August 8, 2008


One of my biggest problems has always been the individual storage of certain supplies. How do I store alphas so that they look nice, are easy to reach and stay neat? Where do I put all those wood mounted stamps? Where do I put all the acrylic stamps? How about ink? What should I do with that? I finally just made a list of all my "hard to store" items and came up with solutions for each of them. I'm definitely still working on conquering the list, but I'm finally feeling like I have a little more control over my space.For patterned paper and cardstock, the vertical orgaziners from Cropper Hopper have been a life-saver. I previously had all my paper stored in a pull out drawer type organizer that meant I had to pull out the whole stack every time I needed a piece.Recently, I found some rectangular baskets for storing sheet type alphas. One for Thickers and one for all others...and the best part? They can sit right on my table within reach. Previously, they'd been stored in a file folder in a file box...not quite as handy, right?
I have to be honest...I've tried EVERYTHING to house little embellishments like buttons, flowers, brads, glitter...and nothing ever seemed just right for me...until I found that the two tables I bought each had one giant drawer. Before the tables all the small embellishments had been housed in an empty spice rack and a garage organizer--which meant they both had to be up on a shelf. With the little left over drawers from the garage organizer I found that everything fit quite nicely into the big open drawers in the front of my tables. How handy is that?

Obviously, we all have our own solutions. You saw Nik's basket of paint, Stephs mattress spring page holder and some of Dav's storage solutions, too. What I want to know are what are your favorites? Where did you find them, did you make them? What are you still looking for storage solutions to?

Remember that RAK I promised? Well, I've just given you another little surprise snippet above!!! Just upload a picture of your space to the Studio Calico Member Gallery (by Sunday 8/10 at midnight PST) and your name will be 'on my list'.


  1. I took photos this mornind and as I looked through them I realized why I never take photos of my scrap area. DUST. Oh my lord...I now have proof of what a terrible cleaner I am. Yikes!

    BTW...I love how you store your little embellishments. That is what I have a hard time organizing.

  2. love those drawers with dividers! I'd love to find something like that. tfs!

  3. i uploaded my room to the gallery...excuse my mess... ihave been hard at work :)

  4. i love looking at everyone's space! i just uploaded my pics!

  5. Love these spaces. I've put mine in the gallery. I also added a 'before' shot.

  6. love how you organize your things, especially the basket and the drawer dividers. :)

  7. great storage for your thickers. i have such a problem with that!! i might have to try that! :)
