May 12, 2009

Sneak Night Giveaway!!!

A special thanks to Elle's Studio for this fabulous prize pack!

To enter to win, simply comment on this post and let us know what you have planned for this summer.


  1. my plans will be going to the beach with my family - our first trip since my mom passed away

  2. studying for GMATs and working hard on a big fundraiser that takes place the end of september!

  3. Work, work and more work! Summer is unfortunately my busy season at work.

  4. I love Elle's Studio!! My plans are to move to housing on base, go to the beach and of course enjoy my husband when he gets home from deployment in July!!!!

  5. Haven't decided when but we'll be going to the beach.

  6. We're just heading home to visit the family, which we haven't done in the summer in quite a while.

  7. Relay for Life, moving my daughter, playing with my pug...

  8. Summer plans: day camps for the kids, lots of time at the pool (praying for not too much rain this summer!), and a family reunion in Aug.

  9. relax and do some swimming at the neighborhood pool. Vacartion to SD in August.


  10. We'll go on small day trips to pick fruit, take lots of pictures and scrap away. Also have a big birthday party to play. . . 4 years old and Tinkerbell everywhere. So I need to get started on the invitations and party favors. I usually go with a theme like Princesses have tea parties, Hawaiian monkeys have Hawaiian food of course. . . don't think they'd like nuts and berries for the fairies this time around.

  11. Spend lots and lots of weekends at the Lake house and take one family vacation to Lake Michigan! Is summer here yet????

  12. Summer plans are to work fixing up our house. Minor repairs here and there. I know it doesn't sound like fun at all.

  13. We are headed for Alaska this June with friends. We will be taking a land cruise and following will be seven days aboard the cruise ship.

  14. we plan on spending lots of time at the pool and going fishing. I just want to slow down a bit and enjoy time w/ friends and family.

  15. move my family two states away. . . with a smile on my face (to hide the tears) - but as long as we're together - it's all good :)

  16. Defend my dissertation!! it will be so good to get to the end of 6 years of research.
    after that, I'll be going to a convention in Indianapolis with my husband. a nice weekend getaway!

  17. Well,since it is already in the 100's here I think we will be just trying to keep cool :)

  18. We are closing on a condo at the end of May and will be moving and getting settle this summer!

  19. spending precious time with my 10-month old daughter and husband before I go back to teaching this fall.

  20. Well, we will both be working this summer, but that's okay...we will have fun in between!

  21. Going to the beach, CKC, a Deeper Still Christian Women's conference, and hopefully scrapping lots!

  22. It's sure we are going to lake Balaton, and we would like to renovate our house. but that's all I know about my summer now:)

  23. We don't have any set plans for a vacation or anything, but we are looking forward to our new home (we are just in) and developing the property...especially around the little stream that runs through it.

  24. at the end of the summer I will be heading off to WA to visit family and some fun.

  25. Camping and a roadtrip to visit my Father in law before he heads back to Iraq for a year. :)

  26. Summer plans - have my baby! He's due July 12th. =)

  27. I just plan on lounging by our pool. I'm hoping though we get to a beach soon!

  28. I will have to be at work for most of the summer...but I will get to escape for a bit when we go to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico at the end of June!!

  29. We are moving to our "new" 90 yr old house, trying to get some fishing in, and I GET TO UNPACK my scraps after 6 mos in storage!

  30. nOT much in the way of summer plans because I am saving for a trip to the Big Apple in that will be my "summer" trip this year! I am planning a Chicago getaway sometime soon!

  31. How cute is that stuff??
    I look forward to not having to stick to a tight schedule : ) I just want to kickback and relax with my kids...and scrap a bunch, of course ; )

  32. Summer Plans??? I live on a ranch, and it is just plain CRAZY during the summer!!!! We just started lambing, and we will calve later in the month, then irrigating starts... It's one thing after another!
    And, I take our meat and eggs to Farmers Markets each weekend.. sometimes midweek too! Just depends on how life is around here...
    But, I have to admit, the summers are the most gorgeous time of the year ... LOVE it!
    So, to wrap this mini novella up...
    Staying 'home on the ranch' and working our tail feathers off!!!

  33. summer plans... just to lay back and relax! Enjoy the sunny days and play with my little rug rats.

  34. My 11 year old DD's robotics team has been asked to represent the USA in Austria, so I'll be going with her to Graz for RoboCup 2009! Lots of photos will be taken, I'm sure. I've never been to Europe.

  35. Basically camping, camping, camping, motorcycle rides, motorcycle rides, motorcycle rides... just hoping the weather will be fabulous this summer. ;o)

  36. I'm going back to school this summer to get a master's in education. I'll be taking 4 classes. Hopefully, I'll be able to squeeze a vacation in.

  37. I wish I could say I was going somewhere exotic on a trip, but instead I am doing summer school and then my hubby and I will spend time learning about the town we moved to 9 months ago!! Nothing like learning to enjoy what you already have!!

  38. Going to tball games and enjoying time with my boys!

  39. I don't have big plans for the summer, but I am excited about that! I just want to relax! :)

  40. My plans are to hang out with my "growing up too fast" boys, scrap and be lazy. =)

  41. Disney, reading, teaching, swimming, gardening...hanging out with my family!

  42. we're going to NYC for one whole week. my husband's cousin is getting married and we're making a vacation out of it.

  43. I'll be spending loads of special time with my baby girl who will be living in Turkey next year (not sure where yet) as a foreign exchange student.

  44. Going to the north of Spain: green fields, beach, good food...

  45. My summer plans include a LOT of summer school...last semester! =D

  46. We are heading to the beach the first week of June, then planning to spend weekends hanging out by the pool!

  47. Oh I love Elle's!!!! We are making our annual trek to the beach again this summer from land-locked Alberta to the shores of Vancouver Island!! I cannot wait!

  48. My summer plans include lots of family time. We actually have already started them :-) Ft Meyer Beach now, Disney next week :-) I am leaving for PA school in July and i need to soak up as much time with the fam as i can (and scrapping the memories too).

  49. I can't wait for July to roll around because my husband, inlaws and friends are going on a two week motorcycle trip up the west coast all the way to Canada! I'm super excited! Last summer we rode all the way up to Niagara Falls from South Carolina and drove back down the east coast!

  50. I just got layed off because our magazine went out of business.
    So....besides looking for another job, I plan to create all summer!

  51. I'm at school all summer ! There are always lots of things to learn :)
    I would love to win those goodies !

  52. This summer? Headed to the South Carolina beach with my girls and my sister's family. Should be lots of fun!

  53. My daughter will be taking her first swimming lessons this summer. I'm not worried at all about safety -- I hope *I* survive!

  54. My summer plans bill be going to the beach with my family, playing with my pug!!

  55. This is a big summer for me!
    - A week at the lake
    - Hopefully heading to Minneapolis and Chicago either at the start or end of summer
    - Taking the steps towards opening my own scrap store!!

  56. Making a trip to Florida hopefully and just enjoying the warm weather finally! :)

  57. Considering I'll be off work 6 months when I go back in July I suspect my summer will be Work Work WORK. I took advantage of my time off (new knee) recuperating by attending NSD in Rockwall, Texas and I will go to GASC Arlington early June. THEN... I'm going to TenSeconds Studio for a certification class with Cheryl Darrow and a workshop with the Tim Holtz the latter of June.
    Thanks for the giveaway, ms.cheryl

  58. Hope to make a weekend trip to the North Ga Mountains...wish we could stay longer than a weekend!

  59. summertime plans....we have decided to take a LATE vacation to Disney this our summer will be spent keeping the kids minds off the fact that we are not going on a summer vacation....lots of treasure hunts around our town....they love that!

  60. I LOVE Elle's Studio! YAY! Gosh, I hope to see more of her stuff all over the place. *hint hint* Just love it. :)

  61. Summer for me is summer school unfortunately! Once that's over, I'll be hanging out with friends and family and enjoying the sunshine :)

  62. going to enjoy quality time with the kids! i work at a school, so i have 5 weeks off - woo hoo! ALSO - looking forwards to a girls only scrapbook getaway in august!

  63. We will be going to France during our vacation, visting my parents and going to the south to the beach :)

  64. we are working on renovating our patio... hope to spend some QT out back!

  65. We're taking a trip with our three kids to DC and then on to Va Beach. Im looking forward to it, we lived down there for 5 years and our oldest two kids were both born in Virginia so it's like going back to our roots! :) Can't wait for sneaks!

  66. I am so hoping to be able to go on a family vacation. Take some time off work and spend quality family time together, and of course scrap too! I love Elle's stuff!

  67. my plans : join my sweet cousin Raquel in Spain, and spend a lot of very nice time with her and her family !

  68. I hope to simply have a summer of nothing really special, but have a lot of fun w/ the kids. Swimming, the library, our backyard, and hanging w/ good friends and family.


  69. Great items. Spend as much time as possible with family.

  70. This summer we are going to be total dorks and go to the Star Wars Fan Day down in Dallas. Hehe. :)

  71. We will escape from the Florida heat by traveling to Tennessee and North Carolina to see family

  72. My plans for this summer ?? Renovating my old bathroom... it's urgent lol.

  73. Mostly relax, hang out with the kids at the pool, do a little gardening, visit my inlaws in Austin and hopefully a triathlon. Thanks for the chance to win!

  74. Our projects of this summer????
    Camping, barbecue, beach games with the children!
    Etc. etc etc

  75. Summer vacation will officially start June 5th, when my son will graduate from Kindergarten (I still can't believe he's in school!). From there, it's off to see Grandmom and Grandpop in Florida. My husband and his sister just reconnected after 10 years. He has a niece that he's never met and they live about 80 miles from Grandmom and Grandpop. So we'll visit with them as well. The mouse house, Tampa Bay vs. Phillies, Atlanta vs. Phillies. Mom-mom's birthday, 4th of July, more baseball games, and that's only 1/2 the summer?....whew! I'm tired already just thinking about it.

  76. We live in Croatia and my husband's sister and brother (with their families) are coming to visit us from Canada!

  77. I plan on working around the house,spending lots of time outside, with the pool, BBQ cooking, volley ball... I have my work at home, and I don't have any vacation..(my work is 24/7...)so it will be a stay at home summer for me!!
    Thanks for the chance to win!!

  78. I am SO ready for summer! We have a senior graduating from high school so we'll be able to relax during the transition between high school and college. Also, I am enrolled in my Master's program and this summer I'll have a break from classes as well. Time to relax!

  79. Hanging around the pool on the weekends, and hopefully heading to Monterey late in the summer when its stifling hot here!!

  80. Relay for life, soccer, tupperware party and work in the yard/garden.

  81. finally get out the camping gear!!!

  82. Work work work! ...but I'll try to convince my dear boyfriend into making me pregnant to. That's a good plan for summer, right!? :)

  83. My plans are to enjoy time with my girls at home and the lake and work in our garden. Hopefully fit some much needed scrapbook time in as well!

  84. Enjoying some time with my sister and her family, who will be visiting here from Canada for 3 weeks!

  85. This summer we are going on a five day caching break but no big holiday as my son is going on an Air Training Corp camp for 11 days which is when we would normally go away. we live on a holiday island so there's no shortage of things to do at home (so long as we have good weather).

  86. We will go to the mediterranean shore in Spain for a week. Good beaches, good food, great weather and nothing to do but relax

  87. this and that. The pool, the beach, and CKC!!

  88. I'm going on a mission trip to China, my DH is going to Africa. Hopefully some camping with our boys and a road trip to North and South Dakota. Plus visits to see their NaNa, vacation Bible School, boys camp, etc.

  89. Installing a 24 foot above ground pool and driving to Calgary/Banff and Drumheller...Canada's badlands.

  90. Driving kids to camps, teaching crafts at VBS, visiting some pools, picnics in the park, and traveling to Mississippi to see family!

  91. We're off on our first holiday abroad with our 3 littlies.

  92. Doing anything!!! =) this is my favorite plan for summer!

  93. I LOVE Elle's Studio products! And I cannot wait to see the sneak--so exciting!

  94. I am teaching two summer school classes and going to Yosemite with my family. and I'll be scrapbooking up a storm!

  95. Nothing planned holiday wise yet although fingers crossed for a cruise later in the year...
    PS I love Elles studio stuff X

  96. I am going to be working and hopefully doing a few mini getaways this summer...nothing major

  97. This summer includes a trip home to see the fam. I can't wait. Love Elle's Studio, thanks for the chance to win some yummy stuff!

  98. making it special for my kids even though ill be working and funds are low! summer is non-stop weekends of FUN STUFF!!

  99. WoW! I just found out about your blog a few weeks ago and I can't stop drooling over everything ;)
    My summer plans include my 5yo's T-ball, swimming lessons, beach, etc. typical family time stuff!
    My own summer plans are to take scrappy and knitting classes every week :)
    Thank you :*)

  100. I will be spending lots of time outside with my wonderful husband and 2 grandsons! We will also be taking them to the beach!!!!! YAY...playing in the garden too!!!

  101. A two week trip out East with my folks and my boys!!

  102. My plans for summer are to keep my kiddos busy and having fun! It makes summer go by so much faster! I think we will make ice cream, play in the sprinklers, and hopefully they will all learn how to swim. Ok not the 10 month old but everyone else!

  103. My family & I are plannning a road trip to CA during the beginning of July. We hope to get to Oceanside, CA by 4th of July for a mini-family reunion for my DH's side of the family.

  104. We're planning a couple "staycations" and doing lots of fun local activities with my extended family!

  105. Hopefully getting a new job and a mission trip to Chicago!

  106. Job Hunting is my summer plan, but I also plan on not stressing by spending lots of time in the sunshine at the beach- i'm lucky to live 2 hours away. First trip, next week to Hilton Head!

  107. Work, swim team, work, study, swim team, in-laws, work, repeat...I love Elle's Studio. Thanks for the opportunity.

  108. My plans are to finish unpacking and getting settled in our new house, to work, to attend a few minor league baseball games and other activities in town, and hopefully to do a lot of scrapbooking!

  109. Work, visit my grandparents and meet the whole family, finish the house remodeling and hopefully get pregnant... but that's the only thing I can't control, unfortunately! ;)

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  110. We're going on our annual trek to the Outer Banks! Can't wait! Also making a trip home to Iowa to see family. Really hoping to catch up on scrapping, plus keeping the kiddies entertained! Terrific giveaway!!

  111. Work & school...but I hope to get to visit my hometown during the summer too! :)

  112. Fix up my house, paint mostly. Play with my boys and enjoy 2 weeks vacation (mostly painting the house interior). Go to the beach. Love the summer.

  113. I'm going to Mallorca for two weeks in July!! And lots of swimming pool in August...

  114. Job hunting and garden work - trying to make some changes in the yard!

  115. Our plans are to go to Kauai in less than 2 weeks, spend the summer at our cabin and swim, fish and hike as much as possible!

  116. looking most forward to my sister's wedding this summer!

    great giveaway by the way!

  117. This year we plan to go to Washington DC and New York. We have a jam packed week. I can't wait...

  118. my plans for the summer are to scrapbook a lot more :)

  119. More than there will realistically be time to accomplish!!! Seriously! Especially since we will be on vacation for a week and on my family's farm for a month.
    Great give away! Thanks!

  120. We're going to Ft. Meyers Beach in July.... and I CAN'T WAIT!!!

  121. We're taking our daughter to Chicago for her "five-year old" vacation with just mom and dad...but son gets to go to a fun camp out of state while we go--so he won't suffer!

    Other than that-baseball, splash park and zoo trips, and just enjoying the summer.

  122. Totally love Elle's Studio! Plans to kick back with the kids, relax from our busy schedules and create! Mix in a family trip to the Canadian rockies. Can't wait!

  123. I plan on spending time with my children AND I am going back to school after completing my BA twenty-one years ago!

  124. Relaxing with the kiddos, visiting friends and family, and hopefully finding time to scrap :)

  125. We plan on taking a trip to the Niagara Falls. Can't wait!

  126. waouh super beau!!!!!!!!!!!

    our projects with the children :barbecue, farniente, swiming pool, beach......

  127. pretty stuff!! I'm headed to Girl's Camp for a week this summer, a week in the mountains for a family reunion in Montana and a little surprise trip (hoping to schedule a whitewater rafting trip) for our 18th anniversary. Busy, busy, busy!

  128. What a treat -- love the images from Elle's site!

    This summer, I'll be going to my nephew's wedding and taking a trip to California at the end of the summer--we mix pleasure with my husband's doctor's visit to San Francisco.... And we'll be clearing out my mother's home -- she passed away last summer, and we're finalizing her estate this's been a strange year....

  129. i hope to run a triathalon to raise money for cancer charity. i did it last year and it was such a rewarding experience - what a thrill!

  130. Enjoying time with my kids, going home to visit family and hopefully a vacation in there somewhere.

  131. Unfortunately, nothing special is planned yet. Hopefully, something will be planned soon! LOL

  132. Can you really "plan" on being a complete slacker for the entire summer? Lots of reading,kids,sun and more...

  133. I can't wait to see what you have planned for sneak night. YUMMY prize!

  134. My plans are to decorate and organize my future new scraproom. Our house is being extended and I will have a room dedicated to scrapbooking at the end of June

    The "Elle's studio Goodies" are fabulous !


  135. I love Elle's Studio, it would be nice to get it for free for once. This summer....just enjoy it. In MN it goes by way too fast.

  136. Teaching Summer School, spending time with me kids outside and cherishing every moment with them and my husband!

  137. Relaxing outside with my kids - splashing in the kiddie pool, swinging on the swings, making mud pies, and grilling on the grill! Can't think of anything better! A week at the beach is always on the agenda too!

  138. very easy...just having fun with my DH and childrens...and we go to scotland, hope i 'll take a lot of pictures!

  139. Oldest daughter moving back to this area after living 12 years on the East Coast so planning on spending some quality time with her and her husband.

  140. This summer I will be going back "home" to see my family...My brother should be back from Iraq then. Can't wait!

  141. simplify my life. trips to the pool. work. create. relax. enjoy family and friends. ahhhhhhh. summer. love elle's studio!!! thank you so much for the giveaway!

  142. Our summer will be spent trying to keep the three children busy and out of trouble!!

  143. Planning on lots of scrapping and a great family reunion for my grandmother's 95th birthday!!!

  144. going to NYC with my husband and son! i can't wait for all the things to scrapbook!

  145. Cassie KasprowiczMay 12, 2009 at 3:43 PM

    what is vacation? i will work and hope to spend some of my weekends scrapbooking! Thanks for rubbing it in!! Just joking!

  146. A couple road trips, lots of camping, kayaking, swimming, and of course as much scrapbooking as I can fit in!

  147. I'm looking forward to a fantastic scrap week with my girlfriends in Orlando!

  148. Not much for this summer. I like to try to take the kids out to parks and stuff just to get out of the house, but no major plans yet.

  149. Pues yo ya tengo reservado un hotel durante nueve días en la Costa del Sol, playita, piscina y descanso.

  150. Trying to keep the kids busy will be my first priority, but I really hope we can put together a small family vacation.

  151. Teaching my 5 & 2 year old to fish, Eating my weight in freezies, Growing my own organic vegetable garden, Camping with LOTS of Family, and creating many memories to scrap.

  152. This summer we are visiting the area were my great grandfather, his father and grandfather were born, I have read alot about the area since I have been doing my family tree, This summer i get to go there.

  153. I am going to Creating keepsakes university in nashville, tennessee where i live , to st louis for my grandson's 2nd birthday in july, 09 and to creative escape in august in phoenix, arizona. fay

  154. I am so excited to be going on vacation with my husband in June!

  155. Just to try to keep five children entertained, I don't think we will be going away this year but I have quite a few days out planned.

  156. Hi we are going to europe in dec looking forward to it so much .Have not heard of ellies but love the free stuff .

  157. I'm hoping to spend as much time with my boys as possible this summer. Hopefully at the pool or beach:)

  158. Oh, the Elle's Studio goodies look lovely! This summer I will be continuing teaching classes at the gym, taking my girls to softball, tennis, summer school & swim lessons. Also hope to get some fun stuff worked in like a trip to the zoo, a Brewer game, maybe a water park or amusement park, a few festivals. We also have 3 summer birtdays in our house, so we are usually pretty busy during the summer!

  159. I plan on spending more time outdoors with my family.

  160. what an awesome prize pack. For once we're going to be staying in Alaska all summer. My brother, my mum and my nephews and nieces are coming. We'll definitely be salmon fishing, maybe some white water rafting, lots of hikes and camping too

  161. We're going to Mauritius in July and I'll be visiting my mum in Holland in August. Hoping for some sunshine this Summer.

  162. Summer is always the same for me. Fight with weeds and float on a raft scaring the neighbors with my body-clad swimsuit. I love it. :o)

  163. My plans are to RELAX!! I am hoping to go on a vacation, but just some time off will be nice!

  164. Elle's Studio things are so yummy gorgeous!! I love them and would love to win some!! I plan on visiting my dd and other family members this coming summer!!

  165. Swim,spend time with family,bbq,go on picnics and hopefully just have alot of fun.

  166. We'll be spending a lot of time at lake tahoe, boating, hiking and biking, reading a lot of good books..

  167. I'm coming to the US to work on a camp for under priviledged kids!!

  168. This summer I will be raising a garden, planning for knee replacement surgery (ugh!) and hopefully doing lots of scrapbooking!! Darlene

  169. I plan on working on my children's homeschool, portfolio/scrapbooks. I am ONLY 2 years behind! I plan on starting at a workshop this Saturday!

  170. This comment has been removed by the author.

  171. This summer I am planning on spending some time at the beach with the kids, making a conscious effort to eat healthier and exercise and hopefully LOTS and LOTS of scrapbooking!!!!!!! Woo Hoo!! I LOVE summer : D

  172. working on keeping the kids unplugged. Between the computer, Wii, TV, Xbox and texting on the cell phone....

  173. I plan on staying cool and taking it easy. Great giveaway...thanks for the chance to win.

  174. you gals are way too kind...since me and my hubby have been married(nearly 4 years) we have never had any ALONE time so we are going to a in law and child free holiday and i cant wait

  175. Disney World + San Antonio + Lots of Scrapbooking = Great Fun!

  176. I live in Australia so our summer is a little way off, but what I will be doing this upcoming summer is moving into our new house!! which hasn't been built yet ;) + we plan to go to the beach and just chill.

    I love the giveaway, Elle's Studio products are just the best :)

  177. We are going to go to a cottage with two other families (third year in a row) and the kids have some weeks of camp lined up. Oldest DS may go to France with his Nana.

  178. Our summer holidays comes next July. Just wonderful days with family in a campsite in France!! Castles in the Loire region are waiting for us, ho, ho , ho!!!!

  179. My husband, son, and I plan to go to Florida to visit my mother-in-law. It should be fun.

  180. my plans are to spend time at the lake...and with my daughter... create and read a ton....

  181. Summer? I'm a full time nurse in a hospital, I will be working...

    But I'll be on vacation on Sep and I'm planning a trip, anywhere!!!

  182. Going to the beach, soaking up some sun at the pool, playing in my garden, and lighting up the grill...yum! Also going to take lots of pics to scrap! :)

  183. our two oldest boys have swim team all summer ... planning a "staycation" at a local resort later in the summer. and HELLO! scrappy time is on the calendar and well overdue!

  184. This summer we'll be having lots of family celebrations. My extended family is having Christmas on June 28th, since we couldn't all get together in December. Looking forward to spending time with loved ones!

  185. Summer plans - beach and sun with family. That is the best. Well and good cook outs! I hope everyone has a spectacular summer.

  186. I plan on getting all the "excess" cleaned out of the house (simplify, simplify, simplify), and getting my soon to be scrap room finished! YIPPEE!

  187. Beautiful and colorful mix for summer scrapbooking!
    We are planning on a trip to the Outerbanks, lots of time at the pool, tennis and cycling this summer! ♥ Sixnia

  188. Going "home" for 3 weeks to see all family and friends .... plus a wonderful wedding ... plus my first child-free overnight B&B stay since our son was born!

  189. I plan on taking a mini vacation in July to Chicago to see my grandparents and then off to Savannah, GA in August for a week...I LOVE Savannah!

  190. Lots of visiting with family! My little bro and sis will be staying with me for a few weeks, we will be having a Fourth of July celebration at our fam cabin in Montana, and maybe a little trip for just me and the hubby! Really looking forward to sneaking a peak at your new collection!

  191. well seeing as summer has just finished for us and winter is now here with avengence...i dont have any plans as yet for next summer. If i was to make plans it would be to spend more time with my children and get lots of summer photos

    Cheers from down Under

  192. We are opening a daycare in our almost remodeled garage. Fun plans, huh? ;)

  193. I am going to scrap, scrap, scrap!!! I have several trips with my best friend planned...all of which revolve around scrapping. My eight year old son will go to camp for three weeks, my 15 month old will go to mother's day out and I will be putting all of these beautiful Studio Calico things to work!! At the end of the summer, my husband and I will enjoy a week-long anniversary trip to California for a wedding, wine tastings and a taste of Big Sur!

  194. We're growing our first garden and heading to Hawaii :)

  195. hopefully this summer will have some fun thrown in with all the work i'll be doing. right now my main focus is to work extra shifts so i can save the $$$ for our trip to Vegas (to see U2 in concert and visit old friends of mine) in the fall. i'm hoping we'll have at least one opportunity to go to San Francisco, and of course the more mundane (but beautiful) moments dipping our toes in the river.

    i'm in love with this Elle's stuff. thanks for the chance :-)

  196. hmm i dont have much planned for this summer, a few friend visits and concerts, LOTS of baseball games...FUN!
