March 30, 2008

What inspires you?

Hi everyone! It's Tina and it's my week to take over the Studio Calico blog. I'm going to keep it simple this week and sort of go with the flow. I'd like to tap more into what inspires us to create our layouts, cards and artwork. I'll put up a few personal challenges this week along with a project or two that utulizes all those left over bits and peices we've saved from past SC kits.

I often read about someone going through a creative block on the SC boards. Surely we have all gone through this at some point and have our own ways of brushing the creative blahs away. My goal this week is to work together to inspire one another and keep those blahs away for good.

Let's start with listing 3 things that inspire you most. These are the things that give you that light bulb moment and make you want to get lost in whatever project you're working on.

Here's a little Flickr love on what inspires me now.

1. i love art rooms., 2. Control Z, 3. the view from where i sit (skipping lily), 4. happy coffee heart, 5. equestrian victorian blues....i always feel you 1 {i should add that it's my birthday today!}, 6. Bicycle Ride: f1.4, 7. farmers market 027, 8. cork board + back door, 9. Tamar Mogendorff, 10. desk1, 11. four leaf clover, 12. split the sky, 13. Dandilions, 14. Untitled, 15. Untitled, 16. [ long as i can see the light ], 17. Little houses, 18. Peony Underbelly

Here's the 3 things that inspire me.

1. Nature. I often pull color combos from what I see outside.

2. Music. I have to listen to my favorite tunes while I create and sometimes use song lyrics as journaling.

3. Decor. Lot's of inspiration can be found at sites like Poppytalk and Decor8.

What are the 3 things that inspire you most? Post them here or better yet, on the Studio Calico boards. I want to hear from you so don't be shy! :)

Happy Sunday,



  1. Thanks for getting me thinking about this Tina!

    I would say my top three are:

    New photos
    Decor magazines or the card aisle of Target
    Funny things people say or do...just stuff I never want to forget!

  2. Three things that inspire me are:

    1. Layout galleries, magazines, etc.

    2. Friends and family - what they do and say

    3. Sleep. Honestly, sometimes I wake up in the morning and inspiration has hit. I can't explain it. It just happens.

  3. i am so excited that the blog is going along like it is! i love it!

    i'll post my top 3 on the boards.

  4. things that inspire me right now:

    bright cheerful fabric
    the little things my children say
    blog hopping

  5. I love your photo collage and the links you posted, Tina! YOU inspire me :)

  6. Do you want to know what inspires me? Here you are:
    - sleep: usually, when I wake up in the morning, i have at least a layout idea! (like Denise: I understand you!)
    - classic music: for journaling is the best >>
    - when I'm in traffic jam, i've many flashes and ideas! In my car i have a notebook and a pencil to write them down...

  7. 1. I am often inspired by music. Songs often remind me of times of my life and make me want to create pages using pictures from those times.

    2. Color combinations I find in catalogs (mostly Pottery Barn)

    3. Ads.

    4. The pictures themselves.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Three things that inspire me:
    1. chocolate
    2. Starbucks
    3. cool stamps
