April 20, 2009

Seamingly Easy?

I'll be the first to admit...I'm a recent convert to the love of everything fabric. It all started with a friend showing me some of her sewn projects and suddenly I had a new machine and a whole pile of fabric and notions. Almost like I needed another hobby, right?

I'm pretty sure you've all figured out that this month's project kit has something to do with fabric...hope I'm not blowing any big secrets here. :) Dav and I thought it would be the perfect time to talk a little bit more about using fabric and sewing/stitching in your everyday scrapbooking. My hand-stitching doesn't hold a candle to Dav's...so I'm going to let her explore that avenue in the coming days.

Mixed media artists and collage artists have been using fabrics in their art for a long time-but not everyone loves that particular style. With the advent of scrapbook products from famous fabric designers the gap between scrapbooking, sewing and mixed media art is lessening all the time. Today I just thought I'd offer encouragement and tell you that the options are endless. YOU can use fabric on a layout just like you'd use patterned paper. Maybe, since you're all so nice I'll throw in a few links and tips, too.

So...I had this scrap hanging around that I'd quilted the majority of in a table runner. I couldn't bear to part with the last bit because the fabric itself has been discontinued. When Dav and I started talking about what we were going to do this week, this little scrap was in the back of my mind, jumping up and down shouting "me, me, use me!!"

A few tips, tricks or notes, you ask? From personal experience (keeping in mind everyone has their own style a lot of this is trial and error/learn as you go). Feel free to add any of your own tips or tricks in the comment section and I'll collect them for my next post!
  • Use a needle that you're done sewing with or not going to use on regular fabric projects
  • Use a little adhesive to hold your fabric in place
  • Draw lines lightly with pencil if you're wanting precision
  • Lessen your foot tension slightly
  • A back stitch or a lock stitch will keep your thread anchored when starting/stopping
  • Sew a 'practice run' on a scrap before you start on your project
  • Read this thread: SEWING HELP
How about some links?
These two SC Peeps always have great sewing on their layouts: Lisa & Nik
Amazing magazine for mixed media arts: Cloth, Paper, Scissors
The gal who has really brought this to the forefront lately: Donna Downey


  1. Great post! Fabric is my first love. I used to wondered when fabric designers would design paper and it finally happened.

    I do have one tip for stitching on paper. I like to make sure my stiches don't come loose, so whether I use a stop stitch or not, I always dab just a tiny bit of Aleenes tacky glue on the back of the paper.

    Thanks for the great blog!

  2. I totally LOVE this! What a great LO! thanks for sharing!

  3. Jenn, you rock!!! this is so much fun!!!

  4. OOOOh wow wow wow!
    LOVE this! The layout is amazing!
    Thanks for sharing!

  5. totally awesome post, i have to agree that fabric is pretty fun :)
