February 21, 2009

it's all about style.

so as we close a week of blogging that focuses on journaling, i thought i would highlight a few more members...and i decided to show some examples of my favorite kinds of journaling. (please click on the link for each layout to view up close and see the journaling...)

the first is lists.

now, i love to use numbers on my pages...and by making a list on a layout, it gives me an easy way to use up the ones that are always included in a set, lol. so here are a few examples...

Kristii made this beautiful layout about her husband...and by using a list format, it was easy peasy to do. the hard part?? picking only four things!

not only did Greta use a ton of pictures on this one, she was able to document her entire month of January 2009 by doing it 'list-style'...and she was able to enter Davinie's challenge at the same time!!
now, Fevvers here?? she is a girl after my own heart...she appears to love numbers and lists just as much (if not more!) than i do!! so many people are terrified of an all about me type layout, but by using the list format to help her along, this one came together perfectly.

ok...moving on to another favorite of mine: the 'In Depth' layout.
this style shoots straight from the heart. you put yourself and your feelings out there...without holding back. while you're writing it, you just may shed a tear or two. and that is perfectly fine...because to take that leap and put exactly how you feel down on paper can be very difficult. but the end result is something that means an awful lot to you...and also to the person you're journaling about.
now ScrapAlly here posted this to the SC gallery way back in September. but you know what?? it's been on my mind since i read it, all those months ago. that seems like a pretty good indicator of 'in depth' journaling...and when i decided to do this post, i knew this layout had to be featured.

Lulu tapped into some of her own feelings about her son growing up...a feeling most of us moms have shared at one point or another. i love that she journaled to her son here...not just about him. her layout is a reminder that we need to get those thoughts down while they're happening...even if they make us face our own fears/feelings.

if you've spent anytime at SC, surely you know that Samshands is always wowing everyone with her journaling. i remember her mentioning once that she felt it was a fault to always be so wordy when she journals...but to that i say, 'ROLL WITH IT SISTER'!!! if you can get your point across with 1 sentence, more power to you, lol. but if words are your thing, and you consistently make layouts like this one that touch someone browsing through the gallery, then type away.

ok...now moving on to a subject that i think is often forgotten about.
heritage journaling.
i love to make layouts with old pics. they remind me of how good life is when you're a child and how far your family may have come over the years. it really should be muy importante to all of us...i mean, how important is it to know who we are and where we've come from? the answer?? very!!
now, i honestly was trying not to feature anyone twice, but this one by Samshands makes me tear up every single time i read through it. maybe it's because it's just so genuine. or maybe it's because i find myself in the same boat as Laura...a daughter who lost her father before he got to know his grandchild. it may just be the great title...who knows?! but it is a perfect example of making a heritage page even though the topic is strictly about 'what ifs'.

anyone else remember this awesome layout from Kirsty's 'Iconic' gallery? here is a great 'heritage' page that simply features a favorite photo from years ago. it's striking without even needing journaling.

a few from my own gallery...
this one from last month shows one of my all-time fave pics of my Dad and i. is the journaling about how we always went to the county fair every August and rode the merry-go-round? nope. this photo of us, with his arm around me...protecting me, reminds me of just how safe i felt when he was nearby. an important thing to remember, and something i wanted to jot down.

my Mom and Dad on their wedding day...now, i wasn't there, lol...so i asked my Mom to tell me about that day. and what she told me is exactly what i wrote down for this layout...simple, but poignant. she didn't go into details about who came, what they received or what kind of cake they had. she simply remembers how very happy they were to be starting their life together...a sentiment that i thought was worth more than any other detail she could have shared.

if you have a sibling...how often have you journaled about him/her? i know i don't have very many projects about my younger brother, but i intend to rectify that in the future. he is way too important to me to not document all of the crazy times we've spent together while growing up...and this little mini book is just the tip of the iceberg. (plus, i had a blast looking at this old photo of me on my first prom night, lol)

so let's review.
  • list style journaling: makes journaling a snap, uses up numbers and looks fun, lol.
  • in depth journaling: allows you to pour your heart out...or maybe share something with someone that you would have a hard time saying face to face.
  • heritage journaling: perfect way to document your past...and the past of those close to you for future reference.

all very different styles, yet each one valuable.

Emily and i have had a blast encouraging everyone this week to start embracing their journaling...so i'll just leave you with a little quote that sums it all up.

For me, words are a form of action, capable of influencing change.
- Ingrid Bengis


  1. thaks for featuring the layout I did of my Mum. I leave a lot of journalling secreted on the back of my layouts as I freely admit Im more of a creative scrapper than a journalling one :)
