August 25, 2010

Storage Solutions for your Memorabilia

Slightly sentimental? Check!

The memory-keeper’s son. That’s what I call my one year-old, Charlie. I don’t know if someday he’ll appreciate the newborn-size diaper in his memory box, or the hat he wore home from the hospital, but I like to think at least his wife will.

If you are at all sentimental, the memorabilia and photos from your child’s first year of life (and on) can become overwhelming – fast. I also thought some of my nostalgia might fade as my hormones evened out, but if anything the desire to remember my son just the way he was each day has become stronger as I’ve seen how fast he really does change.

Here are some things I’m doing in my life to help me reflect on Charlie, and hopefully someday have him look back on. Or his prom date.

We took 227 video clips the first year of Charlie’s life. Now what? Burn them to CD and stick them in one of these adorable sleeves from Owlbot. I punched holes in my CD sleeve and put it in my three-ring album (these are some other sleeves I had):

Invest in a good laminator. Might seem silly, but it will help those monthly checkup sheets from the doctor or random notes from the babysitter age well.

A large storage box. I figure at the rate I’m going, this will hold enough memorabilia until Charlie turns five. So I bought two. I try to put a tag on each item (for cards, I bundle them together with twine by occasion – all of his first birthday cards are together).

I hope this post gave you some ideas for how to handle the memorabilia in your life! Have a great day.



  1. WOW! You are uber organized!! Wish I had just an ounce of that organizational skill of yours! TFS!
    STephanie Eaken

  2. Thanks for the inspiration! As a mom of 2 kids in school the "stuff" has multiplied and I'm often up to my ears in paper. It's hard to know what to keep and what to throw!

  3. Great ideas! Love this :)

  4. Ohhh wow you are good, wish I was that good ;)

  5. Adorable Laura, thanks for sharing x

  6. Such great ideas. Thanks for sharing, Laura :)

  7. I keep everything, too.

    As for the cap that my son wore home from hospital and his 1st mittens---they go on the christmas tree every year.

  8. this almost bought a tear to my eye. what lovely ideas. and how wonderful for the prom date :-) TFS.

  9. What a great post Laura! Not only is it super organized, but looks so wonderful too!

  10. THIS is the BEST inspiration for baby's first year. I love it. Can we see more????

  11. Laura I can not even tell you enough how much this post helped me!!! Not only to see the fabulous organizing but also to know that I am not the only who has all the birthday cards, all the growth charts from each doctors visit, and even a first size diaper! Thank you so much!

  12. Hi guys thanks for all your comments! I'm going to take some more pictures tonight for my post tomorrow...
