March 10, 2009

Out of Chaos Comes Cards

Lorie explained how she and I came to the topic of this post. I was going to post my entire scrap area, but today I will only share with you the part that got my thinking I needed to start getting organized. This is my computer desk. My scrap table is to my left and behind me. It looks even worse. Since I started subscribing to Studio Calico, I've kept my kits in their original bags, in the rolling tote next to my computer desk. It worked well for the first year, but now that we are nearing the end of year two, you have to agree with me that it's not working any more. I am running out of room and don't really want to buy more storage, so I decided a solution would be to start using my kits for cardmaking. Use up the product, then send it away and brighten someone's day. So my goal for this week is to get cleaned up and get rid of old kits!

I chose Fountain Square because I have a good amount left, and I love the color combination. I took a picture of what I had left, each day I post my latest creations, I take another picture to show you my progess. I hope that by doing this, I'll come up with some good ideas to share with you on how to use up your product, so you'll have room for more. This is what I started with:

My goal for today was to use up all the felt letters that came in one of the addons. The container says there are 92 characters. I am happy to report that I have used every single one of them! Not including what I had already done with the kit for the gallery, it took 5 cards and one layout. I hope my ideas will inspire you do to the same with at least one of you sheets or packages of letters/numbers.

That's my challenge for you today, start making cards or layouts, see how many it takes for you to use up an entire sheet or package. Post your creations to the gallery and at the end of our blogging week, plus a couple of days, I'll choose three winners. Once you finish this particular challenge, please link your creation to this post, I'd hate to miss anyone's work.

I made two like this one because I had two 0s and two 8s. I call them my number humor cards and I really think they'll make someone smile.

This is what happens when you dump all the letters out, you find this really cute smiley face and can't help but add it to a card.

One of my favorites, inside it says, "For A Number of Reasons"

I used my final bunch of letters and punctuation to make more of a design than to actually be letters and punctutation. It's got a very graphic feel.

So to recap, how many layouts or cards can you create to use up an entire sheet or package of letters/numbers? Please link in the comments section. You have until March 16th. The prize will be the Glossary add on...

Oh, and I will take another picture of my desk for my next post. I need to clean more than Lorie does! :)


  1. great idea! I love all the cards, especially the smiley one :)

  2. Love those cards! Off to dig out some alphas!

  3. Your cards are awesome!! I was just at my friend's house this afternoon using parts of old kits to make some cards!! Great minds think alike!! LOL!!

  4. Those cards are great!! Really ispiring - I want to go make some cards now!!

  5. awww, love that idea. i might be able to play this week. thanks!

  6. OOOH This is tough, I may just take the challenge

  7. This place just rocks!!! I was in awe of all the digi lessons...

    What a fun challenge!

    Love the inspiration...

  8. funny, i just pulled that SAME package of letters out and placed them on my workspace... hoping that they'd jump out and use themselves, i guess... :)

  9. My 7-yr old daughter loves to inherit all of my scraps and left overs and makes beautiful hand-made cards to give to family and friends. I'm learning a lot from her - the creativity of a child can really inspire! I think I should do a good spring cleaning and hand-over those left overs to her right now =)

  10. haha I love the smiley! And it took me twice to get the "belt" joke. yeah, I am not too bright today! lol
    I left a great stamp organizing tip down below (a day late, but it is a good one that I had to share with you). I am comment 153, so if someone else already mentioned the same thing, sorry! lol I wasn't about to read all of those! haha
    Have a great week! :P

  11. This is a great idea!! I definitely need to do this. A great challenge for me would just be to use ALL of ONE kit!! LOL!!

  12. cuteness! i sooo need to do this challenge!

  13. Oh my word!! Adorable cards-completely inspiring!

  14. what a great idea! love them!

  15. wow, i love these cards! especially the one with all the leftover letters on it all jumbled up

  16. your cards are so inspiring Mle. thanks for this challenge.. here is my first page.. - hera

  17. Great idea!
    love all the cards!

  18. What a lovely idea to use the numbers for cards or lay outs. I never used them that way. I like to try this challenge. Thanks for this great idea. Moon69

  19. slowly but surely i am working through this thicker pack LOL! thanks again Mle for the challenge. - hera


  21. I did a combination of layouts and cards to use up my fabric thickers.
    Here's some links:

  22. Okay..I'm no finished yet...we had two gorgeous days this weekend and could not stay indoors, but here is a link to my blog of what Ive done so far...

  23. Okay ... There is more onb my blog...
