January 9, 2009

And you thought we forgot....

We didn't forget to post the winners of Tina Aszmus' prints, but I bet you thought we did. I was waiting for this sweet girl to draw the winners.

I divided them into 3 bags based on the print you said you liked, and Natalee drew the winners.

Blogger Debbie ♥ ♥ ♥ said...

I LOVE the mushroom!! The colors are divine and the details are so amazing!!! I'm curious to know what lens you use. We saw similar mushrooms & fungus while hiking the Redwoods....lovely what lays underfoot!

Chelsea said...

I like the second one! Gorgeous...

ShellyJ said...

i really like the last one :)

So, please email info@studiocalico.com and we'll ship your print. Thanks!