September 7, 2009

Let's hear it for the BOYS!

Happy Labor Day everyone! Kelly Noel and I have the blog this week and since we are both the mothers of more than one boy (Kelly has two adorable little guys and I am on my way to having 3 little rascals...Lord, help me!), we thought it appropriate to spend a week looking at scrapping the males in our lives. So, snips and snails and puppy dog we come! :)

To kick off the week, we're going to start with a challenge. And even if you don't have any little boys at home, you can still participate. Just pick someone of the male variety in your life... son, husband, father, brother, uncle, cousin, boyfriend, etc. Easy, right? Scrap a page that focuses on HIM! You are free to decide color schemes, design, everything. The only catch?...... Somewhere on that layout you need to get creative and use at least ONE traditionally "girl" type of embellishment. Here's a few examples: hearts, flowers, ribbon tied in bows, butterflies, anything the color pink, a bit of lace or fabric, a pretty stick pin, a scroll-y design stamp, etc. Just one girly thing. And you of course can alter it to look more boy-ish or leave it as is. The possibilities are endless!
You have until Saturday to post your layouts in the gallery. I'll start a thread for them to be linked to so that we make sure we don't miss any. Hope lots of you play along.... this little guy hopes so too! (you can find him in the SC shop under stamps! ;)


  1. As a mom of 5 boys and 1 not so girly-girl, I am always wishing I could use all the pretty Prima flowers and fun ribbon (not to mention PINK!) on my layouts. I just finished a layout of my youngest with some heart punches.

  2. wow, this is such a fun challenge. I may scrap about G-man

  3. Fantastic challenge for a mom of two boys!!!

  4. Woo-Hoo! I actually just did this!

  5. check mine out.....does digi count?

  6. My first SC kit and my SC page.....thanks for the challenge!
