February 24, 2009

Inspired by the Internet

A sweet friend who is visiting Arizona right now emailed me last night and asked me where I go around here for inspiration. And you know what is funny, I didn't have a great list of places for her!! With a busy schedule and 4 little ones and my scrapbooking assignments and my photography business, I don't usually venture much further than my local Walmart and Target! :)

It got me thinking.... where do I go for inspiration??

And I realized that the biggest "place" I "go" for inspiration is the internet! I mean who needs to pack up the kids and go out when I can sit here in my p.j.'s and find more inspiration than I could ever ask for!

So, since I wasn't much help to my friend today, I thought I would try to make up for it by sharing my favorite inspiration websites with you today! (Note: I have too many faves to list in one post so let's call this round 1... and these are all in random order.)

I can always find a TON of inspiration here.... like these amazing works by rachael taylor.
LOVE all of her designs and the colors. Amazing!!

This gal is also amazingly talented and I am ALWAYS inspired when I stop by to check out her latest creations. The recycled books/albums she makes are to die for!! I fell in love with this one. Click on the link above to see the inside of the book. You will be in awe!!

Another favorite site with all sorts of inspiration. I loved this image they found at Homes & Gardens in their post about orange and turquoise.

And last but not least is Poppytalk Handmade. I don't even have an image to share because it was impossible to choose something. Everything about their site is pure eye candy... from their blog header, design and posts to their email newsletter they send out. You will just have to trust me and go check it out!

Well, that's it for this round. Happy surfing!

I would love to know what your favorite inspiration sites are so please leave a comment and share!! It's always fun to find a new site to bookmark!!


  1. Ali Edwards blog is my home page--always great stuff there!

  2. Great inspirational places/things. I love those colors! As for my inspiration, if I'm getting a little stuck, I grab one of my past scrapbooking magazines and flip through it. Usually I'm energized by the end and wanting to scrap very soon!

  3. great post maggie, i love the poppytalk site! i love the crate&barrel website and magazine. lots of great color combos and designs, especially the pillows... :)

  4. oh no i couldnt get out of the poppy talk last nite!! Wonderful Thanks so much for the link. - hera
