June 28, 2009

Photography Week Final Installment

Thanks for joining us this week! I hope that you had fun and learned some helpful techniques that you can use in your photography!

We wanted to finish off the week with a bang so I am giving away a spot in my next Online Photography Workshop!

I just finished teaching my second one and I have to agree with the students when they say that it goes by too quickly! (It seems like that is the story of my life lately though! :) ) I always have so much fun teaching these fantastic students and the best part is seeing how much progress they make throughout the course! It is awesome!

Here's what some of my students are saying. (Watch for a new testimonials section on my workshop blog coming soon!)

"I just opened my mailbox and there was our last lesson. I am feeling so ambivalent about opening it. I am excited to see what new you have to teach us but I am sad its the last lesson already. I just want to say (and I know this sentiment has already been expressed by many) that I wish this were not over and that I thank you from the bottom of my heart for so freely sharing not only the cogent basic instructions but also the the tips that short-cut a lot of the learning curve and get us loving our cameras - and not being intimidated by them. You could have been proprietary about the knowledge you acquired through your own study and hard work, but you are just the opposite.

I have such a long way to go to rough tune and gradually fine tune my photos but already I am reaping such pleasing rewards that it spurs me to keep taking, keep improving. Almost all of my shots are already such an improvement over those immediately pre-course. Really, I just can't express how grateful I am for this course, your style of teaching and your gentle, encouraging style of critique!

I am so sad this course is almost over. If you do plan additional courses in the future, I am pretty sure you will have a large audience among former students - me included.

Thanks Maggie."

Carol B


"Let me just say I see a major difference in my pictures as far as exposure and lighting goes. I had the composition down, but needed/still need help with my exposure and knowing what to do in different light situations. Today, I took the kids to the pool and was able to get some bright happy photos without being overexposed and even was able to catch my son jumping mid-air into the pool with no motion blur. I've really enjoyed working in manual and am happy/relieved to find that its not as intimidating as I thought. Thanks so much Maggie for the great guidance, and all you participants that post your work so I can learn from it. Looking forward to these last few lessons! Have a great week everyone!"

Barbara roberts


"This is so much fun! I absolutley can not believe after 4 weeks I am shooting in manual and loving what I see! You are amazing Maggie!!!"

Adrienne Banaszynski

To enter the drawing for a free spot in my next class, all you have to do is leave a comment here. I will be draw a winner Monday July 8th so you have plenty of time to enter.... one entry per person please. The next class is getting quite full but there are a few spots left if you are interested in getting in. I will be doing one more workshop later this year and more next year, so if you don't get in, you can get in to one of the next ones. You can find all of the details and updates about my online workshop here.


  1. WHat a fantastic opportunity! I would love a chance to learn with you.

  2. This is such a great giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity! :)

  3. I'd LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to win a spot! Thanks for the chance!

  4. That will be really wonderful. Thanks for the chance!

  5. Thanks for the photo tips all week! I would love a spot in your class!!!

  6. What a fantastic chance thanks maggie

  7. WOOO! I'd love to win that spot! I seriously need photography help!

  8. I wish, I wish, I wish!
    I would really LOVE this and am crossing everything I can!

  9. I would LOVE to to win a spot!!!

  10. How sweet of you to offer this! And I would certainly love to win it. :)

  11. I would love to win a spot in the class!!! Thanks for offering such a great prize!

  12. Wow! What a sa-weet giveaway! I'd LOVE to be in the drawing!

  13. Awesome giveaway! I have been eyeing your class for a while!

  14. Wow.. .What a generous opportunity! Thanks for the chance. : )

  15. WOW! This is an AMAZING opportunity. Thanks for the chance to win! Lynn :)

  16. Wow! I would LOVE to win a spot in your class :) Thanks for the opportunity!

  17. Wow! It would top off my Summer, that's for sure!!! Thanks for the chance! I have really enjoyed reading the blog this week! Thanks for all the tips : )

  18. That spot would be sweet. I've been following your tutorials and they're awesome. Thanks for the opportunity.

  19. This is GREAT! I love your photograpy. Thank you for this chance

  20. That would be so fun! I want to win!

  21. hoping to get in on one of the workshops before they're over!

  22. What a fantastic thing to "gift out". So sweet, and of course I would love to join in. Thanks for offering the chance.

  23. I would LOVE a spot in your class -- and could really use it, too! Thanks for the chance!

  24. Oh, I'd love to win a spot in one of your classes. :D

  25. Oh, I would love a spot in your class.

  26. Wow! Would love to win this one!

  27. I would love to be the winner! Thanks for your generosity!

  28. I can't begin to tell you how much I'd love to win this giveaway!

  29. What an opportunity of a lifetime. I have been wanting to take photography classes since I was 12. But the opportunity just never presented itself. I've been wanting to take your class. Thank you for the chance to win.

  30. OMG - I would SOO totally love to win a spot in your class!!! I would love to learn from you! Thank you so much for the chance!

  31. My camera is my favorite tool for recording my family's daily lives and special events, and I would love the opportunity to win a class with you to increase my skills for me and my family.

  32. I would love to win a spot in your class. I recently lost my job and don't have the money to take photography classes. Please pick me!

  33. Thank you so much for the opportunity. This workshop will come at a great time for me as I have been looking for such a class but am short on money right now. Thanks.

  34. I'd love to be in your class Maggie!

  35. I adore Maggie's photography and would be so thrilled for a chance to learn from her. Thanks for a chance to win this amazing giveaway.

  36. This would be so fun to win! Thanks for the chance.

  37. Thaks for all the input this week Maggie and Tina. I'd love to enter the drawing for a place on one of your classes. Thankyou for the chance to enter. Your photos are amazing.

  38. Wow! I'd love a chance to participate. Thanks so much!

  39. Thanks for all your tips! I would love to get into your class!

  40. I would love the opportunity to take your class! Thanks for giving us a chance!

  41. I would love for you to teach me something i am an auto shooter with my XTi.. i would love to learn manual!!

  42. Oh so excited for an opportunity to win a spot in your class.

  43. what a very sweet giveaway, I would love to win a spot!!! :)

  44. Wow - what an awesome prize you are offering!! I hope I am lucky today!!

  45. this is great - thanks for chance to win a spot in your class!

  46. Would love a chance to win :) Thanks!

  47. Thanks for all the photography tips and for the great giveaway!

  48. I would LOVE to have a spot in that class!!!

  49. i could so use this workshop-- i do not make full use of my camera's potential and i would love to know my way around in manual setting! thanks for the generous giveaway :)

  50. Thakns for the chance to win a spot on your workshop, i'd really love to be picked!!!

  51. oh i would love a chance to learn photog from you!

  52. WOW! this would be awesome! Thanks for the opportunity!

  53. ummmm.... YES PLEASE!!!

    i have always wanted to take one of your classes maggie! I am tight in money and i saw you just got your actions done for PSE for mac !!!! i hope i can get them with my next bonus check eeeeeeeeee*
    i would love to win this spot!!!!!!!

  54. what a fantastic prize to be won!! thanks for the chance...

  55. Thank you for all your photog tips! I would love to get picked 4 your next workshop!

  56. What an awesome giveaway!! I've been eyeing your classes for awhile now & would love to win a spot.

  57. How amazing would it be to win a spot in your class?!! I've so enjoyed your tips. Thanks for the opportunity!

  58. I need to know what to do when shooting in manual. This would be just the push I need to take the plunge. Thanks for an awesome giveaway!

  59. Thanks for the great opportunity, Maggie! I would SO love this! :)

  60. This is just what I need....some help with my photography! jaura j

  61. I've been working hard on my pictures! I'd love to take this class!

  62. What an awesome giveaway! I would love the opportunity to learn from you!! I love your photography!!

  63. what a generous giveaway, maggie! you are awesome!! i would LOVE an opportunity to learn ANYTHING at all from you! :)

  64. great giveaway - i'm crossing my fingers!!!

  65. I'd love a chance to win a spot in your class! Thanks Maggie!

  66. Wow - I would love the chance to be in your class and see if after 4 weeks I felt great shooting in manual like those testimonials stated. That would be a miracle. Thanks for the opportunity.

  67. I REALLY need this class and would LOVE to win!!

  68. Oh, that would be a dream come true to enter your class!!!
    I would loooove to win :o)

  69. Wow, that would be awesome, I have enjoyed reading your photography blog entries.

  70. What an awesome prize. Thanks for the oppotunity! I only just recently got a DSLR and would love to learn more about it!

  71. I would love to learn to take better pictures

  72. Thanks for the photography tips this week!

  73. I would love to win a spot. Thanks for being so generous.

  74. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!!!!

  75. Your tutorials have been really helpful. I would love to have a chance to learn more about photographic techniques with your online class! Thanks for such a great giveaway!

  76. Wow! Thanks for the chance to win a spot in your class!! Would totally love to win this...

  77. what a sweet prize :) you are awesome!

  78. Oh I would love to learn how to use my camera better! Maggie your photos are truly wonderful!!!

  79. What a great opportunity! I love your style and would be thrilled with a spot in the class!

  80. I've really been enjoying your tutorials and tips. I would so love to win a spot in your online class.


  81. I would love love love to have a spot in that class! Wow! What a fabulous giveaway! Thanks for the chance :)

  82. i would love the opporturnity to learn from somebody as talented as you. Thanks for the chance.

  83. wow that is really generous. things have been tight so this would be great!

  84. Oh I would love to win that spot! My pics look so dull. Thanks you for this chance!

  85. This would be great...I'd love to win!

  86. I've always wanted to take a photography class. Yours would be amazing!

  87. Your class sounds amazing. The biggest challenge I have with my scrapbooking is not having decent photos!

  88. I just got a DSLR and would love to learn to shoot manually! Thank you for the chance!

  89. I would love to learn about photography from you! Thanks for the opportunity!

  90. Please enter me in the giveaway!


  91. I love photograhpy, and can do with all the help I can get.

    Thanks for the chance to win

  92. I would absolutely love to win a spot in Maggie's class. It sounds amazing.

  93. I could use some help! Thanks for the chance. Now if I could just get a new camera....

  94. I'm still learning some of the basics on using my camera, and I can use all the tips and help I can get!

    Thanks so much for this wonderful opportunity!

  95. Please....please...please pick me!! I just bought a new camera and this would be awesome!!

  96. I love your photography and would love the chance at a class!

  97. oh my gosh...that would be a dream come true!! A spot in your class would be awesome!

  98. How very generous of you! Thanks for the opportunity to win a spot in your class. :)

  99. Great job this week on the blog! Thanks for all of the wonderful tips and the opportunity to win a spot in your class!

  100. I have loved your posts on the SC blog and would be very excited to win a spot in your upcoming class. Fingers crossed!

  101. what an amazing giveaway - would love to take your class.

  102. Maggie, I would love the opportunity to attend your class....it will be awesome for whomever you choose. lucky girl... thanks for the chance

  103. I would sooo love to take your class!

  104. This is fantastic! I would love to take your class. (And I'm already planning on saving up for the next time around if I don't win.) But I really want to win!

  105. Wow, what a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to enter!

  106. What an awesome giveaway! I would love to learn more about photography, it has always been one of my passions. Thank you!

  107. Awesome opportunity! Thanks! :o)

  108. Wow! What a fantanstic oportunity! If I happened to win this I would have to go find myself a DSLR camera!

  109. What a wonderful oppurtunity. I would love a spot in your next class. Thanks for this great giveaway!

  110. i would LOVE to sharpen my skills in one of your classes!!!

  111. If you can teach me to shoot in manual then you can make miracles happen...I believe in miracles!!!!!

  112. WOW! What a fantastic prize!!! An wonderful opportunity!

  113. Sounds so cool.Love the chance to win! I think I would need it!!!!

  114. Chris Wenzel Naperville, ILJune 28, 2009 at 11:02 PM

    Your installments this week have been awesome!!! Thanks!

  115. Thanks for the chance to win...what a great giveaway!

  116. A girl can only wish! (Crossing my fingers and toes too!) :)

  117. What a fabulous prize this would be! I would love to take part in this.

  118. Thanks for the great opportunity!

  119. It was a real pleasure viewing your work on your site. . . definitely can see it is a passion and gifting you have.

    I've recently been introduced to the DSLR world through scrapbooking and it is increasingly becoming a passion. Always looking for opportunities to pull snap a shot.

    Thank you so much for an opportunity to win one of your online classes. . . I'd be ecstatic to win!


  120. WOW! What an awesome workshop! thank you for the chance =)

  121. I would love to win a spot! I adore your work an i would love a chance to learn to make better pictures from you. Thanks a lot for this chance. Moon69

  122. Wow a photography class is exactly what I would need cause I'm not so good at taking photos...
    Thanks for the great giveaway anyway!!

  123. I've been thinkling about taking a photography workshop for a while now, but I can't afford it right now (poor student *lol*), so it would be AWESOME to win a spot in yours!!! Thanks for the chance anyway! :)

  124. I am SO camera challenged! I have a fabulous camera and well....I need your help. I would love a free class. Just what I need to get excited about our impending move and motivate me to use my camera rather than POINT and Shoot! PICK ME PLEASE!

  125. would love a spot in your workshop! thanks for the great tips this week!


  126. Thanks for all the great tips and for the great give away!

  127. I would LOVE a spot in your class!!

  128. Jessica R. (jmr0310)June 29, 2009 at 8:53 AM

    Wow what a great giveaway! I would be so excited to take this class! Thanks for the opportunity!

  129. Would love to win! Thanks for the giveaway...have admired your photography forever!

  130. i would love to attend your workshop. Thanks for the opportunity...my photography skills are seriously lacking despite having a fabulous camera! Fingers are crossed!!!!

  131. I too would LOVE to win a spot! Thanks for your generousity!

  132. I've admired your work for a loooonnnng time now, would love to learn how you do it!

  133. This is a class I have been really wanting to take. Thanks for the chance to win.

  134. Oh my goodness Maggie! What a great prize! Thanks for the chance!

  135. What an awesome opportunity this would be! I would be the happiest girl on earth if I got this chance!

  136. Thanks for the photo tutorials! I enjoyed it very much!! What a great opportunity... I would soooo love to win a spot in Maggie's class :-))

  137. This sounds like a great class! I hope I win! :-)

  138. I love learning more about photography and a class with you would be awesome!

  139. I'd love an opportunity to take a class with you!

  140. what a great giveaway! i have so much to learn about photography and i've such wonderful things about your class. crossing my fingers!!

  141. Thanks for the chance to win! I really want to improve my photography and I know I could learn a lot from your classes! Thanks for all the tips during photography week!

  142. I would love to win a spot in your photography class! I take many sports photo's (my son's baseball tournaments), and do run into issues with certain time of day, action shots, etc., and could certainly use some pointers. Thanks for a chance to win a spot!

  143. This is so cool.... would love love love to be a part of this class.. ok so my fingers will be crossed untill your drsw the winner (oh dear... cramp!!) ;)

    Hannah Brockett

  144. This is just what I need - I'm scared stiff of my camera at times.

  145. I'd love a chance to win a spot! Thank you for this great opportunity.

  146. Oh mu gosh, this opportunity would be an icing on the cake for me. I am very new to photography, got my first "BIG" girl camera and this would help me learn so much about photography and from the looks of it having you as a teacher and learning all the different techniques would make me so happy.

  147. What a super giveaway! Your blog rocks...just found it and I'm hooked!

  148. Thank you for such a generous giveaway! Maggie's photos are gorgeous!


  149. OH i would so love to win this spot
    I have lots to learn.

  150. WOW would love to win this!!!
    definatley could improve my photography skills! Thanks so much!
    Megan P

  151. Wow! Count me in!! :)

  152. Maggie, your photography is so inspirational and I would love to win a spot in your class! Thank you for the opportunity.

  153. How awesome! I hope I win, I have a Canon Rebel but don't know how to use it to it's full potential, oh pick me, pick me!

  154. Such a great giveaway...thanks for the chance to win! By the way, the photo tips this week are great, and although I am sure they are just the tip of the iceberg, they've helped so much already!

  155. I'd love a chance to win! Thanks for doing this!

  156. Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love to win a spot in your next class!

  157. Sounds like a great workshop! I'd love to be in on it!

  158. This is something I would love to learn - better photography. Thanks for the giveaway!

  159. This sounds like such a wonderful learning opportunity! Thanks for such a great giveaway.

  160. Oh, I would love a spot. Thanks for the opportunity!

  161. I really need to put my camera to use. Thanks for the chance!

  162. I can not possibly tell you how much I need to have this class. The only way at this time is that I win it, can't really afford it at this time.Wow the person who wins this will be soooooo lucky and learn so much. I like live breath photos when not working, but I need to learn more tecnigues to get best shots.

  163. Please, please, please pick me! I'd love a chance to take your class. Thank you for the giveaway!

  164. I would love a chance to learn from you. What a great opportunity. Thanks!

  165. That sounds like a good time and a lot of fun!

  166. I would love to learn to photograpgh my work better. I love my work with my eyes, then when it gets photographed, it looks less than lovely.

  167. Wow!!!! I love your photography and would love to take a class from you! Keeping my fingers crossed! :-)
    Amy in CA

  168. Sounds like a fabulous class --- one i can surely benefit from! Thank you for taking the time to give us each a few tips here on the SC blog.

  169. What a great giveaway! thanks for the chance!

  170. Would really love to win this one!

  171. I would love this! I have so much to learn.

  172. Fabulous giveaway, excited at the chance to win. I've often though my LOs would be better if I improved my photography skills so would be grateful for the opportunity if I'm lucky enough to win :)

  173. Dear Maggie:

    Truly, this is a generous gift that you are giving away. I would love the opportunity to take your class. Here's why:

    * I am a high school teacher. Teaching and photography serve as a form of "ministry" for me. Many of my students are not from the US; in transit to America (oftentimes, illegally), they have lost the photographs that were taken of them. The photos that they do have are extremely precious to them. I take photos of various events at my school. I have seen students, who are extreme introverts, come running to me asking for me to take their photos. Some of these same children, who aren't even my students - have started visiting my classroom in order to look at the 11x17 photos that I have on my walls (of various students and activities).

    In short, I would love to take your class in order to hone my craft - - - a craft that has brought joy to many adolescents.
    Thanks again!



  174. Wow! I'd love to get a spot in your class. That would be an awesome birthday present for me!

  175. How cool. I'd love to win a spot in your class.

  176. Dreams really do come true!!

  177. Oh, yes, please! I would adore this opportunity!

  178. What a great opportunity Maggie, thanks, your so kind!!! Ive been looking at your blog for a long time and dreaming on taking on taking one of you classes since I got SLR a few months ago...It would really be awesome to win this spot, it would be a true privilege (crossing fingers here);).


  179. Thanks, Maggie, it would be great to learn more!

  180. Nice giveaway. I've only heard good things about your class. Thanks for the chance.

  181. Oh cool what an awesome give away!

  182. What a great giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity!
    Linda xo

  183. would love to take one of your photography classes! Count me in!

  184. Love all photography and am trying to expand my knowledge/idea base - please enter me!!!!

  185. Fantastic! I am really trying to get the hang of using my camera in manual mode. Thanks for the great offer.
