July 22, 2007

CHA: People We Saw

We're back from CHA and have so many exciting things to share with you over the next several days! I thought it would be fun to start with some of the people we talked to at the show. I must say that it is such a crazy feeling to see people I've never met before, but feel like I already know them. How bizarre is it to go to a restaurant in a huge city six hours away from home and see familiar faces every time you turn around? At dinner on Thursday night we saw Cindy Tobey (the person who made our fabulous crochet flowers), Tim Holz, Jennifer McGuire, and others that I'm sure I'm forgetting. I didn't have my camera or I certainly would have taken a photo of us with Cindy. But I did carry the camera the rest of the weekend, so here are some fun Studio Calico encounters for you:

We actually ran into Kelly Goree Thursday evening at the Covention Center. She was the first familiar face we saw. April had met her before for a Girl's Night Out in Louisville (ahem... one that I was NOT invited to), but it was my first time to meet her in person. I'm sure it will not be the last! The photos here are from Friday at the show. The first thing we saw at the Basic Grey booth was a giant layout featuring Kelly's sweet son Carson that they had made into a large three-dimensional work of art. SO VERY COOL! April and I had our photo taken with her in front of the giant layout (can you see him peeking over her shoulder?). Our favorite Basic Grey new release was the Mellow line, and I can't tell you how excited I am that they are now offering buttons that coordinate with their collections. I am a huge sucker for buttons! I wish you could see the cool wall posters we received when we placed our order with Basic Grey... (oops, did I just say that?)

After an exhausting day at the show, we went to the Two Peas social on Friday night. Just as I was mentioning to April that I was surprised we hadn't seen Emily Pitts, we turned around and there she was! She was such a sweetie, and we were very excited to see her. I'll let April share the funny pizza story with you later (unless Emily wants to do the honors;) Emily snuck up on us as we were placing an order at Fontwerks on Saturday. She pointed out a really cool stamp that we hadn't planned on purchasing, but we bought it just for her (but she's not going to tell you which one it is, so don't even try to get it out of her...).

We also had a chance to chat with Michelle Hill, Studio Calico's very first Guest Designer. We had already met her once before, but it was certainly a treat to get to spend a little bit more time with her. I love that girl! She was at the show with Lil Davis, and she showed us their darling new line featuring bright colors and adorable little mushrooms. The coolest thing is that there are recipe cards on the back of the patterned paper. Isn't that brilliant? New embellishments include self-adhesive felt buttons and mushrooms and some very cool alphabets.

On Saturday we met Emily (justem) and Barb (Babs). I can't believe we forgot to have our photo taken with them (sorry girls). Maybe it's because when we saw them we were so busy placing our order at... (you didn't think I was really going to drop ANOTHER clue did you?) We also stopped by the Mimi booth to meet Rachel Carlson, but she was on her lunch break. Sorry we missed you, Rachel!

Well that's it for now. I'll post some more stuff for you soon!


  1. I had a great time! It was fun to see you girls! I am happy to hear you ordered some Mellow! That was my favorite at that booth, too! :)

  2. i *so* wish i was there
    (and HELLO! you have to share with *me*)

  3. What a cool experience, Girls!! I can't wait to discover all the great stuff you got for SC!

  4. i'm SO sad that i missed seeing you guys! my tow/mimi team told me that you were by to see me and i was on a break - waaaaaaa! so NOT fair i tell ya! i had EVERY intention to meet you at this show - grrrrr! well, it's because i had gifties for you - wasn't going to say it but there, i did! now i'll have to mail them out. SO tired from the show, all work and no play. going straight to bed when i get home today after work. hugs and loves, rach

  5. wow, sounds like you guys had a blast!! wish i had been there to meet yall as well!

  6. sooo cool! love all the pics! I agree with Anilu - can't wait to play with the great stuff you got for SC!!!

  7. so cooL!!
    thanks for sharing now can you share that poster!! :) lol

  8. It was soooo awesome to meet you two at CHA! You're both the sweetest.

    And, I've nominated you both for the Rockin' Blogger award. See my blog for details.

  9. Hi Dina! Thanks for stopping by. It was fun to meet you too!

  10. lol ran into is right! glad to have seen you girlies! next time for GNO, ok, Scarlet? ;)
