February 2, 2009

add on highlight *footnotes*

Dav's got a great challenge posted below with a sweet prize, the footnotes add on from January. I thought I'd do a layout to highlight the add on. It's really fun and sweet and there are a lot of possibilities. I'll show you a great way to use the chipboard book later this week.

Everything on this layout is from the Footnotes add on. I also combined 2 different Claudine Hellmuth paints to create this shade of blue. The stamps are from the lovely Ali Edwards collection.

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Super cute Tina - I really love this and think I may have to "lift it" for my little one.

  2. Totally cute! I have a neice who spells it Raegan. Love what you did there sugar. I can only see it when I click on the layout though. Otherwise it's blank. I wonder if it's just me?

  3. beautiful layout! so glad you like the paints too!

  4. she is cutie! she looks exactly like you tina! sweet layout!!!!

  5. This whole thing makes me smile! What a happy little layout! love it!

  6. Those are freaking awesome, girl! So cool!
    Happy Friday! :P
