July 19, 2008

CHA - Day 3 - MM Giveaway

Que music...

I would walk five hundred miles
and I would walk five hundred more
to be the one to fill your kits
with paper, trim and buttons galore.....

Yes ladies, I feel like I have walked five hundred miles in the last three days, but it has been so worth it!! I've covered a lot of ground, seen a lot of stuff and enjoyed every minute of it!! Hopefully, I've been able to give you a feel for what we have seen and tonight I want to give you a peek of some of the things that we have done. I hinted last night that I would show you my favorite part of the show tonight.......the "Make it, Take it" demonstrations that the manufacturers put together for your scrapping pleasure. These are quick projects featuring a new product, technique or tool that is available at the show. I got the DT and Amber together and we set off today to see what we could get into.....here are some pictures of our exploits.

First thing we went over to the Ranger booth to check out the new Claudine Hellmuth paints. This one also featured a new sticky backed canvas and fabric. You were given 3 sets of petals for a flower. The objective was to cover the canvas with the paint and then connect them with a brad to form a flower. Davinie, Nicole H and Nicole S were more than happy to sit down and play with the paints.

Since Nicole Harper is our resident paint expert, I watched her every move....of course, she didn't disappoint. She mixed and matched the paint to add accents and depth to the petals.

It was a great project and in the end you had a cute little flower pin to show off. It helped a lot of folks like me realize that paint is not so scary and would really make a great addition to a layout! Here is the example that they made for display....I wanted you to see it because it was larger and I was able to get a good shot so that you could see the detail.

Amber and I signed up in advance for a Pink Paislee session where we completed a really cool chipboard butterfly frame. This one was a whole project kit that that was developed for CHA and is available here if you want to check it out.

We covered all of the bases in this project.....cutting, pasting, stamping, painting and even doodling. I just happened to have some pictures of Natalee in my bag so I was able to complete the project, pictures and all. Here is my completed project for your viewing pleasure......

CHA has converted me, I will now promise to be a bona fide scrapbooker.....I even ordered an album for all of the layouts that I have planned in my head. Now I just have to figure out how I am going to find time to make those planned layouts a reality.....maybe I'll go over to April's and play in her scraproom?????

OK, now for the real reason that you ladies have suffered through this blog post....the MM giveaway. I will apologize in advance for the poor quality of the photo below....It was rainy here this morning and I couldn't get a picture in good light before we left for the Convention Center and then it was late when we finally finished for the day and the sunlight was gone. This one was taken on the tile floor in the bathroom at the hotel....do I get points for originality?

In order to be entered for a chance to win this acrylic block and these fabulous stamps, comment on the blog and tell me what you are anticipating most from the CHA new releases. It might not hurt to casually mention how cute my daughter is as well.....you just never know :) I'll announce the winner on Monday. We will be finishing up at the Convention Center tomorrow morning and then on the road all evening headed back to Bowling Green.

I hope that you have enjoyed these little glimpses of the festivities here at CHA Chicago. I have enjoyed recounting all of our adventures for you!! Stay tuned for the recap of our final day and the winner of the MM Stamping giveaway. On Monday the blog post will reveal all of the friends that we have met here in Chicago.



  1. Ohhh.. your daughter is the cutest!! ;) Oh and I guess I would have to say that I can't wait to get my hands on the new October Afternoon! I just loved them so much last release, and I can't wait for the new stuff.

  2. Oh yeah, and the new making memories is to die for. So beautiful. I want the 5th avenue... all of it.

  3. And probably the cosmo cricket too! I love their stuff!

  4. Okay... so I want it all! hehe

  5. Your daughter is beautiful! :)
    I'm looking forward to the new Pink Paislee.

  6. the butterfly turned out GREAT! im looking forward to making memories and october afternoon and cosmo cricket...the MOST!

  7. I truthfully, honestly cannot say what I'm looking forward to most. The more peeks I see on the different manufacturer's websites, the more I say "Oh that's my favorite! I GOTTA have that!" LOL. So, um, all of it, I'm looking forward to all of it! Hehe.

    And of course your little one is beautiful. :-)

  8. The new Scenic Route is among my favorites--almost always is!

  9. Natalee's eyes are gorgeous! What a cutie!

    I can't wait to get my hands on Sassafras Lass's Happy Place line! So bright and fun!!

    . . . And Fancy Pants' Happy Holidays line.

    . . . And Tim Holtz's new Fragments shapes and Grungeboard books.

    . . . And American Crafts' new paper lines, Details layered embellishments and Flair!! Oh so yummy!!!

    I wish I was a millionaire. I would go nutzo!

  10. I am in love with Making Memories new Halloween line. Love the vintage feel of it all plus my Daughter will be 1 on Halloween so I need to get my hands on this kit. I could go on with all the new stuff that came out but this line is fresh in my head.

    And yes your little girl is a cutie patutie! But then again all little girls are!

  11. I must say that I love the blog which I found a little while ago! I am anticipating the Sassafras Lass and of course Pink Paislee! The project was sooooo cute! and yes...your daughter is a DOLL!

    Bianca B.

  12. Your blog posts are really fun, Lorie - thanks for giving us a glimpse since we can't be there. I think your make-n-take is very pretty. I'm pretty excited to see Making Memories new papers and clear stamps up close and personal! Thanks for doing this RAK.

  13. Well, dang...I have to make a decision? That is a difficult thing for this "want it all" girl to do. BUT I would say I am intrgiued by SEI the most. With saying that, I may change my mind tomorrow...I have that right I am told.

    Thanks for showing us non-CHAers the scoops.

  14. Your daughter is soooo adorable! Very cute project. I think I'm looking forward to October Afternoon and Making Memories, but I won't know for sure which is my favorite until I can see it and touch it in person. Thanks for the sneaks!

  15. How cute is your girlie?!?! I love the Pink Paislee project!
    I am looking forward to the new Making Memories Paperie! Sooo gorgeous. And the new Pink Paislee of course and Narratives and October Afternoon....I could go on and on forever!
    Ohhhh and the new Basic Grey! They have reclaimed my love once more!

  16. I have loved nearly everything I've seen so far, so this is a difficult one...
    If I have to decide I think I'll go with new Thickers - I've only just started using alphas on my layouts (I know... where have I been hiding... just never was one to put big titles on my pages) and always need more.

  17. Your daughter is beyond adorable - seriously.

    Love the Narratives line!!

  18. Really looking forward to the Pink Paislee releases and OA too.

    Oh and did I forget to say that you're DD is a cutey!! :D

  19. Your PP project is so cute.

    I am looking forward to the Sassafras Lass stuff and the OA stuff

  20. I'm so excited to see the new MM lines. I started out scrapping with MM products, and now 7 years on am back loving the new lines. I hope the summer CHA releases are out sooner than the winter lines were....its been SO hard to wait SO long for the lovely passport collection....but totally worth it!

  21. Your daughter is a cutie!! Cute project. Lovin' the butterflies right now!!! Can't wait to see more Sassafras and Oct. Afternoon. I also will forever be a Fancy Pants Gal - Daily Grind has my interest. See any new tote bags or cool organizational stuff???

  22. Your daughter is such a beautiful girl!!
    I'm looking forward to the Sassafras Lass and Pink Paislee!

  23. there are so many great new lines to look forward to, it's hard to pick a favourite. Probably BasicGrey. And OA. And Pink Paisley.And MM. ...........

  24. Love the butterfly-thingie! Too cute!

    I'm looking forward to a lot of things, Basic Grey, American Crafts mostly...longing for bright wonderful colours! :)

  25. WOW!!! So cool! Loving seeing everything.

    And yes your daughter is the sweetest little thing ;o)

  26. Oops...forgot to say I am looking forward to all the stuff from making memories for the Slice!

  27. everything looks fab, thanks for keeping us up to date even though you are so busy!!!!!!!!!!

  28. All those projects looked fun, love the cute butterfly frame & the gorgeous photo of your DD was the perfect finish.
    I'm most looking forward to the new Prima stamps, pebble centres & crystals but Pink Paislee & Sassafras releases look scrummy too :)

  29. Can't wait to see more of the Basic Grey lines. She is adorable!

  30. The Basic Grey and MM lines are my faves so far-if I HAD to choose! Those frames you all made are so adorable! (and yes, your daughter is too)

    BTW - you opened the blog with one of my all time favorite songs!

  31. Thanks for the update of CHA summer. I'm looking forward for the new October Afternoon, Hambly Studio, Sassafras Lass, Pink Paislee and Making Memories.

  32. Oh, your daughter is a real beauty! And I am not just saying that! I am looking forward to new AC Thickers, October Afternoon, Cosmo Cricket...I really like to see it all!!!

  33. Lorie - you did a fantastic job on your butterfly for Natalee. And of course, your sweet baby is adorable - must be something in the water in Bowling Green - makes you all so darned cute! I'm absolutely dieing to get my hands on the Cosmo Cricket Mr Campy. Not usually my style but my daughter in college LOVES to camp with friends and I want to make her a mini album with it. So cute! Have a good last day and a safe drive home!

  34. The new Scenic Route, the new Pink Paislee, the new Webster's Pages, the new Making Memories...and everytime I look at what's on offer my list grows and grows.

    Your daughter is just as cute as a button.

  35. your daughter is a sweet angel!! the gorgeous frame is perfect for that adorable face! :)
    hmmm... what am i anticipating most? i think the new October Afternoon and the Basic Grey lines! the new "owly" pink paislee is another line i'm looking forward to using
    hope you had a blast!

  36. I'm ready for some Christmas in July and gearing up for some inspiration on Fall decor projects! I'm looking forward to seeing all the new color trends and products...I had a dream about punches--a big new box of new shapes and sizes!! Your daughter MAKES the butterfly project perfect;0).

  37. Of course you daughter is beautiful. I can't wait for the new Pink Paislee and American Crafts.

  38. That frame and picture of your little girl are just too cute! I'm glad CHA has encouraged you to start scrapbooking - its really so much fun :) I'm really looking forward to to new basic grey and making memories!

  39. Please don't make me choose just one thing! I'm going to go with Scenic ROute.

  40. Making Memories, OA, Pink Paislee and Basic Grey (happy to see something from them that I actually like, haven't liked their last few releases and actually thought they were off their rocker with Euphoria). I soooooo getting the Slice, they have made you wait for that one for sure!!! Oh, and Websters pages are totally beautiful!
    Svala, Iceland


    I haven't been keeping up with all the sneaks, but I was impressed with Chatterbox's release and I can't wait to see the all the new Thickers.

  42. OMG I'm so rude, I forgot to mention how cute your daughter is, she is just as cute as my granddaughter and that is the cutest you can get so they must be the two cutest girls in the whole world!!!!
    Svala, Iceland

  43. Of course your daughter is adorable!! There is too much to stuff to narrow down to one, but I would love to get my hands on some of the Bon Apetit by Teresa Collins.

  44. i would have to say making memories, prima, american crafts and pink paislee...

  45. Lorie
    I am looking forward to seeing all the make and takes and how much better they look with pictures of Natalee...really, I am hoping for October Afternoon, Pink Paislee and College Press

  46. I haven't seen a lot but so far my favorite is the Basic Grey Ambrosia line. I am so loving those colors and prints! I know your little cutie has lots of hugs for mommy when you get home! She is going to Love that butterfly!

  47. Your daughter is definitely sweet! I can't wait for all the new releases. My DH is going to get really mad at all the money I'm going to spend.

  48. The new Basic Grey is almost as exciting as how cute your daughter is. Throw in a little Scenic Route, Tinkering Ink's Christmas line, and some Pink Paislee and it might give your daughter a run for her money, but she would still win, I'm pretty sure.

  49. oh i'm sooo jealous of the pink paislee make and take! so stinkin' cute!!!

    i'm most anxious for cosmo cricket...oh mr. campy when can i get my hands on you???

  50. Your daughter is a cutie!! Seems like ages ago since mine was that small..sigh. I am looking forward to American Crafts and Cosmo Cricket, oh who am I kidding... I want it all!!

  51. There is so much to love! I love the Glitz papers and Crate Papers stuff really caught my eye. And of course, Scenic Route. Really, just can't wait for all of it!

  52. I'm excited for Heidi Swapp's street smarts line - great for older boys!

    your daughter is a doll!

  53. What a cute frame and an even cuter little girl! Hmm, I think it would be easier to say what I'm not looking forward to! But I think more than anything is the new October Afternoon, love the little monsters line!

  54. i just love it when you do the blog, Lorie! and i'm not just saying that. i really enjoy reading.

    and those eyes...she is a beauty. looks like you guys are having a ball!

  55. love the live action shots of the gals at work with the new "toys" at CHA.
    can't wait to see more of the new stuff!
    p.s. cute picture frame!

  56. Oh, yes, your daughter is adorable. :) I think my faves are the MM products and AC stuff. I love all of it!! :)

  57. What an ADORABLE little beee.... she looks PERFECT in the little frame! :)

    And the CHA photos/updates = awesome!!

  58. Basic Grey designs are what I am waiting for! The butterfly frame is also fantastic!

  59. my top 3 most anticipated product lines [since i can't just pick one] are:

    American Crafts
    Making Memories - *love* The Slice & accessories
    Sassafrass Lass

  60. i think i am loving the chatterbox stuff. i like the way they have changed...stepped up their embellishments.

    ...and your dd? adorable.

    i just want you to know that i have just recently become a SC blog reader and now i come here every day. i love it. thanks.


  61. Your little butterfly is too adorable!! I can't wait for the Cosmo, Sassafrass, Pink Paislee, and the Tinkering Ink Be Green collections!

  62. Love to hear all those news. I think that PP album is BEAUTIFUL! There's so much to anticipate, so that is one of many things.

  63. I can't wait to get the new October Afternoon and the new Pink Paislee Pop Fashion - and the Bo Bunny Holiday Cheer and My Darling.

  64. Although I've been trying to stay away from the peeks (just can't handle all the excitement!!!)
    My favorites usually include...Scenic Route, October Afternoon, Making Memories embellishments, and Collage Press.
    You're butterfly project turned out great...can't believe that you finished a project while at CHA!

  65. love that pink paislee frame, especially with Miss Natalee in it! I can't decide what I'm looking forward to most...my head is spinning with sneaks these days! Definitely need some OA and Collage Press though.

  66. Most anticipated item that I'm waiting for is...everything :) Really!! :) But if I had to pick...I would say October Afternoon. Love their stuff!! The butterfly project is gorgeous. What a perfect project for a beautiful photo!! Thanks for the re-cap.

    -Michele H.

  67. Yes, your daughter has the cutest lil' face!! I'm waiting for Collage Press' new stamps...and always Making Memories' new stuff...

  68. LOL!! Lorie, you crack me up! Your daughter IS the cutest! So glad you're enjoying yourelf!

  69. wow it looks like you've been enjoying yourselves like crazy!!

  70. I really love all the new MM stuff.... I've been looking at all the sneak peeks and just LOVE the garden colors. :-)

  71. Lucky that you had those photos of that cutie to put on the project.

    I'm looking forward to the new Maya Road stuff. I love mini albums, so they are always a favorite of mine.

  72. Natalee is adorable! That frame you made is lovely!!

    I'm very excited to get my hands on some new Collage Press papers!


  73. You are right, your daughter is soooo cute! I thought that everything looked fun but I am a huge MM fan and can't wait to see it all.

  74. the butterfly fram you made is soooo cute! and Natalee is such an angel!! (of course i'd say that even if you hadn't mentioned that it might help.) i am looking forward to all the new MM, Sass, and Pink Paislee. YUM! I think I have a love/hate relationship with CHA... lots of yumminess to look forward to, but I can already sense my bank account rapidly depleting. I'm glad you are having so much fun!!

  75. There's so much awesome new stuff coming out, but I think I am most excited about the Maya Road and Pink Paislee releases!

  76. I'm looking forward to October Afternoon and Narratives...the blog posts have been fun and yes, of course, your daughter is really cute!!

  77. I like the new Sassafrass papers, the Tinkering Ink Recycled papers and the Cosmo Cricket Camp line woodgrain papers.

    Hope you had a great time at CHA!

  78. the butterfly project & your daughter are both BEAUTIFUL!! I'm most looking forward to Making Memories & October Afternoon :)

  79. I have to agree, I want it all too!!! Its all so beautiful and inspiring.
    Being a HUGE fall/Halloween "freak", I am most looking forward to all the new Halloween papers/embellishments/stickers/ribbons, etc. that will soon be available from all the manufacturers.

  80. lol, Lorie, your daughter IS a cutie!! Love the frame! I want soo much...but I think the AC Everyday stuff is my fave!!!

  81. SO hard to pick just one....I guess I'd have to say SEI...I think ; )

  82. I am looking forward to the new Pink Paislee stuff and to see what Basic Grey has up their sleeve.

    :) Fun stuff you made.


  83. love those stamps! i really cant wait to get my hands on the new American Crafts! but thats the case with any CHA show!

  84. Oh that butterfly frame is adorable!!! I haven't even kept up with what's new (gasp). But I know April and Scarlet will knock my socks off with all the yumminess in the upcoming kits!!

  85. Ok...your little girl is totally adorable!! I'm really looking forward to Pink Paisley and Sassafras Lass. Those are at the top of my list!!

  86. Lots of great stuff at this show. I'm most excited for Tim Holtz's masks, American Crafts Flair and Making Memories Mocha & Paperie lines.

  87. What a little looker you have on your hands! I can't wait for all the new pink paislee releases...they look oh so fun! Thanks! Lisa K in TX

  88. My favorite lines I'm anticipating are October Afternoon, Pink Paislee & Jenni Bowlin's new Victoria line. I'm also loving Collage Press' Camden line! Thanks for giving a sneak into CHA!
    P.S. Your daughter is such a cutie!!

  89. Your daughter is gorgeous :) I'm looking forward to getting my hands on some American Crafts stuff, especially the travel stuff.

  90. Love the pink paislee butterfly project, can';t wait for their new releases, and the new October Afternoon and new Bo-Bunny XMAS and My Darling lines.

  91. Everything looks so yummy.....!!!

  92. What an absolutely gorgeous daughter :D !!
    I can't wait to see the new Making Memories, October Afternoon and Pink Paislee but I do love a couple of the new lines from Basic Grey as well.
    Thanks for your RAK :)

    Annie A

  93. The PP butterfly frame is very cute - especially with Natalee in it !!! I'm looking forward to Pink Paislee the most !

  94. What I was anticipating was checking out Claudine Hellmuth's new Studio range with RANGER.

    Since I live in Australia, I am so thankful for the internet where we can check out cool blogs like your's and see what has been released at CHA!

    Thank you

  95. Oh my, your daughter is the cutest thing ever! Great way to show her off in that adorable frame! As far as CHA, I can't wait to see what new stamps will be coming and patterned paper!

  96. I've been waiting for the new MM stamps, what an awesome Give away!

    Cosmo Cricket's new releases definitely have my attention. I'm also anxiously awaiting the new October Afternoon and Pink Paislee stuff.

    Hopefully I can catch the next CHA. Thanks for sharing the photos!

  97. Thanks for keeping us updated this weekend.I enjoyed reading about the fun you all had. I can't wait to see Cosmo Cricket in person.I loved the colors. Oh yeah....what a darling daughter!!!

    Stephanie P

  98. The frame is just perfect for her cute little face! I love love pink paislee and the basic grey...there is so much adorable stuff coming out..can't wait to see what SC has in the upcoming kits!!

  99. The project turned out fabulous! Your daughter is absolutely adorable!! :)

    I can't wait for all of the new making memories stuff...their designs are definitely my favorite!

  100. Awww...she's so sweet! I have to say I am looking forward to Scenic Route Sonoma! Have a safe trip. :)

  101. For sure the Pink Paislee. As far as your daughter, that goes without saying.

  102. I am crazy looking forward to the MM FaLaLa Line. I have already seen so many cute ideas using this line.

    I absolutely love the butterfly hanger. That picture is absolutely perfect for it. Great job!

    And thanks so much for all the updates and peeks!

  103. cuteness!! stamps, projects, flowers. i love CHA! i think it's better than christmas...

  104. Definitely a cute daughter! lol
    So many great new products this time...too hard to just name 1 or 2!

  105. so great to see you guys at the show! thanks for the doing the make-n-take with my new line!! Glad you liked the flowers!

  106. I can see why you carry pictures of her around! :D

    I think I'm most looking forward to the new Making Memories stamps and the latest Scenic Route stuff. So yummy! :D

  107. It's a difficult question.
    I love a lot!
    Maybe some of the favourite:
    - October Afternoon
    - Making Memories
    - Pink Paislee and also
    - Basic Grey

    new lines! They are gorgeous, don't you agree?

  108. Those stamps are gorgeous and so is your girl!

  109. hope I'm not too late!

    I am most looking forward to the new AC Thickers. lol - you'd think I'd be excted for something "new".

  110. thanks for keeping us "posted".
    Love all the new stuff you have been showing us.

  111. I'm looking forward to Making Memories ;)
    Your little girl is such a doll!

  112. Your daughter is adorable!! So cute in that butterfly frame. There is so much I can't wait to see - definately October Afternoon, Scenic Route & Chatterbox.

  113. love all making memories products. And your daughter is so cute gotta love girls I have 2 little girls.

  114. Oh..I just love the stamps. And you have a beautiful daughter.

    I love MM spooky line! I can't wait to get it.

  115. I'm really looking forward to the new October Afternoon and MM goodies from CHA! Thanks for the report. :)

  116. Thanks for all the CHA info. I love seeing new stuff. It gets me motivated to scrap!


  117. I love MM and cant wait to see the new october afternoon!
    With you at SC, i discovered that there is a whole lot more to scrapbooking than Basic Grey! Although their new collections are to die for!
    thanx for the news from CHA!


  118. OA, AC, Fancy Pants, Pink Paislee, Humbly.....

  119. The most anticipated for me would be a tie between Collage Press and Creative Cafe (have you seen those butterflies!?)

  120. I'm jonesing for the new Collage Press the most! It is just T.D.F.
    And then I would have to say Making Memories, Pink Paisley and My Mind's Eye. Yum.

  121. Love that Making Memories. Gorgeous! And your daughter is a cutie!

  122. I would love to see some of the new fancy pants stuff too!

  123. It's impossible to choose between all those goodies :) but one favourite is OA and I sure would love to try that Slice...

  124. Looks like you had an awesome time at CHA....and YES your daughter is cute lol.
    I love the new Sassafras Lass and October Afternoon stuff the most.....but I'm sure there will be loads more :P


  125. I think I love it all...and I wish I had a cute girl to scrap about!
    Thanks-Tammy G

  126. you know, the ki sheers were pretty cool. loved the mod shaped orange and green one especially...

    so dang fun to meet you lorie!

  127. Oh what a cool RAK! I loved meeting you guys. I wish G-man's camera wasn't so sophisticated---totally showed off all of my flaws, hee hee :)

  128. I can't wait to get some of the new MM Paperie, especially the blue line!

    And your daughter is a CUTIE!

  129. Your daughter is adorable! My 18 month old son has the same blue eyes...those two would make a lovely pair :)

    I'm SO excited over the new October Afternoon stuff! Maya Road didn't disappoint, either! :)

  130. But your daughter is cute. I just want more of the October Afternoon paper and all those new mini marks from American Crafts.

  131. Cute stamps just like your cute daughter. Hee!
