September 9, 2010

Insider Tips - Use FABrips for Scraproom Organization

Today, I would like to show you how I turned a Kitties Powder Milk can into a nice, textured Mists box! :)

Simply use any jar or box that you can recycle.
The FABrips have been one of my most favorite Studio Calico products : you can cut them, trim them, punch them, fold them. I just LOVE the texture!

I really wanted to use a sheet of FABrips to add to my scraproom : the design of the Documentary FABrips just rock!

Being travel themed doesn't mean you have to use them for your travel projects only : think about the design, the color, the patterns. Try to think outside of the box.

Simply trim your sheet of FABrips and adhere it to your box.
Here, I used Documentary stickers and a scallop punch to decorate my box a little bit.

Now I can organize my Mists by color and recycle my Kitties powder milk boxes for my other mists colors :D


  1. Clever and cool!! Thanks Celine!

  2. I really like it. I just wish I had the cash to buy a whole bunch.

  3. Superbe idée! que je vais mettre en action très rapidement! Merci Céline!

  4. love this idea!
    thanks for the tip, céline!
