February 14, 2010

Sneak Night Winners

Holy Moly! 599 of you took a stab at winning the Anthology collection, so I thought it would be fitting to increase your odds of winning by choosing 3 winners. Here goes:

brenda said...

No snow - we were supposed to get a whopper of a storm Wednesday - schools called off, people stayed home from work - and it never happened. We got a light dusting!

TeenaBugg38 said...

Ok I feel so left out,,,,no snow at all here in Knoxville Tennessee! (pouts) We did have snow last week tho....just about 4 inches and it like to have closed the whole city down.....lol. Yeah go ahead and laugh at us southerners.....we deserve it.....LOL

Gramjak said...

Snow is on the ground here in St. Louis and they are predicting 2 - 4 inches for tomorrow again! Bring on spring!!! It's beautiful when it's falling and if you don't have to get out -- and we have been blessed not to have as much as other parts of the country!

Winners, please send an email to info@studiocalico.com within 24 hours to claim your prize. Please include the following information:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Subscriber or Not?
  • Contest: Sneak Night Giveaway
  • Prize Won: Anthology collection pack


  1. Holy smoke!!! I just screamed and scared my kids half to death.....LOL. Thank you so much and congratualtions to the other winners as well....I still can't believe my name was one chosen out of almost 600!!!! My birthday is tomorrow....what a great present!!!!

    THANK YOU!!!

  2. Yay!! Thank you so much! I can't wait for the prize to arrive - two Studio Calico boxes in a month!
