October 19, 2009

It's Monday! That Means A NEW Challenge For You.

I'm so excited to hosting the blog this week with the lovely and incredibly talented Tina Aszmus. Then I think of Tina, my first thought is her beautiful misty photography, often framed with a TTV frame. She's kind of the inspiration for the theme I took this week on the blog. More on that later.

In a trip down memory lane, I started noticing a trend that I've been embracing this year. I'll show you a few examples, how fast can you see the trend? It started here, with this layout from Bibliography about my friend Gillian.
here's a close up for you:

Here's a layout from Garment District, do you notice it again?

Here's another close up to help you:

This layout from Jack & Jill is the one where I realized I loved adding this trend to my work:

Some close ups:

Do you see any commonalities? I realized that I love adding TEXTURE to my pages, more especially, I love having things come up off the layout. Notice in all those close ups that I've lifted elements off my page, by either bending or stacking them? When I first started scrapping, I loved the flat look, nothing popping off the page. And there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with that approach, but for this week's challenge, I want to encourage you to add some texture to a layout.

It can be like the examples I've shared, it can be pleating papers, wrinkling papers, stitching, adding fabric, anything that makes the layout not flat. Just add some texture.

I'll have one more idea for adding texture in a different way on Wednesday, but I'll leave you with a hint for those of you who are uncomfortable with popping something up and off your page: you can still do a totally flat page. :)

Hopefully I'll have the time to create a new layout for this, but I'm working on sneaks for Marketplace, so that might win out. Please don't do as I do, make a new creation for this challenge!

Post your layout links to the thread on the message board. The challenge will end on Saturday night, midnight MST. The random winner gets a $5 gift card to use at Studio Calico, any way you'd like!


  1. love layers--but are sometimes at a loss as to how to achieve layers that look good.
    Great job

  2. loving the layouts em. I'm all over this challenge!!

  3. Here is my entry for the challenge.......
