April 25, 2009

In honor of NSD, it's CHALLENGE time!

Hello! Get out those kits you haven't used up, grab that stash, because we have something special for you today! Come one, come all, it's challenge time!

Wow. Okay, it's early. lol

National Scrapbook Day is May 2. And in honor of NSD, Studio Calico and the Design Team have a lot of fun in store. If you would like a chance to win a past add-on, as well as other prizes including a 6 month subscription, keep reading!

Each SC designer has issued a challenge. To enter to win an add-on, simply participate in the challenge, upload your layout to the Studio Calico gallery, and link that layout to the blog post from that designer on May 2, National Scrapooking Day. For more chances to win, enter more challenges! You will have one week from today to do your layouts, and winners will be drawn at midnight May 2nd. This is also when the official entry threads will be posted on each designer's blog, so make sure to wait to link your layouts until next Saturday!

April is going to be hosting a challenge on using Maya Mist. And you know that girl knows how to rock her mist.

I am hosting a stitching challenge. Simply hand stitch somewhere on your layout to be entered into this challenge.

Emily is hosting a self-portrait challenge.

Jenn is posting a fabric challenge. Use fabric as a base for your layout.

Joy is doing a cutesie challenge. Break out those cutesy papers and embellies and get to work!

is doing an ad inspiration challenge.

Kirsty is

Maggie is going to be posting an inspiration challenge.

Nik is going to be doing a graph/ledger challenge.

Nic is going to be doing a patterned paper challenge. You must use at least 3 different patterns on your layout. This is in honor of Cate and her clothing choices lately, lol! (I have the same problem, Nic)

Scarlet is doing a "makeover your space" challenge.

Stephanie is doing a "old with the new" challenge, mixing older scrapbook supplies, vintage items, etc., with new product on your layout.

Tina A is doing a music challenge. Whether it's using your favorite song lyrics, a title of a song, or what's been playing on your Ipod, incorporate music in your layout.

Tina C
is doing an "embrace that white space" challenge.

(I'll update with links to the designer's blog as soon as their challenge is posted).

How does this sound?!!!

Be sure to check back later in the week for more details on additional prizes that can be won on NSD, including that 6 month subscription.

Have a great Saturday! Davinie

ETA: Saavy girls who incorporate more than one challenge in their layout deserve more than one shot to win! Be sure to link it to each designer's blog! :)


  1. i'm sooo excited...can't wait to start!!

  2. Great ideas - sounds like so much fun! Kristin

  3. this sounds fabulous! can't wait to play!

  4. Sounds FABULOUS! Kim K and I were just talking today about who was hosting the best fun for NSD and where we should play along! You know we'll be hanging together for the whole day so we'll be playing for sure!

  5. Oh! This sounds fabulous! Looking forward to it :o)

  6. Oh this sounds like so much fun! I`m totally in!! I just got my first SC kit and love it! This series of challenges will give me tons of inspiration to use my amazing new kit and add ons!

  7. FAB challenges!! I am sooo gonna get scrappy now - but i have one question: is it necessary to use one of your kits or can we use any paper?

  8. I am so into this...I hope to get past Monday and join in on the fun here.

  9. Awesome! I need a major kick in the pants and this is perfect. Lots of fun challenges that will keep me busy even long after NSD and this party is over. ;)

  10. Sounds awesome! We will be able to post the same lo for more than 1 challenge, right?

  11. This sounds like so much fun! Do we have to use Studio Calico kits to make the layouts though?

  12. Same question here ... do we have to use Studio Calico kits to enter a challenge?

  13. No you don't, ladies! Studio Calico kits are not required. :)

  14. got my list set... now to get those pictures printed! hope that i can get a few of these done :)

  15. Love these challenges! Off to work on some . . .

  16. I hope to try to play along with a couple of them!!

  17. Wow Dav, thanks for posting them all I was in the beginning of doing some serious blog hopping...you just saved me some serious time!

  18. Okay, so this is probably a lame question, but I'm not a SC subscriber (yet). Can I still participate in the challenges using product I have - or is it just SC kits? I'm trying to save up so I can join! LOVE your kits!!

  19. Ditto what Sarah said! I don't have any SC kits... yet!!! Can I play, too? With contraband?

    Love your blog, the great ideas, and your design team!!!

  20. Cool...they all sound fab..wish i'd found it a bit sooner though as i dont know if i can pull this off before midnight tonight...look forward to seeing what you girls create :)

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. What a great site! My friend, Susan Gray (craftysuz) just invited me to join. I look forward to being part of Studio Calico.

    Lori Neikirk
