July 4, 2009

A Result of Stumbling

Remember my first stumble site on Wednesday? It was a chess board with circles in each square from the Oh Gizmo! website. With it being the holiday weekend, I thought it would be appropriate to make a card to celebrate, so here's my interpretation of the inspiration:
I love those letter stamps, almost all of them fit into a 1" circle punch. How cool! And I'm a little addicted to the balloon stamp. It has nothing to do with the 4th of July, but it works. :)

So Happy Fourth of July to all you citizens of the United States (and a belated Happy Canada Day to my Canadian friends!). I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!


  1. As a direct result of your previous blog regarding your sister stumbling, I suddenly began stumbling and can't seem to stop.
    This is an addiction.

  2. love love love that card!! So great!
