June 3, 2010

A peek into my space...

So, today is "insider tips" day and I thought it might be fun to take a peek inside my scrap room. :) We've been in our "new" house for over 3 years now and I started working on my scrap space probably about a year ago. I took forever for me to figure out how I wanted to lay the space out and there are still a lot of details I want to add, but it's finished for the most part. I love having a dedicated space for scrapping. Anyway, here's a main peek at the room from our family room...

The furniture came from IKEA...it's the Bonde system. I have an Efektiv desk in between 2 bookcase towers with drawers. Above the desk are 2 IKEA kitchen cabinets for more storage.
In the middle of the room, I have an OLD work desk that came from my Mom's old office. It's a BEAST, but it has lots of storage and a huge workspace. I store most of my tools in the drawers, plus just regular home office type stuff, so I'm not sure what I'd do without that monster of a desk. It was really important to me to have 2 desks...when we only had 1 desk in there, my hubby and I would fight for the space. Now, we can both be in there doing our own thing and nobody complains. :)
On the opposite wall from the computer desk is my IKEA Expedit bookcase. I had this one in our old house too...the storage is just invaluable....love it! I keep small embellies organized by color in those wooden drawers on top of the bookcase. Rubons and small stickers go in the 2 black boxes in the top right cubby. Of course, all of my paper is there...organized by manufacturer.
On the second row of cubbies, I use these IKEA baskets to store my AC Thickers. I have a TON (3 baskets full!)...most are from when I was on the AC design team and from SC kits, of course ;) The bottom 2 rows are full of albums and bigger baskets with miscellaneous stuff.

Those green magazine boxes on top of the Expedit are full of stickers, labels, borders, etc. I have them organized by type....labels/accents in one, letter stickers (organized by color) in another and finally borders in the 3rd one.

I keep packages of buttons, brads, Flair, etc. here in one of the cabinet drawers. I love having them all together like this....when I think, ooooh I could use a little something right here on this page, then I know which drawer to go to :)
All of my punches are in one of the desk drawers. I like to keep them handy...I find I use them more that way.
A small galvanized bucket holds my twine and jute...
Jars for buttons in the cabinet above my desk...you can also see a peek of my mists there on the other side. :)
Thanks for letting me share my space. Lisa will be here tomorrow to share some more summer inspiration. Happy almost weekend! :)


  1. Love this ... would love to see everyone else's space too :)

  2. i like your baskets for your AC thickers...i have a million too and need a new way to store them. might use your idea! thanks for sharing

  3. I love seeing how people lay out their spaces. This is great. Looks really functional AND stylish both. Thanks for sharing with us.

  4. Thank YOU Kelly for sharing your space with us. I love to hear what works for everyone.

  5. I love your room! It's inspiring me to get mine organized...

  6. so pretty! I wish my roomwas this clean!

  7. Love this feature... and I agree with an above comment, it would be cool to see everyone's space! Great scrap room Kelly! =)

  8. Thanks Kelly for sharing your space. My family just moved to a new home and I will have a much larger studio space. I have been searching for ideas on how to layout and organize the room. I am trying to really plan so I don't make any mistakes. I would love to see everyone else's spaces too. Take care.

  9. Thanks for the inspiration! I have a lot of the same storage things you do, but my room currently looks like the Tasmania devil took a tour through here! I will post some before and after photos on my blog...it will undoubtably take me a week to get it all sorted!

  10. I lvoe seeing people's craft rooms!
    You're so neat!! Love the setup!

  11. Wonderfully organized space!!!
