October 27, 2008

It's a busy week!

Are you ready for tonight? Have you seen what the November kit looks like? Have you signed up for the newsletter yet? So many questions. Here's a looky at the November kit, Fountain Square:

The add-ons are named after Geographical locations near Studio Calico headquarters in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Scarlet posted about them here, and on her blog here. Isn't that fun?

I know it can be confusing, but I hope you are ready for tonight! We have all sorts of fun things planned, including a new Chat room! I hope you'll be able to join us for reveal night and help us work out the kinks on this great new feature.

Speaking of reveal night, Joy has yet again challenged us with Reveal night avatars. There's going to be prizes in all sorts of categories, so I hope you'll take the time to have a little fun. Let the kids join in! I have started a thread here so you can post a photo of your costume. You can post as many different photos/costumes as you'd like... the more you do the better your chances of winning a prize, right?

After you do that, post on this thread for a chance to win the Reveal night prize pack!

Speaking of prizes, there is still time to enter a layout in Nic's 2 page layout contest. Please upload your layout to the Studio Calico gallery and link it to this thread. You have until the 29th!

After you do that, don't forget to take part in Lorie's Hometown Challenge! All of the info is below this post here.

Kirsty and I have taken over the blog this week, and we have a lot of great things to share with you while we are here. Be sure to check back tomorrow... we have even more fun surprises for you!

Happy Monday! Davinie


  1. thanks for the wrap up! lots of things going on!

  2. I just found your blog, on Stephanie's Blog and wow, I just adore this new kit! I am going to check out all the goodies~!

  3. I have never visited before. Came here through Janine's blog and just loved your kits. Just ordered the november one and too a subscription. Everything looks just wonderful!! Can't wait to get that kit in my hands :)
