Pagemaps is also a great place to look for sketches in many shapes and sizes.

I also found this site with links to many other sites for sketches. You can check that out here.

There are also a few sketch challenge blogs out there. I participate in a couple of card challenge blogs, like Cardalicious and Card Positioning Systems but there are also some fun layout sketch blogs which often have great contests.

Got Sketch - great sketches and looks like they offer classes too. That's cool.

Sketch This

Pencil Lines

and even Two Peas has a new monthly sketch challenge.

I know I have missed a billion sketch and sketch challenge sites, but these are just a few to help get that mojo rolling. You don't want to miss out on an opportunity to win a prize, do you? And think of what a cool album you could make for 2009 if you did a layout summarizing each month throughout the year. That's what I plan to do!

Before I go, I wanted to share some of the cool minis I've seen made with the Footnotes add-on.

Hannal was inspired by Dr Seuss for the title of her mini. totally cute!

I especially like how she journaled in more than one color, using red to highlight powerful words in her journaling.

Gluestickgirl's mini is soooooooo cute. I wish my daughter would roar more just so I can make her one! lol - JUST kidding. hahaha.

I love Kelly's mini about what her son loves right now. It was really sweet.

Jenn and April both made Quiet books with their minis, interactive books used to entertain small children. Oh how adorable they are! I have looked through their gallery's a few times and am totally inspired by something new every time. You should totally check them out in the Bibliography gallery.

I hope I didn't miss any of the cute minis made with the Bibliography kit! I looked through the Bibliography gallery to find these little goodies, so if you made one, please upload it there and let me know, or edit your layout and click on Bibliography to add it in the kit gallery. It's always nice to be able to click on a specific kit to see what people have made with the same contents.

Later I'll share some layouts and other projects made with this add-on you should try to WIN, lol. Tina has been rocking it with her layout below. This one is adorable. Especially the little apple-cheeked cutie in the photo.

Have a great day! I hope you are inspired to break out those January photos! Did you see Tina's January layout!? Totally cute! You don't have to have big plans to give a little wrap up of your month. On the other hand, I had a busy month. I'll share that layout in a bit.


1 comment:

  1. The Quiet Book is a fabulous idea. That has inspired an idea for my DD. Thanks.
