March 4, 2010

insider tips : what I do once my SC box hits my porch

Happy Thursday!! Before I get started today, I wanted to say thank you for the wonderful comments on my tutorial yesterday - I really appreciate the kind words! AND - if you'd like a PATCHWORK add-on of you own, you can head over to my blog and leave a comment for a chance to win one. =) I'll be drawing a winner on Saturday morning.

It's THAT time of month, the time that has us all stalking our emails for those shipping notices and our porches for a glimpse of that beautiful Studio Calico box. So I thought today would be the perfect day to share my unpacking and project planning rituals.

First, I take a picture of my box. Usually with my iPhone. Getting my Studio Calico box is like having a birthday every month (without getting older ;), so it warrants being documented, right? =) Even if I'm rushed for time, I have to at least open the box and peek inside each bag. I love that first glimpse!

If I haven't already packed up the last month's kit and cleaned my desk, then I do that next. Once my desk is clean, I go through my box and open each bag. I start with the main kit. Cardstock + patterned paper goes in one pile on my desk. The alphabets get their own pile, and the embellishments go into that yellow bowl. Things like rubons or label stickers go on top of the patterned paper pile. If I get an add-on (IF, ha! as if i could resist!!), the bulky embellishments go on the tray in front of the bowl, and the paper and alphabet goes back into the bag - I cut the top off so I can flip through everything in it quickly. I really only keep the add-ons seperate until we've got enough projects for the sneak slideshow, and then I add it all in to the same piles as the main kit.

I keep my notebook out as I'm unpacking the kit and jot down any ideas that come to mind. A product in the kit may bring to mind a memory or photo that I'd like to record, or I may think of a technique I'd like to try with the kit or with new products that I've ordered from the shop. I usually add to this list by scanning through old entries on my blog - I look at the same season in past years. All of my ideas won't all make it to finished projects, but it's a good starting point for me.

Once I unpack a kit, it tends to spend the whole month on my desk. And it doesn't always look this neat. ;) Some months I do all of my gallery work at once, in others I flip between working with the kit and doing other assignments. When I need to use other products, I tend to just stack them on top of the kit instead of putting it all away.

So, that's my basic process every month. And now it's time for me to pack up Quilting Bee so I have room to spread out the April kit when it comes tomorrow. ;)


  1. loved this topic lisa! and i love that neat desk in the last picture!

  2. Thanks for sharing your process! I love the idea of making a list of project ideas as you're unpacking. Often, I have so many thoughts running through my head when I'm shopping or unpacking goodies but when it's time to scrap, my mind goes silent!

  3. Thanks for a peek into your "Life on the day when the kit comes"!
    I have to say that the kitty rules whenever there is boxes and rustling involved. He usually plops himself right down in the middle of it all and goes to sleep! I have the cutest photos of him sleeping amongst one of my kits when I was unpacking it.
    Hey..I should do a page about that!
    Have a nice evening!

  4. I love this insight!! I also take a photo of my box before I open it! Never sure why but it has featured in my project 365 twice already this year so I might keep going all year long!

  5. Love this! ... glad I am not the only one that as a little ritual with my kit ;) ... I can't believe you are talking April already! HEHEEE.

  6. OH! ... and I would love for the rest of the DT to share their rituals too! ... I think it is because I am just so excited, I will be getting March tomorrow!

  7. I love this post! :) And the look at your scrap space!!

  8. I really like the containers you have your pens and pencils in - are they pot plant holders??? In anyways can you share where you got them?

    Thanks heaps :)

  9. What a FABulous topic. Thanks for sharing. I always enjoy hearing how others do their work.

  10. how cool to be inside your creative brain for the start of an SC month :-)TFS love the motepad idea. - hera

  11. Thank Lisa. I find everyones processes really inspiring. I think you're right to unpack it all - this is something I don't ususally do but should - I think it will help use the kit to the max. I too right down ideas ahead of my kit, though mine are based on what I see in the sneaks then the reveal and the DT gallery, as well as stories that come to mind with seeing the products.

  12. cool process. makes so much sense =) and i hate you (in a good way) for getting april kit already !~ =)

  13. This post was AWESOME! I loved getting into your brain! I do almost the exact same thing too! WOW, cool! :D I keep my add-ons next to the main in a pile, but I separate stuff and have a place for them just as you do! But I don't make notes as I go. Perhaps I should... ;-)

    Last night, as I was trying to go to sleep, my brain came up with three ideas for layouts with March's kit. And now I have to remember what they are! LOL.

    And I think it's SO cool you take a photo of your box! I've never done that. Then again, I do KitPool with Jacquie, and I don't even see the box anymore! LOL. But you know, when I did... I never took a photo. I guess I *should* have... LOL.

    Thanks again for this fun post! :D

  14. Great to read about your process. I am bursting with excitement about my first kit arriving... Will it be waiting for me today after work? Eeeeekkk x

  15. Lisa, I love that you set out your kit and leave it out in plain sight on your desk for the month. I'm envious that you can do that! Unfortunately, my cats would turn my beautiful kit into mincemeat if I attempted to do such a thing. :P You lucky girl, you. :)

