August 10, 2009

Sorry to keep you waiting....

.... but I am going to make you wait one more day.

I know, I am terrible -- I said I would be back on Sunday to post my layout and it just didn't happen. This weekend was one of those where we were busy with family things and I had some unexpected things come up that took me away...

That's not to say that I don't feel bad though and I truly am sorry to keep you waiting! My layout will be posted here tomorrow for sure! (It is done... just needs to be photographed and uploaded... and why is that the most time consuming part for me when it comes to posting layouts, when that part should be the easiest?? hmmm... need to work on this!)

Anyway, to make up for it I am doing a little giveaway! Yes... that's right, free scrapbooking stuff is coming your way. Well, not all of your ways, but to the lucky winner! It will be some goodies from my own stash - some newer things and some oldies-but-goodies that I am still hoarding and holding onto - things that I have 10 of because I loved so much and never wanted to run out! (I'm not the only one that does that right???)

To enter, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post, but you also have to tell me something -- what things would you like to see here on the blog?? I know that all of us gals are always trying to think of fun things that you guys want to see here so this is your chance to let your voice be heard and tell us! Make sure to answer the question in your comment or you won't be entered into the drawing. Oh, and try to be specific. For example, if you want more tutorials, tell us what specifically you want tutorials on. Make sense? Ok, great... let's get this party started! I will draw the winner a week from today!

Hugs! -- Maggie


  1. Hi Maggie!
    I love layouts and peekin' at others' brilliant I would say more layouts!


  2. I want more step by step of how, and more importantly why, people do what they do on their layouts.

    Did that make sense at all? I'm suffering from home buying stress!

  3. More Layouts!!! Gotta love everyones ideas helps me when I am in a non creative funk/

  4. What a good question... I like altered art. I would like to see an altered mirror, bulletin board and the big challenge............
    an altered piece of furniture such as a dresser. I am thinking about redoing an old dresser.thanks, ms.cheryl

  5. More tutorials please i love your how to posts!

  6. I like what Erica said ... I like knowing why a scrapper did a certain thing or used a certain embellishment.

  7. I like the idea of revamping an old layout with current embellishments or styles. Thanks!

  8. I would like to see more of all your layouts (whether done with SC kit stuff or not) and step by step discussions about why you chose the papers and embellishments and how you decided on their placement and so on, where the inspiration came from--the process, basically.
    Also challenges! I love challenges. Especially if they have give-aways to incentivize people to take them up.

  9. I would love to learn about developing a scrapbooking style. I dabble in all sorts but haven't really found a niche that's so me! Yours is distinct...I see yours in a magazine/book and I go..that's so Maggie ...what's the process of developing one's style?

  10. I would say more layouts using the main kits. I get so many ideas for how to use my supplies that way. Things I would never have thought of. I love it! Thanks for the chance to win.

  11. My favorite blog posts to view are the ones where there are multiphoto layout examples. I almost always have lots of pics that I want to use on a given page, so I love to get ideas from the talented SC scrappers!

  12. I'd love to see some step by steps for layouts using the kits - sometimes my creativity is lacking!

  13. I would like to see more sketches. I know there are a lot of blogs out there, but I think this is a great way to see how people use the kits and sketches together.

    I also agree with Erica. it would be great to know why someone does something, why does an embelishment look better in one spot vs another (design elements).

  14. Lots of layouts, and ones with multiple photos. I rarely scrap pages with just 1 photo so would love to see more of that.

  15. I love the layouts, but would like to know more about how they came up with their idea (even if they scraplifted it), and how they put their supplies together.

  16. Design tutorials, sewing tutorials, photography tutorials.

  17. Would love to see more how-to's.

  18. Oh, good giveaway! I want more photography tips, I'm a newbie and need to take one of your classes, but it's not in the ole budget right what can you tell me to help improve my your photographs! Thanks!
    Amy in CA

  19. I am an infamous hoarder too... I buy EVERYTHING in plural...

    It would be nice to see some more mini books and maybe some more card ideas, done with the kits...

    In general, it's a fabulous blog as it is...

  20. Just found you today - gorgeous stuff! I'd just say more of the same!

  21. I'd love to see more posts on how people conceptualise their layouts. What their starting points are. Where they get their ideas and inspiration from!

  22. i'm jonesing for stitching tutorials. i love the look of stitching but am very much a novice!

  23. I have yet to see altered art here. I'd love to see some of that, with tutorials on the techniqes used, and before and after shots.

  24. Scrap spaces!! Show us your scrap spaces!

  25. Hi Maggie! Thanks for the giveaway girl!!!!

    I'd like to see MORE Kit layouts with multiple photos (2-4 photos) and a tutorial on how they used a specific product/technique on their misting, or stitching(so need help with that),etc!!!!!
    But I do LOVE the blog just as it is also!!!!

  26. Hi Maggie!
    Well you guessed it in your request... I love the tutorials on the blog. especially when they relate to the designers layouts for each kit. Perhaps with each kit that comes out have a technique they use on a layout as a feature technique for the month {the embellishments at the best!}

  27. hello
    i would love to see some mini books, or more ways to work with 4x6 pictures!
    Thanks a bunch

  28. OH boy! Loving all the ideas posted already! I agree with them too - I've been scrapping for years, but either I get overwhelmed with TOO many ideas so I don't do anything, or then I freeze. How everyone 'processes' might help me find out what's my block and get working again!

    Jenn in Vancouver

  29. I would love to see why people create their LO's. What is the trigger? The stash, the photos or a journaling idea. So often journaling is overlooked but that makes it for me.
    Basically what is their inspiration.

  30. Love your photographs!! Would love a tutorial on getting the perfect lighting for indoor shots. Also, any tutorial on putting together a layout -from start to finish... especially explaining how elements/papers were selected and placement of photographs - basically everything about making perfect layouts =) Thank you!!

  31. I'd like to see more layouts using the SC kits and add-ons - a girl can't have too much inspiration! I'd also like to see tutorials about using products like glimmer mist sprays - I'm still too scared to use mine! Also, maybe some behind-the-scenes looks at how the kits are planned, made up and sent out.

  32. Hi! I would like to see a tutorial on paint splattering techniques and more layout ideas that do not focus on children.

  33. I'd love to see more mini books on any topic! Often it's both the design and the topic that inspires me. And more cards. I'm loving cards at the moment. :)

  34. I was always wanted to do more layouts with circles, big ones and little ones, want to know how to do this without it looking funny! somehow mine always does, and how do you make the big circles? I have tried and used others products but the circles usually are not that big! and when I tried to cut one freehand! forget about it they just do not seem to look right! so please more circle layouts with lots of pictures!

  35. i want to see more giveaways and tutorials. :)

  36. I would love to see more photography tips - I love taking pictures, but getting tips on how to make them better helps SOOO much!!!

  37. I love layouts (for inspiration) and tutorials - can never have too many!

  38. I would love to see techniques involving paint and mists :) with detailed step by step procedure *wink!*

    of course, since i am such a novice at photography and photoshop, some tips would be very much appreciated.

    thanks so much!
    ps. yes, i hoard more than 3 pcs of the same thing too, for fear of running out! :D

  39. Layouts, please, and I would love a tutorial on how to do the layering of small pieces of patterned paper and embellishments I see on so many layouts. I love the look, but I am a very clean and simple scrapper and can't seem to get the hang of it! Love this blog and the kits.

  40. I would love to have more sketch challenges and see more layouts by the design team. I also love tutorials on how to make embellishments, particularly flowers! Thanks for the chance! =)

  41. I love to see altered crafts - and crafty things that can actually be used around the home or as a gift.

  42. I'd love to see more vintage looking stamps incorporated into projects.

  43. I'd love to continue to see member and DT layouts and the how to's of to get to know the people that people we know ;)....

  44. I soooooo loved your butterflies mobile tutorial ;-) I would love to see more tutorials here !!! LOL Thanks so much !

  45. I love seeing layouts and new techniques!!!

  46. I always love seeing the maya mist and photography tutorials.

  47. I always like to see new ideas for mini books, and you can never go wrong with challanges and journaling prompts.

  48. More layouts that accomodate multiple photos. I like sketches and challenges as well.

    More photography tips - like the ones you posted earlier in the week. Maybe how to take better pictures of our layouts...? I'm relatively new to this blog so maybe you've already done that!

    I need more info on Maya Mist so some tutorials on that would be great.

    P.S. I don't hoard many items of the same thing, I just feel like I need one of EVERYthing!

  49. I like the idea of the thinking process that goes into different designers' LOs, and I always love challenges.

  50. Hi, Maggie! I'm a technique addicted. So, I'd like to see some different techniques to personalize our layouts, specially with paints and inks.

  51. I love the "How To" posts. They are a great read and inspiration.

  52. I love all the how to videos, would love to see more

  53. I would love to see more photo tips. I'm trying to make my photos more of the photos on my layouts recently and would really like some more tips how to shoot moving children/pets and how to get quality photos in poor light. Thanks!

  54. I really love seeing inspiring pages. The more the better. I'd also love to see some great projects that I could make as home dec. items and/or gifts!

  55. VIDEOS!!!!!!!!!!
    I learn best from videos as opposed to tutorials.

    videos showing specific layouts, cards, etc.
    videos of new product
    videos of just someone being silly


  56. totally agree that you can never have too many layouts - I get such inspiration from seeing what other people create!

  57. hmmm things I would like to see... more spotlights on members with some of there favorite layouts... how about showing some old school layouts, what some of our first layouts looked like. Techniques (video) are always goo!

  58. I think more techniques and the little tips that people only get to know if they have been using a product for a long time. Maybe a new talent competition (ie to introduce us to new scrappers not so well known)

  59. I'd love to see some mini-books or maybe some sketches with different designers' takes on them. Maybe some home dec items, too?

  60. I would love to see a focus on a specific product that's included in the current kit, and then some ideas as to how it can be used. For instance, one kit had this chipboard piece that was a bunch of circles connected together. It was neat to go thru the gallery and see how it was used, but it would be even better to see something like that in one place.

  61. I would like to see more information on everyone's processes. How they work through a layout from start to finish. It would be neat to have the guest designer for each month and one or two of the regular design team members do a little "step-by-step in my brain" post each month.
    And, you know, giveaways are always great!

  62. Hi
    I just happen to be just like you regarding the uploads, they are the most difficult thing to even thought it is easy.
    I love visiting this blog, it makes me inspired, I honestly would not like to change it :-)


    ps. If you pick me I am so willing to pay the transport to Iceland ;-)

  63. I've love to see the same photos done in two different layouts using the same months's kit - maybe one is clean and simple and the other is more detailed, embellished and intense. Or maybe one that is 8.5 x 11 and another that is 12 x 12. That would showcase the variety of your kits.

  64. I love mini albums right now! Would love to see some how to instructions for minis using Studio Calico products!

  65. I would love to see more tutorials regarding the DT's layouts. I know the site has a tutorial once a month about a technique. But it seems like every time the DT fully shows their layouts on Reveal Night, there are always lots of questions regarding how a DT member did a certain LO. I know we post on the MB questions we have and they are always answered but it would be so fun to actually see tutorials for LO's with the most asked questions. For example - everybody was asking about Aprl's "G-Man" LO with the circles, Tina A's mini last mini album with the binding, etc.

  66. Would love to see something about how to choose the photos to use. We all take lots and lots of photos but it isn't practical to scrap them all. But I can't decide which ones to use.

  67. I love the "inspiration" layouts that are posted. ... where you ladies pull your inspiration from.

    Maybe even see some of the creative process... start to finish for a layout.

    would love seeing how everyone organizes their kits/spaces.

    also Love to see more how-toos on any of the monthly gallery layouts. pick anyone you thought was your favorite and go to town.

    Always enjoy the challenges posted here too!

    And I am always a fan of more two-page layouts ;)

  68. I love mini albums so more of that would be great. How about tutorials for using the kits for something other than layouts? Like home decor items.

  69. I would love to see inspirational, motivating-yet artistic journaling information. I know the words are in me somewhere, I just need help getting them out and onto something that rocks my world.

  70. i'd love to see more tutorials!!

    the one that changed my (scrapbooking) life was the series on Photoshop! totally changed how i scrap now..


  71. I really enjoy looking at layouts. I get a lot of great ideas by just looking.

  72. I would LOVE to see more of the kits used for cardmaking. I think it's great to see how coordinating products can be used for different types of art! :)

  73. minibooks, more layouts, tutorials and tips for developing your own scrapbooking "style" would be wonderful!

  74. I would love to see two page layouts. Thanks for everything!

  75. I would love a designer to highlight one of their layouts each month and do a tutorial on how they made the page - especially when there are homemade embelies or interesting technique

  76. I would love to see more cards and I would really like easy tips and ideas on picture taking! Thanks! Keep up the good work!!

  77. I love the layouts! Especially ones with more than one photo. I also find it really helpful when the dimensions are given. It's hard to tell how big a picture is when it's on your screen.

  78. I am brand new to your blog, so I can't say for certain what I would like to see more of. I always like to see other people's scrapbook layouts, but I love the photography tips too. Either way, thanks for sharing a little bit of everything. I love it!

  79. I would love to see more layouts with more photos on the layouts. It seems that a lot of the industry has gone to one picture per layout and I take too many pictures to keep it down to one picture - LOL!

  80. I want to know the why of it all. What was it that sparked the idea, kinda a peek inside a designers head, so to speak:)

  81. I love seeing others' layouts... would love to see some techniques/tips/how-tos... and I always LOVE a good sketch!!!
    Thanks! :)

  82. Photography tutorials would be awesome!!! Love this giveaway!!

    ;)rachel b.

  83. I would really love to see some of the "behind the scenes" suff at the House of Calico. For example packing the kits, how the stamps are made, how and where the Calico paper is made. Some of these things would be really cool to see - pictures please.

  84. I would love to see more tutorials about making your own embellishments that are new and fun! :) Videos are much better than just pictures and steps but they will do as well. If I get them in a PDF format then I can print them out and add them to my binder of tips and tricks. ;)

  85. I'd love to see more LOs or other projects using the SC kits. Thanks for the giveaway!

  86. Hi Maggie! I want to see more layouts! I also want to see more technique driven tutorials, like the one Emily did with the mini canvases and sticky back canvas...
    Also more sketches...

  87. Hello Maggie!!! how fun..

    I would love to see more tuts and then also more pages.. more examples things along those lines

  88. I would like to see step by step instructions on layout planning. How do you all decide what the layout should look like when you have the monthly kit in front of you?

  89. I love seeing scrap products used to make home decor items!! :)

  90. ohhhh we love yall its ok..... what would i like to see more tutorials as there so inspirational

  91. I'd love to see creative ways to use the scraps from kits that always seem to accumulate!

  92. I would love a tutorial with step by step how a layout was done, especially if techniques were involved. I also want a detailed list of products used. Sometimes, it is hard to figure out from even just the company name, which line the item is from. Thanks for the giveaway and asking our opinion.

  93. I just want to see more layouts, more often!

  94. I would like to see more about how people "think through" their layout process. I know how I do it but how did they come up with that - what made them put those two/three things together on the same page. When is enough, enough? etcl.

  95. I would like to see more layouts, even if not SC layouts and maybe some kind of design principle thing like CZ does, that's my favorite part of her blog (not just saying that because she's next months guest designer :) ) I am really interested in that aspect of scrapbooking.

  96. Hello! I would love to see more layouts using multiple techniques. Also I would love more giveaways - who doesn't want that right? Love, love, love your site!!

  97. Seeing the inspiration "piece" evolve to the layout is neat! So are suggestions to improve layouts, going from "okay" to "sha-zamm" by using a kit to it's full potential--multiple ways to scrap the same photos, too.

  98. Maybe would be good to feature more members of the SC community, more how-to tutorials, more online challenges, and lastly more True-to-Life daily tips for SAHMs, working moms, women with kids-free life?!?

  99. I would like to see more SC community profiles.

  100. I would love to see you new lo ;) j/k

    maybe some sketches with the projects :)

  101. more stuff about members--like spotlights, i love the photo inspiration and i like the ideas of multi photo layouts, great suggestion~

  102. i love seeing places where the DT draws inspiration from...creative uses for different product (thinking outside the box)

    and what a fun giveaway!

  103. Hi, Maggie! I would love to see layout a sketch, and how the designer interpreted it, as well as all the little layering details! Close ups would be great!

  104. Wow! Love all the great responses/ideas. But I will have to cast my vote for more layouts too. Sometimes its nice to not have to plan your layout yourself.

  105. I would love to see video of the kits offered and have someone talk about the product along with some ideas for layouts. That would be super.

  106. I am always looking for more layouts for inspiration. You can never have too much.

  107. layers, layers, layers. I would like to see older product used in new ways, layered on a layout to create unique embellishments. We can't all go and buy the new stuff, as much as we would like to, but if we can get a fresh new look with the stuff we have (and we all have lots of stuff!), that would be fantastic.

  108. More beautiful layouts with details about inspiration, how-to do the techniques and a sketch that I can use in my own studio. Thanks for asking :))

  109. I just love seeing all the page ideas with the products. There are all very talented!
    Lori R

  110. More detailed tutorials...Especially chipe board related

  111. I love to see layouts, I love ideas and love to see the ways you use products.

  112. Hi Maggie,
    I would love to see sketches of multiphoto LOs.....also quick cool tutorials - inking, distressing, tearing, I am sure you get the point.......

  113. Thanks for the chance for us to throw in our 'two-pennorth' worth in (quaint English-ism for you!)
    I would love to see more layouts and specifically how you can match different colours and patterns together, and how to include more stamping in my layouts (seem to be very embellished not stamped!).
    Keep up with all the fun work, we love it!!
    Kind regards
    Susie F

  114. I want more step by step tutorials with pictures. I am a visual person and I need to see things.

    Also it I would love to see more kit pages from anyone who submits not just GD. Some kits come with instruction pages and a page on here with some hints for the kit would be fun, I will even let you have the title "Hints for the Kits"

  115. I love seeing the projects of others and I also enjoy seeing what inspired someone and what they created from that inspiration (do I make any sense?!!) I do enjoy the SC blog and having the different bloggers with different input.

  116. I always love a tutorial, I would love a tutorial. I am really into fabric these days, so maybe ore ways to incorporate fabric into our projects, creative uses for chipboard, start to finish project instructions, downloadables like journal tags, stuff that paper and digi scrappers could use alike. I just love the inspiration I get from the DT here!

  117. I'm already lovin your blog and you featuring the best LO's every week are great!
    Maybe getting some of your designers to let us in on the secret of how their pages come together - photo by photo. I can't be the only one who shuffles paper around endlessly, only to cut it and then realise it's just not quite the shape I want after all!

    Love to see their inspiration for pages too. But really....I LOVE your blog!

  118. I always love layout inspiration, but I have to say that the tutorials are great too!

  119. Hi Maggie,

    Love your photos!

    I would like to see how other scrappers design their layouts. Decisions about color scheme, layouts, etc...

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  120. Thanks for the giveaway! I would love to see links to other blogs, ideas for multi-pic and single pic layouts and perhaps a mini-album or two! :)

  121. I would love to see more challenges. Something specific when a kit comes out. Maybe a sketch?

  122. Re-purposing of everyday items into our art would be great to see (like packaging, or junk mail).

  123. more tutorials!!

  124. would love to see two page layouts and maybe layouts with multiple photos...

  125. I'd like to see more tutorials, 2 page layouts, and more giveaways & free stuff :)

  126. I love seeing the most favorite layout of the week post so more layouts would be good! I would love to see what you do with scraps, step by step on creative process, inspiration on coming up with layout designs, ways to spark your photos, how you document the story, and the best way to photography your layout for uploading.

  127. I love the tutorials you have for various projects, including layouts. I love your blog no matter what, though! :-)

  128. I'd like to see layouts with sketches and lots of different versions of the same sketch. Thanks! Wendy

  129. I'd love to see more photo tips, hybrid layouts, and more layouts that combine photos and journaling--I'm all about telling a story!

  130. I would love to see more scraplifting from the member's galleries! I love to see the DT's take on LO's!

  131. I always need help with the patterned paper process. Any layouts using pp are helpful!


  132. I definitely like seeing all the inspiring layouts you show on here. I would also like to see fun and creative projects that we (as the reader) can complete at home.
    Thanks for asking for our input and having a giveaway!

  133. I would love to see more photoshop tutorials, especially adjusting color.


  134. I love to see designers layouts with the hows and whys of what they did and how they decided what goes where!

  135. I would love to read about the thought process behind pciking each month's kit, colors, etc.

  136. I think that I would like to see more paper finishing techniques (that is- how to make the paper look different but not completely change it- like distressing but other sorts-)(hope that makes sense)that can be used for either scrapbooking,card making or other craft activities- Love your tutorials they are so comprehensive and easy to understand

  137. I want to see color!!! And lots of it! Various ways to coordinate colors with photos on layouts. And no, you are definitely not the only one to have 10 of everything...especially one in every color! ;)

  138. I love the layouts that are so inspiring and I love to check out new techniques - for instance, perhaps some unique card folding ideas? Or some stamping tutorials! Your talented DT would have no probelem with any of this!

  139. I LOVE the tutorials...different ways to fold paper, crumple it, paint it, glue it, all of it!

  140. I think having more challenges (like the scraplifting one you had a while back) would be fun. :)

  141. I'd love to see more technique tutorials, especially ones using paint and mists.
    I would also like lots of ideas for using some of the things in the kits and the shop, for example the CH sticky canvas - it would be great to see several ideas and ways of using it.

  142. Color Combos 101? Your Layout is fantastic, love the way you complimented that overlay! WOW! Thanks for the chance for some goods ;)

  143. one can never have too many layouts nor hoarding stuff so you never run out of unless you run out of space to keep it!

    I'd like to see more tutorials on how to make your own embellishments, embossing, and journalling.

    Shelley P.

  144. I would like to see home decor ideas!

  145. I would love to see how the designers create their pages step by step.

  146. I love seeing layouts... They really inspire me. And I would love to know more details about *how* they are put together. Either the process of designing them, or special techniques that were used on them (or both :))

  147. Love your layout - thanks for sharing
    i would like to see more how to's and more layouts - lots and lots of layouts. Double pages and single

  148. I would have to say more layouts too. I never have time to get into the gallery but I get this blog in my Inbox. I also love tutorials. Thanks!

  149. I would like to see, every so often, a paper or embellishment (up close) that will be used in the next kit, with mfg shown! Thank you for the chance to win, from another hoarder!

  150. I would like to see more challenges. Whether it be sketches, using your stash, use the colours yellow and aqua (for example). I like to be challenged!

  151. I love your blog as is, but of course, I love it so much because you have the latest & greatest. That being said, I am slowly stepping into hybrid scrapbooking, and so I would like to see tutorials on using photoshop elements to alter photos and freshen up my layouts

  152. 1. step by step instructions on how to make paper embellishments (
    2.insights into the Designer's thoughts when making a particular lo. e.g.why put 'this' in that position; why choose this colour/design over that colour/design.
    Thanks for asking.

  153. I would love to see tutorials regarding hybrid layouts, as well as post-processing photographs and photography tips!

  154. I love to see layouts and new techniques!

  155. I too would like even more layout ideas! any tutorials and step by steps! also altered items are always catching my eye! hope this helps!!

  156. I would love to see layouts done with time in mind, like say if you had 10 minutes to scrap then offer detailed instructions for a layout. To go further, then add the same layout if you had 20 minutes and so on. This would be so helpful.
    All the SC Gallery layouts I've checked out are so beautiful!

  157. I would love to see some mini books and altered projects.

  158. Layouts and all the details about them and photo tutorials, I know I haven't even scratched the surface of what my camera can do!

  159. I always love to see layout ideas. Thanks for the great give-away.

  160. i would like to see a place to share scrappy blogs - only a few of my friends locally really scrap so i really rely on scrappy blogs to get ideas/inspiration vs. just posted layouts - love the stories behind layouts that blogs give the ability to share

  161. maybe something about your favorite tools/techniques you use!

  162. Hi!!

    I would love to see more idea's for homemade ,pinwheels and so on.Thanks.

  163. I would love to see more of your great layouts.

  164. I love seeing layout's both from the "pros" and the member gallery. I would love to see sketches and challenges. I'd love a buyers guide for someone who wants to start using paints and doesn't even know where to start!

  165. I would definitely like to see more photoshop and photography tutorials and ideas. Thanks for the giveaway!!

  166. I love seeing all the tutorials and awesome layouts! However, I'm a VERY new PSE user and could really use some help in the getting to know PSE department. (All I know how to do is crop and tag things. Fixing a photo is beyond my capabilities at the moment.)

  167. Good giveaway.Love your tutorials they are so comprehensive and easy to understand.I like altered art.Thanks


  168. Sometimes using too many embellishments is a do I decide when its enough. Also, ideas on color coordinating would help.

  169. I would love to see more tutorials on PSE (or whatever version) that can be used to compliment our kits. For example some of us have tons of digi downloads, but don't really know how to use they/layer them in PSE... or how to blur the backgrounds out of photos, change some of the heads around (b/c we all know how hard it is to get a cute picture of more than one 2 year old at the same time!), etc. I also really enjoy the different idea's on taking pictures in different light, what if you don't have great light? etc., Just a few ideas... Thanks for the previous ones, they have really helped!

  170. My favorites posts are those with layouts. They are so inspiring!
    Also loved the tutorial on the mobile...would love tutorials involving mini books...or unusual uses for everyday items (rub-ons, punches, ribbon). You guys always wow me!

  171. This comment has been removed by the author.

  172. Something I find that feels great to me is pulling out the older items and playing with them like they are new all over again! Sometimes they have been around for ten years. How about showing us what you can do with your old tools and techniqes? You know? What's old is new again?

    Take care and best of luck in making fun choices!

  173. Hi Maggie! I'd love to see more mini-books! Love them!

  174. Hello Maggie!

    I agree; MINI BOOKS are so funny and sometimes quick to do and give away - ideas, ways of doing etc would be a good idea to show on theese pages!!!

    La Vikinga

  175. I think I would like to see more card examples. I am mainly a 12x12 scrapper, but I also make cards too! It would be a great thing to see what you crafty girls do with your coveted kit scraps!

  176. I love the tutorials about the DT's kit layouts. Seems like they come up with some really original design techniques that might not be obvious to the rest of us - how to do it!

    I also like it when the blogger picks certain layouts from the gallery and points out things she likes about them. Sometimes I look too quickly and miss the really good stuff.

    The blog is already great - keep it up!

  177. I would love to see more of how to use the sticky back canvas and paints on scrapbook layouts. I am itching to get my hands on some and I will need help on how to use them!
    Beth Ann

  178. Tips on submissions to magazine, break down of major magazines. Something as simple as, this is how I write up an email submission. This magazine doesn't list submission deadlines, but approximately when the cut off deadline is.

  179. I love seeing all the ways members use the kits. How about something once or twice a month that shows the variety of ways the previous month's kit was used? I know I can go to the gallery to view all the layouts, but it might be nice to have 4-5 layouts on the blog showing just how diverse the products are. Okay, I guess I can go and see all the layouts the designers did for that month . . . well, maybe the idea will spark something for you. :)

  180. i would like to see more photoshop tutorials. like how to make those photo collages, i can't for the life of me do that! oh, and i have pse if that makes a difference!

  181. I definitely want to see how scrapbookers make their layouts. And also more layouts to share!

  182. I love to look at people's scrap rooms and their organization styles. Would love to see some ideas on better organizing scrappy stuff and take a peek into everyone's scrap rooms! I also love 2 page layouts with more than one picture on them...would love some inspiration in that area!

  183. I'm stumbling through learning how to successfully use Photoshop, so some collage tutorials would be great or other tricks & tips. Thanks for sharing your creativity & inspiration...I love browsing the gallery. Such good stuff!

  184. I think I will always say layouts and layout ideas as my favorite thing on blogs. I love how-to's/tutorials like handmade embellishments, ways to save money while scrapping, photo tips, etc. Also, I love to see things to boost my mojo or inspire me.

  185. I love to see layouts, but I'd like to see tutorials on journaling, titles, etc... I see all these great alpha stamp sets and I see them on the layout, but how do you do the lettering, the embellishing of alpha stamp sets, etc... Also, I'd love to see supplies listed under the layout. I haven't seen much of the Carter Alphabet, are there any samples??

  186. I would love to see more challenges please :) Although I'm terrible at getting round to uploading & editing photos too, I leave it to the last possible minute, there just never seems to be enough time in the day!

  187. I love coming to your blog for inspiration so just more of the same :)

  188. Hi Maggie! Can you please feature more tips and techniques using gesso, paint and mists? thanks! and more layouts, of course! :)

  189. The blog is always full of amazing ideas! I think what I would like to see is some step by step tutorials on hybrid scrapping. Some techniques and ideas would be great!

  190. I have to agree with all the requests for more layouts! Esp pages with multiple photos. And I love CHALLENGES :)

  191. All of the comments are good. I love the tutorials because we always want new techniques. But hearing your stories is great as well..I really have liked the going back feature this cool to peek into where we were and where we are. Thanks!

  192. there are so many good ideas on here! i think you guys will have lots of things to keep you busy.

    I liked the idea of determining your style...i wouldn't know what to call mine. Also, i really enjoyed the posts about SC history. How it all came to be. Would love to here more on how the kits are chosen, how the SC brand is designed. Stuff like that.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  193. I have trouble coming up with creative ideas sometimes so I would love more start to finish design concepts.... I would like to see some persoanl design processes outlined to maybe help me develop a better process :) Love layouts & cards to look for inspiration!

  194. i would love more eye candy. the summer inspiration posts that kelly and you did were perfect. just what i like to see, something to get me fired up to create.


    ps. you can never have too many layouts. . . just saying :)

  195. I would to see more step by step turorials of projects. Just like the Clauding Hellmunth one you did a couple of weeks ago. I loved it. Or maybe video tutorials. As long as they are detail oriented. I can never get enough of those. thanks!

  196. I would love to learn more on ya'lls layering techniques-how to combo new and vintage, how to know when to add more or stop, ect.
