July 11, 2009

Member Feature: gluestickgirl

Today, I wanted to feature an SC member who totally inspires me...the fabulous gluestickgirl aka Lisa Truesdell. Her work is amazing. I just adore all the little details she puts into each of her layouts and I'm really loving what she's been doing with the Maya Mists lately too. I asked Lisa to answer a little Q&A...here's what she says:

- When did you start scrapbooking? How did you get into it?
I started scrapping in September 2004, after many months of flipping through Creating Keepsakes at my mom's house (she started scrapbooking before I did!). I started stamping and cardmaking when I was pregnant with in 2001, so I had already stuck my toes into the world of playing with paper. - how much time do you spend scrapping in an average week?
I would guess 5-15hrs, depending on how busy i am with the kids and how many deadlines I have to meet. I try to do a little something each day, even if it's just pulling product for a project or straightening up my desk.

- What SC kit was your first?
In Session - the September 2007 kit.

- Where do you find inspiration?
I love home decor mags. Many of my favorites have ceased publication (RIP Domino, Blueprint and Cottage Living) - but there are still so many beautiful ones out there. They're such an awesome place to find new combinations of color, pattern and texture.

- What would your perfect day be like?
I'd get to sleep in. A quiet morning in my scraproom with a nice cold Diet Coke from McDonald's. A fun family outing in the afternoon. Dinner out with Matthew, and a little shopping ( at the mall with Anthro, Pottery Barn and Loft, of course). Home in time to read to my littles and tuck them in, and then catch up on TiVoed 30Rock with Matthew. If I could squeeze in a little flea marketing and a huge crop w/ all of my far flung scrap friends, it would be even more perfect. But i was going for attainable. ;)
- 3 things you can't live without? (other than family)
McD's Diet Coke, my iPhone & cardigans

- Favorite color combo?
yellow + aqua + an accent color. the possibilites are endless!
- Favorite places to shop (non-scrap related)?
Anthropologie. Target. Gap.
- If you were giving advice to a first time scrapper, what would be your #1 tip/piece of advice?
Just do it (sorry Nike). Don't worry about scrapping all of your photos, don't worry about being caught up. Tell the stories that grab you, and let them guide the words and products you put on your page.

- When/where do you scrap?
I have a teeny tiny scraproom (it's about 8x10) - it was a front porch on our old house in a former life. It's also Sam's playroom, so I have to share, AND it's open to the house (there's a huge archway between the dining room and my room), so I have to keep it respectable looking. But I love it. It has a great window looking out into the front yard and I love not being closed off from everything else going on in the house.
I scrap in bits and pieces whenever I can sneak a few moments. My boys are generally happy to putter about in the morning, so I can usually steal 30-45 min without them noticing. I like to use that time to work on a page's "bones" since it requires the most thinking!! Sam's naptime usually gives me another good stretch of time, but that's been a bit dicey with school out and Alex and Ben home. I find that I like working this way - everytime I come back to a project I look at it with fresh eyes and can generally see where it needs tweaks.

- What SC kit has been your favorite so far?
Okay, that's hard. Each new kit that comes I think - THIS is best one yet! I really loved Newstand & Bibliography, and did some of my favorite pages with Playground.

Here is a brand new layout from Lisa using July's kit and a few of my favorites that I snagged from her gallery...


  1. I love this.. a SC featured post! Thank you lisa for some insight into your amazingly creative mind :-)I love your pages by the way!!

  2. Kudos to Lisa - she inspires me a lot - love her work and love her blog! Great Choice, Kelly!!

  3. I love Lisa's work too :) Great choice Kelly and congratulations Lisa on being featured!! I always checkthe gallery for your latest work. Keep inspiring us.....please!

  4. This is a great feature I love Lisa's work!!! :)

  5. Such a fan of Lisa!
    She does fabulous work :0)
