May 2, 2008

Friday...Time For A Little Extra Encouragement?

It's almost National Scrapbooking Day...are you excited? Have your friends posted to the subscription giveaway thread? I'm really, really looking forward to finding out who the lucky winners will be, it's such a huge prize. Good Luck to everyone!!

While we're on the topic of inspiration, I thought I'd share a few pages from the Studio Calico gallery that I found particulary inspiring this week...

The first one ,by cskuse, called Two of A Kind is just too cool! I love the way she wasn't afraid of the boldly patterned paper and used a boldly sized photo to balance. Did I mention the layering of her journaling and what she did with the little hand die cut? Super goodness!

How about this one by Tiff Harper? I absolutely adore the way she played up the pastels with the embellishments...but truly kept it simple and let the shapes and the sweet photo just shine.

Finally, I want to share one more with you...I thought this was not only adorable, but so inspiring! sdavidson really knocked her chalkboard out of the park--don't you think?

Are you inspired? I certainly am, I need to wrap up here and go scrap!! With all the excitement of NSD, I think we'll extend the deadline to post your ad challenge layouts just a little bit longer...say Monday, May 5th by 9am PST? In case you need a little extra encouragement, here's a sneak peek at the RAK I have for whomever's name gets drawn out the hat!


  1. Wow! I was just linked from another blog to your site and then to your blog. So far I love what I see. I think I might order a kit...I need to read more about it. Thanks!

  2. welcome Lisa! and Jenn, that prize looks fab!

  3. I just posted my ad inspiration to my blog and will also add it to the gallery at SC


  4. who won the subscription giveaway?
