August 23, 2008

Back to School Challenge

I have one short week before I send my twins off to Kindergarten. We have full day Kindergarten here and I'm still trying to come to terms with the fact that they will be gone ALL DAY. They are getting to be big kids. Not preschoolers, not toddlers, not babies. When did this happen? I'm still in denial. Seriously.

And while I may not be prepared emotionally for the moment when I see them walking off to their classroom with those big old backpacks on their little backs...sniff sniff... I'm at least prepared with all the physical "stuff" of the back to school season. I've gotten them each a few new clothing items to start the year with and their new backpacks are already filled with the required supplies. So, in honor of all that back to shopping we are all doing I thought I'd post a challenge for this week. Here goes....

1. New duds.
You can't start a new year without a few new items of clothing. Especially that special first day of school outfit that coordinates perfectly with Basic Grey Recess. (ooops...did I say that out loud?) So, the first required part of this challenge is that you use some sort of cloth or fabric or something clothing related on your layout.

2. School Supplies.
I love new school supplies. Fresh packs of crayons, new pencils, fresh erasers, clean notebooks. It just makes you want to start off on the right foot. And nowadays there seems to be a rather long list of things your child needs. For this challenge I'm giving you a list of possible school supplies to use on your layout. You need to use 3 from this list....
notebook paper
construction paper
white out
scotch tape
paper clips
3. ABC's and 123's.
The last part of the challenge is to incorporate BOTH LETTERS and NUMBERS on your layout somehow. Whether it's in the title, part of the design, in your journaling, whatever... use both prominantly on your layout.
That's it. Not too hard, right? Upload your creations in the gallery and link them to the Back to School Challenge thread by Sept. 2nd. The first day of school for my boys. boohoo. I'll pick a winner and send off a RAK to celebrate. :) Happy scrapping!


  1. Awesome challenge, Nicole! I sent my boy to first grade this year. Last year's Kindergarten was harder, but you will be fine, Mom, and so will your boys!

  2. I love this challenge. I'm really hoping that I have a chance to do it! The 2nd is the first day of school for us too! Good luck with your kiddos, they'll do great!

  3. Love this challenge Nicole! My first is going to Kindergarten too on the 2nd. Bitter sweet for sure!

  4. love this challenge idea! i'm trying to think of a way i can participate w/o kids :)

  5. Here is mine:

    I absolutely LOVED this challenge! I had so much FUN! Thanks Nicole! :-)
