March 11, 2009

Now To Get Rid of All That Paper

How are you all doing with the number/letter challenge? I have to warn you, it's hard sticking down that last letter, especially if it's an A or an E, which are precious in my house! BUT, it was quite liberating to do so! Keep working on it, using up one whole package or sheet of letters/numbers. YOU'LL BE OK! I promise!

Now on to today's challenge... Lorie isn't the only one with a whole bunch of papers hanging around her scrap area. In my purging and cleaning this week, I've filled up an entire SC box (that's 4 1/2 inches my friend) of just paper. I'm donating it to my daughter's school. They love me. But what about the paper I still have? Well, make cards with it! Here's what I came up with, using Fountain Square again.

Here's why I love pleating paper strips: you can use a whole 12 inch length on a traditional 4.25 by 5.5 sized card! If you just put a strip on the card, you'd only use about 5 inches, pleating it allows you to get rid of more paper! How can that not make you happy? :)

Another way to use up lots of paper? Punch a bunch of squares and add a bit of stitching:

The perfect solution for all those little bits of scraps is the paper crazy quilt. It takes a little bit of time, but the overlapped look is a very fun way to use up scraps.

Adding dimension means you're using more paper. Notice how many butterflies I fit into one small area? I punched three strips of paper 1.25 by 12 inches and fit almost all the butterflies on this card, just making the wings three dimensional allows for a bit more room.

With these four cards, I used up about 1 sheet of paper between all the projects. If I made mulitple of each card, I'm almost done with using my entire kit. Do you think I can be done by Sunday? That's my goal.

And your challenge for today, with the prize being the Glossary add on, is to use up at least two whole sheets of paper making cards. Post a link to your creations and I'll throw your name into the random generator at the end of the week, you have until Monday night.


  1. Wow, MLE! Your cards have been amazing! Look at you go, girl.

  2. I agree!!! WOWZA!!! And I love the idea of actually USING something up!!!! PLanning to give some of these card styles a shot!

  3. Wow you make the most beautiful projects with just scraps! That is simply amazing!

  4. lovely projects! so inspiring. i might be able to try this challenge. thanks for the idea.

  5. Holy Moly, Emily, I didn't realize you were such a card queen!
    These are AMAZING!

  6. love these cards mle! especially the ruffly one

  7. WOW! AMAZING! I'm lovin' those cards . . . and I may just try making a few myself!

  8. Great quilting idea! I'm going to try it on my next layout =)

  9. Emily I LOVE all your cards, especially the crazy quilt. THanks for the inspiratin

  10. I love the pleated one and can't wait for a tutorial! Which punch did you use for the butterflies? Love that too!

  11. Done mine here

    Thanks for the inspiration!!

  12. I made 9 cards!!! And the two papers I choose are not double-sided so not that many options, but your photos inspired me, and I had FUN!!! And I made cards from two papers I had no idea how to incorporate into my scrapping.

    Will take photos and post in the gallery if I figure out how to do it from this computer (a mini lap top), Our main machine with all the soft ware on it went and died on us......

  13. there they are



  15. my cards are all posted here:

    I had a lot of fun with the challenge!

  16. Just adding my daughter Tiffany's creations for this challenge. She really had fun! =)

  17. Such a great idea for a challenge, E! I'll have to try to do this task more often! :)

    Here's my go at it:


  18. Here's my attempt:
