January 24, 2009

Welcome to CHA 2009!

Well ladies, I've been counting down the days for weeks and FINALLY it's here, CHA Winter 2009! This morning April, Scarlet, Amber, Steven and I headed out for the airport to begin our journey. We met Kirsty in LA and we all traveled to Anaheim together in our spiffy mini-van. It was really cool to finally meet Kirsty in person, I could listen to her talk in that neat British accent all day long!

We arrived here in Anaheim this afternoon and headed over to the Convention Center for all of the pre-show receptions. We started at the Making Memories reception at about 4:00. We were joined by Nicole Samuels, Stephanie Howard, Nicole Harper and Emily Pitts. It was awesome to see Nic, Nik, and Emily again and to meet Stephanie for the first time! After much hugging and introducing, we settled in to see the new products that MM has to offer. I can't give you too much information here, I mean I am following the letter of the law here that I was given by the boss ladies so don't be too upset that I can't spell everything out for you. Hint...Hint!

After Making Memories, we headed over to the Creative Imaginations reception. The have a themed party at each CHA, I don't know if you remember or not, but at the Chicago show is was a Lego theme. Tonight was Star Wars themed....complete with jazzy Star Wars music, Storm Troopers, Darth Vader, a very serious looking Luke Skywalker and a very short Chewbacca. We took some pictures that I'll make sure that we get posted tomorrow! Anyway, the reception was a lot of fun and we had a nice time chatting and catching up while we munched away at their buffet. They always have the best food!

Finally, we headed over to the SEI reception. They always have a big slide show production where they show all of the new product. This one is my personal favorite because it is an ice cream reception. We enjoyed ice cream sundaes while we watched the show. They also have this guy that gets up and makes a big deal about calling out numbers on tickets for prizes...you know the kind of guy that I am talking about. He gets up and drags it out as much as possible, calling out the numbers one by one, then asking everyone that is still in the drawing to raise their hands and such. Anyway, it was a lot of fun and Stephanie Howell ended up winning one of the new lines.

We've had a big day and it's time to pack it in for the night....the time difference is catching up to all of us! Make sure to check back tomorrow night for another blog entry. We will have lots of pictures and more stories to tell I'm sure.

Good Night!


  1. Wow it sounds awesome! Now I'm more jealous than ever!!

  2. Enjoy the creative fun and fellowship! Wish I were there.

  3. I am so jealous, but it sounds like you guys had so much fun. Can't wait to see what we have coming up for us!

  4. OH my kids would love to see the star wars themed pictures!! That sounds like fun!!

  5. sounds like you guys are having a blast! can't wait to see some pics!

  6. I am glad everyone arrived safe & sound. It all sounds like fun....enjoy; and send pictures....we are all anxious.......

  7. Thanks so much for updating us! I agree about hearing Kirsty's accent! I wish I could've made this one! My 6 yr old and hubby love Star Wars, pics would've been great! Can't wait to hear more!

  8. oh how fun!!! Can't wait to see pics!!

  9. Thanks so much for the update! I am amazed that you still have energy to write this post but it is greatly appreciated.
    Oh Gosh, how I would love to go there for once in my lifetime!
    And get everything I like!
