July 17, 2008

CHA Madness!

So a bunch of us have decided to have a little fun over at Studio Calico
during CHA week.
We were chatting and came up with the idea of a 4 product challenge,
much like they do in Creating Keepsakes magazine.
Except I've changed it to a 5 product challenge because i've lost my dang mind and used 5 instead of four.

Thanks to Ally, creative genius =)
for these rules:


1. Cardstock counts as a product

2. You may not use ink, chalk, paint etc. (unless you are using it on a stamp that came in a kit)

3. You MAY use any and all types of adhesive - including pop dots, diamond glaze, etc.)

4. You MAY use punches (this could be your saving grace :) )

5. No sewing

6. Sanding/distressing is okay.

I took Ally's challenge and here is what I came up with using the Via Airmail Kit:

Products used:
1. KI memories felt accents
2. Making Memories patterned paper
3. Making memories border sticker
4. Basic Grey alphabet stickers
5. My Mind's Eye die cut.

ETA: Here is another take. On this one I actually used 4 products and I also tried to stretch them as far as I could.
1. The Sassafras paper is the background and the photo mat. I also punched 6 circles from the B Side and then cut smaller pieces of the trim to use within the circles.
2. The Making Memories Chipboard alphas are the titles and also the dots in the scalloped border (I used the centers of letters)
3. The Making memories tag
4. The Making memories ribbon.

So now it's your turn! Post your projects in the gallery and link them here.
No stress on a time frame...let's just say you should have them done by the time
the girlies are back from CHA.

Our sweet Denise (Nichoda) will be providing a prize to the challenge winner.
Thanks, Denise!!

Happy creating everyone!


  1. call me dense-can you ONLY use four products?? (cause you listed five?) sorry-I'm not familiar with the CK challenges

  2. Yep. I messed up. We'll just act like I meant to do that. ;) That's what no sleep will do to you!!

  3. Five products is great with me! Especially since cardstock counts!

  4. :( i don't have any kits from SC yet...so i will just play along with what i have but i know it won't count for a prize and that is ok...i have enough toscrap until the cow AND chickens come home....great challenge

  5. Please don't laugh at my ignorance . . . but when DO the girls get back from CHA? Thanks!

  6. Totally awesome layout!! Lets see what I can do with this!

  7. Woohoo!! That was fast miss Steph! And look at you only using five products. That's pretty funny by the way. :)

    Hoping I will scrap tomorrow night to celebrate the end of this week - and if I can, I'll take the challenge!

  8. I did it, and enjoyed myself too :D


    Thank you, Ally and Stephanie, for the push!

  9. I had a go.
    Wasn't sure if pens were allowed but I used one anyway - feel free to discount it if I broke a rule! :D


    Thanks for the challenge!

  10. This was a toughie, but fun too!

    Here's mine...

  11. I also challenged to only use 1 kit...I usually mix things up a bit.
    Here's mine:

    Thanks for posting the challenge!

  12. here's mine:

    i have decided i'll never be featured in CK doing the 5 product challenge. it's way too hard for me.

  13. Okay... so here's mine...

  14. Here's mine. I did it Thursday night, but am just getting it posted.

  15. Here is my 5 products Lo


    Thanks for a great challenge!

  16. This was a real challenge for me but once I had selected my 5 products I had fun seeing how far I could make them stretch. This is my LO here:


    Thanks for the challenge :)
