March 23, 2009

You Are Invited...

to a week of birthdays with Davinie and myself! We have both been busy this month planning birthday parties and events, so we figured why not share what we've come up with on the blog this week? I hope we can share some ideas and projects that might inspire you to get creative with the birthdays in your household. And don't forget to email us or p.m. us with any ideas you have too...we'd love to hear what you've come up with!

Okay, so for the past week I've been working on getting this party organized for my twin boys. Their 6th birthday was actually in early March, but we wanted to hold the party at the clubhouse in our neighborhood and it wasn't available until yesterday. They decided that they wanted to have a Superhero themed party and since they love to dress up they wanted everyone to come decked out in superhero costume. We first started with the invitations. I made 12 invitations for about $1.50 and that included the cost of 2 stamps! I found a booklet of superhero stickers (they are very small, but perfect for this kind of project) at the dollar store. Then I just used cardstock from my stash, stamps, and the want ad section from our newspaper. So easy and CHEAP!!! (the party info was just printed on the back side)

Next we came up with superhero themed games... Pass the Kryptonite, Spiderman Web Tie-Up, and Superhero Stomp. Just ask me if you need clarification on those. LOL For decorations, I kept it simple and again...CHEAP. I made simple "POW", "BAM" type signs to hang on the door and on the balloons. Getting plain helium balloons and dressing them up with these signs was much cheaper than getting the fancy character helium ones. For table decorations we again used what we already had... comic books, superhero action figures and toys. The plus is that the kids then used those to play with during transitions. Here's a shot of my two superheroes before the party started...

We had 10 boys there, all 5 or 6 years old. All in full superhero get-up and character...ready to be rough, tumble, and LOUD! I love this shot of Cate...she was a little overwhelmed by it all!

They all had a blast and I think we were all exhausted by the end of the 2 hours! :) Are girl parties quieter? I'm really hoping so!
Anyways, let us in on any of your great tips/pointers/ideas for birthdays. And it doesn't have to be just parties. If you have have cool gift projects, cards, etc...we'd love to see them and share them here on the blog! Have a great night!


  1. WOW- that birthday party looked great! I love your cards and the boys look like they sure had fun!


  2. I have to tell you, as a mom of one girl and one boy, YES, girl parties are so much quieter, mellower and the participants are very cooperative!!!!

    The longest birthday party we ever held was for my son.. when he was 5.. lots of boys and as a novice I had the party for 3 hours! Never. ever. again. 1 hour is just fine!!! LOL!

    Super cute party goodies!

  3. Awesome superhero party! You'll have to explain the games. We were thinking about a superhero party for my sons 3rd b-day and would love to have some cool games to play. :)

  4. How fun! I remember the "boy" themed birthdays we had with our boys. You just made my heart tweek a little. They grow up so fast. I am really digging the invitation.

  5. Those are amazing Nicole!! and so adorable - just love that idea.

  6. Those invitations are AWESOME!

  7. WOW! What a great idea for inexpensive and WAY cute invites! I love them!!!!

  8. My 6 yr old will be having his 7th party in almost 2 weeks. It is Spiderman and he loves Superhero stuff! I would LOVE to know more about your games! Those are awesome card, and I will keep that in mind for next year!

  9. We celebrated my DOG's 3rd birthday in February, yes my dog is like my child! This is a link to my blog with the invitations I made for him;

    I'm still in the long process of posting actual pictures of the party, we had a bouncer for the kids and a dog bone-shaped cake! I should have those pics up later this week.

  10. Those invites are pure genius!!
    I love them :)

  11. this is such a great idea! how cute, my son loves that stuff too. the invitations are so sweet, what did you end up doing for the cake?

    thanks for sharing.

  12. some girls scream...a really high pitched scream. girl parties are not always quieter!!!
