July 16, 2010

Member Spotlight - Armance

This week, let's do a spotlight on Armance, living in France!

1. Name/Screenname
My real name is Sandrine, but I've been using the nickname Armance for over ten years online and whether you call me Sandrine or Armance, I'll turn around!

I live in France, near the Belgian border with Plume, my cat.

2. Who has most influenced your style? Explain.

First, my style was more graphic than clean and simple so the first scrapper who inspired me was (and still do) Késia. Then I fast turned to the clean and simple, with a lot of white space. I discovered French & European scrappers, such as Maïna, Séverine Di Giacomo. But I also like discovering techniques that we don't use in clean and simple and that's why I also like to take classes with Céline Navarro or Edwige Bufquin. As for US Scrappers, I love Cathy Zielske and Wendy Bretz.

3. What 3 items can you not live without?

First, I cannot live without white or craft cardstock. I have such a hard time using a patterned paper as a background.

Second, it has to be my wide format printer ! My way of scrapping has totally changed since I bought this printer.
Third, I'm gonna say equally stamps and Photoshop brushes. I use them in the same way.

4. Any guilty pleasures?

American TV shows... Guilty pleasures because I can spend a whole day to watch the last episodes of my favorite TV shows !

5. What's your favorite Studio Calico kit?

I love them all but I particularly loved the October Kit with Maya Road envelopes. And I'm very fond of Studio Calico papers collections.

6. What's inspiring you right now?

As usual, what inspires me most is advertising (posters, flyers,...). Recently, a friend of mine offered me a book about advertising and this is for me an neverending source of inspiration.

7. Choose a layout that best represents you as a scrapper?

The layout that best represents me as a scrapper is "Pause New-Yorkaise".
First, because I used a photo taken in New-York last summer... I really love the photos which I took during my travel.
Second, because I used all the material I love : Photoshop brush, sewing, favorite papers, chipboards...
And finally, because this is a layout about New York, I was able to put apples on it and I really like apples on my scrapbooking.

You can check Armance's work on her BLOG :)


  1. Thanks for the great interview Celine!
    I love her work! I'm so glad my son is fluent in French so he can translate her blog!
    Have a great day!

  2. I adore Armance/Sandrine's work. Thanks for profiling her.

  3. love seeing your work Armance. great interview !~

  4. Armance est la meilleure !!!! Na !

  5. Super interview ... Merci Armance .. Biz La Delf

  6. youhouhohuo Armance youhohuhouou !

  7. une interview amplement méritée car ce que tu fais est merveilleux !!! n'arrête surtout pas de nous faire rêver Armance !!

  8. your work is amazing and so inspiring. great spotlight TFS - hera

  9. Merci pour ces indiscretions, Armance is the best !
    J'ai tout compris ou presque ;)

  10. Love her work. Thanks for profiling her.

  11. Oh, I'm so stoked you spotlighted her!!! She is one of my favorite scrapbookers EVER! Oh, swoon. Love.Her.Gallery. :-D
