May 14, 2009

April's Creative Q&A

So...I asked April a few questions in hopes we could get an inside glimpse into the marvelous pages she creates. I'm going to intersperse some of my favorite of her pages (and why I love them so much) with her answers!

*any page that combines masking, mist and g-man is going tost be a great page, right?*

What’s your favorite color combo right now?

I'm really drawn to earthy tones and yellows right now, so I'd say kelly green, deep yellow, sky blue, and browns for good measure.

*I especially love this photo of April & Scarlet, the sheer border and the way she used the "note to self" paper*

What's your best organizational tip?

This is a great question for me because I'm one of the most organized people I know...heehee. Actually, I cannot function when things aren't in their proper place, so I'm having a hard time now scrapbooking out of a plastic crate here at the office while my house is being remodeled. My best tip for organization is to keep your supplies in sight and you'll be more likely to use them. In my former scrapbook room (which will also go at my house when we finish), was a 4x2' piece of slatwall. I got it from an old store that was throwing away scrap and it was painted a hideous green. All I did was re-paint it white and order some hooks from an office supply online, and voila, I was able to hang all my supplies like rub-ons, stickers, and masks in plain view.

*How amazing is the shape and the cut out at the top? Very!!*

Do you keep any type of inspiration notebook or journal to jot down your ideas?

I don't really keep an inspiration journal. Every once in a while I save a tidbit or anecdote by sending an email to myself (for instance the layout in May's gallery entitled "Typical Conversation" was an email to myself that sat in my inbox for a few months begging to be scrapped), but that's about it.

*Aside from the fabulous photos, the little touches that make this so unique really make this a stand out in my mind*

How do you feel your style and scrapbooking has evolved since you started?

When I first started scrapping, journaling wasn't nearly as important to me as it is now. Although I'm not as proficient a writer as Scarlet or as funny as Stephen, I do like to write something that's meaningful to me on all my layouts.

Any “scrap accidents” you could share?

Yikes! Yes, plenty of them. Here's one, though. I never clean my stamps, so when I stamp with ink (even staz-on), I just stamp and then immediately remove the stamp from my acrylic block and get ink on my hands. So, sometimes (okay, lots of times) that ink transfers to the paper or photos I'mworking with, but there's alway something I can cover it with. Why do you think I like mist so much?

*The sweet photo, the burst off the edge, the paint...need I say more? *

Describe your ideal studio.

My ideal studio would have a center work island where I could stand to work, lots of natural light, and cute storage bins.

**I honestly believe this one is completely self-explanatory in it's greatness*

What’s in your photography gear bag?

My Canon 40D, a 50mm 1.4 lens, a Tamron lens f2.8 zoom, battery charger with extra batteries, a flip video camera, lots of cords, and a well-worn camera manual.

Any other hobbies you have that are not related to scrapbooking?

Right now, I'm working to improve my photography skills, not to be a professional photographer, but just so I can take photos of my friends and family that I will cherish for years and years.

*This page is just the epitome of what I love about April's style. Clean, classy and a touch of whimsy to top it all off. Doesn't get much better!*

Do you keep a gallery on any other websites besides Studio Calico?

I have a 2peas gallery and a SIStv gallery that have been neglected for ages. I'm about to add to my 2peas gallery, though. Just give me some time.


  1. i love getting peeks into the boss ladies minds : ) so inspiring!

  2. Loving all of this insight into Studio Calico! I would also love to see a picture of April's studio, especially the slat wall that she mentions. Any pics of the old room, or could you post pics when the remodel is done? I am an organization junkie too and love the idea that you mentioned, having trouble visualizing it though.

  3. Great post, love learning more about you!
