September 28, 2010

Challenge: Fashion Inspired

Good morning! I meant to post this challenge yesterday, but got caught up in all the reveal excitement last night and forgot. My apologies! :) KP and I are hosting the blog this week. Since fall is here and all the fall fashions are popping up in the stores, our challenge to you this week is to create a layout/project inspired by fall fashion. Think fall colors, ruffles, stitching, etc. I'll play along too and post my layout later this week.

We'll choose a winner on Sunday night, so be sure to link your layouts to this thread for your chance to win a $5 SC gift code to the shop. We can't wait to see what you make!


  1. Cool challenge! Do we know who won the bonus challenge posted on the blog on the 21st? I dont think a winner has been posted yet.

  2. my layout was inspired by the headband tutorial you postedl
