June 11, 2009

Summer To-Do List

This is an idea I got from my friend Moki's blog

The idea is to create a FUN to-do list for those lazy hazy crazy days of summer.

Here's mine:

If you make a to-do list, link me to it. I want to see YOUR list!!

Check back tomorrow!! I have a list of 100 things to do with your kids this summer. No "I'm bored"s allowed :)


  1. Looks like you got your hands on the new October Afternoon travel collection!!! Very cool!

  2. Great list of to do's! Can't wait for your list of 100 things to do with your kids!

  3. um, this list sounds much more fun than mine! i posted one yesterday on my blog :( it really needs doing though...


  4. Joy this is great. I've not had chance to read it all the way through, but wanted to say I'm loving all your summer lists and layouts. Please keep the ideas coming.

  5. So sounding very very cool and summery. Off to make my list!

  6. This is a great idea! I'm going to make one for me and the man. :)

  7. Love this and went right away and did this this afternoon. The kids and I had already started a list so loved this idea!!! Think maybe I'll use it at the end of summer on a page inside a mini :) Thanks for the inspiration Joy!!


    Off to add to my blog now too!!

  8. LOVE THIS! And I'm definitely pulling that 100 things to do this summer list for my kiddos! DEFINITELY! LOVE IT!
