September 27, 2008

In Memory of Aleida

Layout by Nicole Harper

On Friday, September 12, a dear friend of the Studio Calico community passed away. Aleida Franklin will always be remembered for her kindness, her wit, and her reminders to treasure each day we have with our families. Our community has been inspired by her life and memory.

We invited a few ladies to share the personal impact that Aleida had on their lives. Here is a list of the questions I asked. Please feel free to leave comments of your own for her family to cherish.

What lasting impression has Aleida left on your life?
What have you learned about friendship and motherhood from Aleida?
What is your favorite memory of Aleida?
How has Aleida changed the way you view scrapbooking?

What lasting impression has Aleida left on your life?

April Foster: To me, Aleida was the type of person who truly valued life. She made efforts each day to make others happy, whether it was leaving praise on a layout, making us laugh on the message board, or sending a personal email.
She valued life and as a result, left a lasting impression. She helped me to relax, to de-stress, and to enjoy being lost in a moment. Since her passing, I've thought a lot about the brevity of life and the importance of enjoying the moment, taking the time to relax, breathe, and just take it all in and have made positive strides in that direction.

Jessi Gribbin (Jessig99): It’s so difficult to put into words how knowing Aleida affected me. She inspired me to live my life without regret and without reservation. She showed me there is more to scrapbooking than just putting pictures on a page. It's an artform and an outlet for self-expression too. She also taught me that sometimes it's ok if it's all about me. I always look at my scrapbooks and think I don't want it to be so full of me… there should be more pictures of my fiance or my family...whatever. Looking back now, I realize it's just as important to capture myself and memories of me as it is to capture my loved ones. She has also taught me to live with no fear. It doesn't matter if a million websites and magazines reject your submissions...your work is still special. It doesn't matter if that crabby customer says "I'm glad your store is closing..." You still did your best to help her. And the most important thing I learned from Aleida was to make sure those you love know it, and make sure they know it every day. I'm just glad she heard it from me before it was too late.

What have you learned about friendship and motherhood from Aleida?

Liz Mataraza (akaliz): The experience of knowing Aleida has made me realize that it does not matter where a person is, you can still cherish them as if there is no tomorrow.

Rita Oliverio (rmoliverio): Having the privilege to know Aleida through the Studio Calico community has taught me many very important life lessons. The first is that, in order to be surrounded by friends, one must first BE a friend. Aleida extended her friendship to so many of us without expecting anything in return. She was always quick to offer a warm welcome, a sincere compliment, encouragement and just make us laugh. These are the qualities of a true friend.

Aleida also taught me to never take a moment with my children for granted. I, like many of her blog readers, was very moved by her pictures with her beautiful daughter Bella. I can count on one hand the number of pictures I have of my children and me. It is very easy to get caught up in the day-to-day activities of being a mother and forget how precious each moment is. She has inspired me to overcome my own insecurities so I can be present in every aspect of their lives. Her love for her children was so obvious to anyone who knew her; I can only hope I am doing enough to make my children feel the same way.

What is your favorite memory of Aleida?

Denise Nichols (nichoda): It is really hard to single out one favorite memory. Trying to keep it clean, because we all know she truly wanted her blog to be re-named The Naughty Scrapping Rican, helped a bit. I guess the memory that made me laugh the most was when she would call or email me pretending to be mad that I was getting too close to her post count. She would say what are you trying to do? Make everybody like you better? I would answer they already do. Then we would laugh. It became an ongoing joke/competition. Just one of many memories that makes me chuckle without making me blush.

How has Aleida changed the way you view scrapbooking?

Scarlet Namvong: After Aleida’s death, I was inspired to organize my scrapbooks in a more meaningful way. I have always arranged my layouts by design team or by kit, which has absolutely no meaning to my family. I tore apart my albums and made new ones for each of my kids, one for myself, and one for other family and friends. I also put all of my favorite and most meaningful layouts together in a special album. In the future, I want my children to value my scrapbooks not because it was my job to create them, but because of the special messages they hold.

Nicole Samuels (NicoleS): Aleida taught me a lesson that I will forever be grateful for... that I should be more present in my scrapbooks. Whether it's getting out from behind the camera so that I can get in the pictures with my kids or being sure to include real, heartfelt journaling on my pages, she made me realize that life is precious and our scrapbooks will one day be our legacy for our family and children. I don't want them to just remember that I used pretty paper and took nice photos of them... I want them to know that I loved them dearly and that we did this thing together. So, thank you Aleida, for telling it how it is and causing me to rethink this crazy little passion called scrapbooking that we all share. Your words will stay with me always.


  1. This is so sweet and beautiful. I read it in the reveal nite email. I didn't know Aleida, but I think it is so nice of SC to remember her they way they are. She was such a big part of this community. The layout Nichole made is gorgeous.

  2. So sorry for your loss. I did not know her, but it seems she was a wonderful person...

  3. What a great Tribute! Here is a LO I made in tribute as well:

  4. I'm so sorry for your loss.

    Most sincerely,

