August 18, 2009

Typographic Inspiration

I get a little geeky when people start discussing typography. My family recently rented a indie from netflix called "Helvetica." (Recommend it highly if you like fonts, my kids even enjoyed it.) I'm definitely not the font of all knowledge when it comes to typeface, but it's something I've always enjoyed. I used to practice hand-drawing fonts, just to see if I could do it. I'll never have enough fonts on my computer. I love getting new alphas, they are definitely the thing I hoard the most in my collection of scrap supplies (my current favorite is Chit Chat from American Crafts).

I wanted to share some fun typographic images with you and a few links to sites that I've book marked for typographic inspriation. Some of my favorite layouts are inspired by ads that use fonts creatively, trying to translate that onto a layout really makes you think differently.

All but the first image were pulled from a fun website called "Things To Save," under the Typography tag. It's a site full of images and no explanation. It's subtitled A Library of Visual References and it's a place I found while looking through google images when I was searching for typographic inspiration. That's where I found the other image, the first one. It just makes me smile, "Have you considered orange?"

Another site I enjoy is Ace Jet 170. Every Friday is Found Type Friday, and he's got some rather interesting examples of typography in our world. Pretty cool.

I found Ministry of Type through Richard's site and this:

It's a linocut of Paris, all the areas are represented typographically. For the story behind it and more pictures, you can go to Mark Andrew Webber's blog post. Pretty interesting. Ministry of Type is a place you can get lost in, clicking links and exploring all sorts of typographic mysteries.

And if you run out of things to look at on these sites, you can always go to flickr and search under typography. I could get lost for days!


  1. i second the chit chat vote! LOVE the orange. (but i maybe bias.)

    great post. i hope more and more scrappers jump on the 'typography is cool' train.

  2. great post, Emily! I had no idea that there was a "font" movie out there ;) Love the "old new" one... reminds me of the page you just had in CK! I have that idea stashed away in my head for future usage :)

  3. we loved Helvetica the movie! Saw it last winter I think...with my husband of course, the geeks that we are.

  4. love all the type. The helvetica documentary actually came on cable...I didn't want to watch it but my hubby forced it on me and I'm glad he did. I loved it.
