February 27, 2009

Here are your random numbers:

858 1219 428 1148 1114
256 778 400 917 573
482 1140 203 927 1232
35 603 247 205 859
1 474 954 230 568
148 125 521 575

Timestamp: 2009-02-28 05:12:23 UTC

Below are the 29 winners of the Ali Edwards stamp sets. Please email info@studiocalico.com with your name/address/prize within one week and we'll ship your prize.

  1. lori said...

    waiting for excitement and joy....I'm feeling little like Christmas....just saying.....:))

    February 26, 2009 11:01 AM

  2. Cassi said...

    *sung to the tune of "I'm So Excited"
    I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it. Ali E's designs are awesome, and boy I like 'em!

    February 26, 2009 1:25 PM

  3. Jenni said...

    Oh, these kits looks so yummy! I can't wait to see the full reveals!!! Love those cute stamps too!! Such a fun giveaway girls!

  4. Roz said...

    How exciting a chance to win something, please add my name to the draw

    February 26, 2009 3:26 PM

  5. Leslie Herbert said...

    Can't wait until tonight! thanks for having a great giveaway!!!

    February 26, 2009 6:42 PM

  6. McMcKenzie said...

    Love it all, as usual!!!! ;)

    February 26, 2009 7:40 PM

  7. Gretchen said...

    Can't wait for the reveal and what a fun giveaway!

    February 26, 2009 8:58 PM

  8. Jenny S. said...

    Thank you for this wonderful giveaway. What an amazing opportunity!

    February 26, 2009 6:37 PM

  9. Val said...

    oh wow what fun!

    February 26, 2009 9:57 PM

  10. Lalunatique said...

    It could be me..... Please.....;)
    Can't wait for this reveal !

    February 27, 2009 8:47 AM

  11. Mariangeles M said...

    Love your stuff!!

    I hope I'm one of the winners :o)

    February 27, 2009 9:39 AM

  12. Miranda said...

    Oh how we would love to add these to our collection
    so exciting to have the chance to WIN 1 of 29
    thanks for that chance
    Ali's designs are great.

    February 27, 2009 9:43 AM

  13. Keely said...

    Sign me up for some free stamps! :) Have a good weekend!

    February 27, 2009 9:09 AM

  14. Kathy Reid said...

    Pick me! I want to win. I love stamps and I love Ali.

    February 27, 2009 10:02 AM

  15. Amber Reed said...

    Would LOVE to win!!! Yeah!!

    February 27, 2009 10:25 AM

  16. wolfe said...

    Very fun!!! This would make my day.

    February 27, 2009 10:22 AM

  17. Ann said...

    Can't wait to see them all! Love 'em.

    February 27, 2009 10:26 AM

  18. Barbara in NC said...

    How exciting! Thanks so much.

    February 27, 2009 10:41 AM

  19. Shana Tehrani said...

    Hi--would love to win! Good luck on the Reveal!

    February 27, 2009 12:36 PM

  20. Anonymous said...

    OOOO Pick me Pick me!! ha :) actually would love to win your giveaway. thanks a bunch.
    Tracy Johnson VA

    February 27, 2009 1:45 PM

  21. luv2stamp2 said...

    This looks awesome! Love Ali's stuff!
    Jeanne in Denver

    February 27, 2009 1:45 PM

  22. scoborn said...

    How exciting!!! Thanks so much!

    February 27, 2009 2:38 PM

  23. RAMASYL said...

    A source of inpiration your blog!
    And reagent in more! Still

    February 27, 2009 2:52 PM

  24. DanaK said...

    What an incredible giveaway. It's so generous of you.

  25. Paula said...

    wow I never knew this site existed! Now it's bookmarked. Thanks to Ali E!

    February 27, 2009 7:24 PM

  26. susanne said...

    would love to win :) hint, hint!!

    February 27, 2009 8:12 PM

  27. Wow! What a generous giveaway. Hope I am one of the 29. Many thanks in advance.

    Janie R.
    Moorhead, MN
  28. hint_of_lime said...

    this is exciting.
    great stamps.

    February 27, 2009 10:45 PM

  29. Can't wait to see what you've got hidden in your sleeve. A very cool giveaway!


    February 27, 2009 11:03 PM


  1. Congratulations everyone! What an awesome giveway!

  2. Congrats to all the winners of that luscious AE stamp!

  3. Congrats GIRLS!! Enjoy your AE stamp and make full use of it! :)

  4. wow I just missed it i guess. ...
    congrats to all 29 winners.
    have fantastic fun with all your goodies.

  5. congrats everyone. have fun with Ali. - hera

  6. thank you thank you thank you!!! I can't wait to play with these!!!

  7. I'm so exited my name is on the list !
    Thanks you SO much :)
    You make my day :)

  8. So awesome - thanks so much! Totally made my day!!!

  9. Congratulations to all 29 winners! Enjoy your prizes.
