August 28, 2009

DT Gallery Reveal

i know i say it every month, but what my fellow Design Team members do with these kits never ceases to amaze. September's kit, Cotillion, was such a treat to work with...the bold colors just brought out the best in everyone!! so without further are my faves from last night's Reveal.

our Guest this month, the fabulous Cathy Zielske...i don't even know where to begin. i've loved her work for so long that i feel like i've watched her sweet daughter grow up, so no surprise that this one caught my eye. her graphic style will forever be a favorite. April, April April...why must you mist? it makes me want to mist as well...yet when i do, i feel i fall short of the misting skills lol. love the handcut title...and the mist. (did i mention i love how you mist?!)

Scarlet...the frames caught my attention first, but it's the ripped pieces of the memo paper that make me smile. the placement of the pics vs. the frames...random, yet perfect. and your journaling sums up feelings that we have all had as mamas.

Emily...LOVE the subtlety of the Hambly kraft paper on the kraft cardstock. and how you used a sliver of the journaling tag to record the date alongside the photo.

Joy...your sweet feelings about your boy always catch me. i love that you aren't afraid to use pink/flowers on his pages and how heartfelt your simple journaling is. proof that it isn't the amount of words, just what the words say.

Jenn...oh, Jenn. i may be your number 1 fan...honestly. yours is the first gallery i check every month, and the one that always sticks in my head. this layout...this one right may be my all-time fave of yours. the butterfly rub-on, the silvery stamped butterflies, the photo, the central title...ACK. i love it all.

Kelly...LOVE your comparison layout. these are such a great way to keep track of subtle milestones that may otherwise go unnoticed.

Maggie...LOVE all of the tidbits on this one. you have a knack for just the right amount of oomph to make a layout complete.

Nicole...i love this layout, but among other things...i love that you are bringing back the use of vellum!! i've noticed it on several of your layouts lately, and it makes me want to reach into my stash for a piece. how you cut down the die-cut p aper to run down the center of your page. and the butterfly used as the base for your title is perfection.

Tina A...your artsy style is always a treat, but you MUST show us more of this album. seriously...YOU MUST!!

and last but vertainly not least...Tina C. your simple style + fantastic pics + straight from the heart words always = an A+ in my book.

i think it's clear that we all ended up loving this kit...i fell in love with the navy blue and will heretoforth profess my love for any kind of frame April & Scarlet want to throw my way, lol. i also noticed lots of layouts with tender journaling about kids this month...maybe because all of ours are going off to school it's a reminder that our time with them is precious? not sure...but i enjoyed those the most this month for sure.
have a great weekend!!


  1. Terrific POST and you pointed out details from each designer that I too thought were wonderful. KUDOS to the Team on this fabulous REVEAL.

  2. Not to mention YOUR fabulous layouts NicoleH! Your gallery rocked the house as well! This reveal was a treat for sure.

  3. WOW love them all! I love Kraft paper!
