June 28, 2010

Design Team Layouts Inspired by..."Design Workshop" by Lisa Dickinson

I've long been a fan of Lisa Dickinson's clean, elegant style. Needless to say, I was excited when we decided that for July's kit, the Studio Calico Design Team would use inspiration from Lisa's book, Design Workshop, for one of their layouts. This e-book is full of color and classic designs. It was hard to choose just one concept to be inspired by!

For my own page, I was inspired by Lisa's concept of achieving unity through a grid. I've always been a fan of grids - they sound pretty formal, but you can make a grid out of anything - from circles, to lines, to butterflies! Here is my page, which I used a simple circle punch to create:

Kelly was also inspired by the idea of using a grid, which she achieved with cropping her photos and the more "decorative" square. Her page is quite different than mine, so you can see how inspiration can transfer from one style to the next! I love this kid's smile, but Kelly's page is just awesome:

Another of my favorite ideas Lisa had was to cluster accents - a favorite technique of mine, and one that Joy used so well on this page (and seriously, could this photo BE any cuter?):

Stephanie W. was also inspired by Lisa's idea for clustering accents, as well as her ability to layer items on the page (I love the page AND the shoes!):

Finally, one of my personal favorite design tips of Lisa's was to use memorabilia on your pages. This is such an important aspect of scrapbooking to me, and I love it when other's encourage it as well. Emily did just that, incorporating a piece her son wrote for school on her page (I love how his paper takes up the entire left page of this two-page spread):

Stay-tuned for more Design Workshop inspired layouts this week!

Don't forget to be inspired by other Ella eBooks, including the brand new Eight is Enough which features Studio Calico designers.

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