September 2, 2009

School Layout ideas

There are so many ways to "tackle" the school scrapbook. Some people do a page for the first day and the last day of school. Some people have an entire book dedicated to school pages. Some people interview their kids every year. Some people have pre-made an entire "school years" book and just add the essentials as their kids pass from grade to grade, school photo, report card, journaling about their teacher, etc.

As you can see....many ways to tackle the beast.

Here are a few examples of some school related layouts by the SC DT:

These first two are from Nicole S. I love how she used her sons handwriting in this layout. That is a great way to record some history from your students perspective.

Kelly N is up next. I love how she documented all the hats her son wore home from his Pre-K classroom.

copyright CK Media

I love how Maggie used stars to promote the "school theme." This one with the journaling inside the star knocks my socks off.

These last two are by me...I used tags on these so my kids could write their favorite things we do in school. School stuff is a little harder for me, because we homeschool, but I love how these turned out.


  1. Terrific Layouts indeed. Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. great layouts! ... Joy, what border punch did you use on your layout? or did you just cut it out like that?
