August 2, 2009

Final CHA Post

Sorry for the delay in posting....I was wiped out yesterday and took some time to recover from our trip home. I also spent some time at the office getting kits boxed and ready for shipping tomorrow.

We visited the Consumer Show before we left on Friday morning. It was interesting to see....I couldn't believe how many people were lined up waiting to get in. We were told that the pre-show registration was around 5,000 people, and from the look of it, most of them decided to get there first thing Friday morning. I spent a few minutes talking to a young girl while we were in line. She was very excited because her Mother had signed her up for a Crop session. She was literally bouncing on her feet, chomping at the bit to get in and get started. We went in and looked around for a little bit and then decided that we had better get started for home.

We had a pretty good trip, we got caught in some nasty traffic a couple of times, but all in all it wasn't bad. We got home around midnight and I could not wait to get home and get into my bed!!

Well, enough of that....are you ready for your CHA quiz? I've gone back through all of the CHA Blog Posts and come up with 10 questions. Please go to the CHA Blog Contest thread on the message board and answer the questions. I'll pick several winners from all of the correct answers.

1. What was the name of the restaurant where we stopped for lunch and early reveal on the way to CHA?
2. What kind of cake did we have for dessert before Reveal Monday night?
3. What design team members were at CHA with us?
4. Name at least one subscriber that we met at CHA?
5. What image did Stephen screen print onto his shirt?
6. What make-and-take did April complete?
7. What colors are the cameras on the Studio Calico shirts that we wore on Day 2?
8. What is the name of the Sassafrass line pictured in the Day 2 post?
9. What was the Captain's name on our Air Boat Tour?
10. How many Bald Eagles did we see on our tour?

OK, good luck! Remember, go to the CHA Blog Contest thread and answer the questions. I'll wait until Tuesday morning (8:00 am CST) to draw winners. I'll make sure to post the winners on the message board!

Thanks again for all of your positive feedback this week! I really enjoyed sharing our days with you through the blog. We would have loved to have you all there with us, but having you with us through the blog was almost as good!


  1. I just posted my answers. I really enjoyed playing this game. Thanks for giving us CHA update along the way.

  2. this was really fun.... i love triva
