January 3, 2010

2010?? We're ready for you...so bring it.

hey everyone...Nik here again.

want to send a quick THANK YOU to everyone who participated in my challenge with Steph this week...everyone really put their hearts into their journaling and we've loved reading every single one. you all make it hard to choose a winner!!

Steph and i played along as well...first, she made this amazing layout, taking advantage of those little frames to house her words. no photo necessary...this one can sit near her desk and serve as a reminder of her plans for the year! i think the obvious thing to notice here is that you can totally tell that Steph just let loose and had FUN making this, right?? similar idea here, but different execution. i love random journaling...and i can assure you all that this page represents a side of Steph that, if you've met her, is just 'her'. she is so full of life this girl...and thoughts/ideas stream from her heart at a pace that can sometimes make your head spin, lol. it's totally Steph...and i love her for it.
my take on the challenge was from the heart as well...and it will most definitely serve as a reminder to me for the year. i didn't intentionally 'choose' a word to represent my goals for 2010, but as i sat down to think about my journaling, it started with 'strive' for some reason. literally, it just popped into my head...so i went with it, lol. i made the layout, knowing that i wanted to journal along the edge of the grid transparency...and then sat down, threaded the layout into my old typewriter and just started typing whatever came to mind. no plan, no rough draft. and yep, there are a couple of typos, lol...but that's just me.

now, on to our winners for the Member Challenge!!
this layout of Reeni's caught our eye for several reasons...the misting, the doilies, the photos of she and her sweet girls. but i keep coming back to the journaling...big changes lay ahead for her, and she intends to face them full on and with intention. thanks for sharing your story with us Reeni!

Jenney took a similar approach to Steph's first layout...no photo. i love that she took the time to write al lof her journaling by hand (she has beautiful handwriting by the way!)...this one is definitely one to keep handy for referencing when you have a tough day. thanks Jenney!!

if both of you could please email April or Lorie at info@studiocalico.com, they'll get you your $5 gift cards to use on your next SC purchase!!
here's to another smashing year at SC everyone...
looking forward to tons of continued member inspiration!!


  1. Love these pages...all of them! Great inspiration to document my intentions for 2010.

  2. Oh my gosh, thank you, thank you! I'm soooo excited!

  3. All gorgeous LOs! Congratulations to the winners :)

  4. Thanks so much! LOVED everyone's take on the challenge. So much inspiration!
