September 26, 2009

Reveal Night Giveaway

For a chance to win this fabulous prize pack from Bella Blvd, just leave a comment here telling us what your favorite season is.

Mine's Fall, in case you're wondering :)


  1. Oh, what a wonderful giveaway!!!
    My favourite season is definately summer :o)
    But each year it is too short...

    Thanks for the chance to win :o)

  2. Surely it must be spring in UK! With such promise of sunshine to come!!!!

  3. Oh my very favorite is fall for sure. The woods behind our house are so magical.
    What a beautiful giveaway!!
    :) Jenn

  4. Spring girl here. But really, truly ... I enjoy the change that comes with ALL SEASONS! :)

  5. love bella and it is so hard to find around here...
    love summer but right now I am very excited about fall

  6. I would have to say that my favorite season here in AZ is the winter. Oh beauty. Cold and brisk but no snow and sometimes rain. Rain is my favorite weather too!

  7. Most definitely Autumn! But right now I miss them all except summer- we've been in California so long I really miss seasons.

  8. Fall! I love fall! The colors, the air, the smells. It is a magical time of year!

  9. I just love air, crisp, colorful leaves...pulling out the sweaters, looking forward to the holidays.

  10. Love this stuff! Great giveaway. And I can't wait for the October kit!!!

  11. Fall!! Can't stand the heat, love when the kids go back to school, Halloween, pumpkins, beautiful colors - definitely a lover of all things autum-ish.

  12. finally starts too cool off here and there's the time change, football, and Thanksgiving!

  13. Favorite season? I'd have to say... SUMMER!

  14. Fall is my absolute favorite season! Jeans, socks, clogs,long sleeves and a little relief from the brutal summer heat!

  15. Summer all the way - time to relax, kids have no homework, vacation, it's the best!

  16. autumn definately! love cool mornings, warm sweaters and a nice bon fire!

  17. Summer, summer, summer! Love it! Love the lazy days, sunshine and light mornings and nights. :)
    What a FAB giveaway!

  18. I think every year is different for me. This year, fall is definitely my favorite!

  19. I love everything about the FALL season! :)

  20. wow... what a fabulous giveaway! My favorite season is Fall. Love the weather. love the colors. love halloween. love turkey. love that it is my birthday time too ;)

  21. ooh. what a fun bunch of products.
    my favorite season is fall. by the time the air starts to change to that cool crisp fall air, it makes me so happy to be able to pull out the sweaters and scarves. and i absolutely love the changing colors outdoors.

  22. Fall is my favorite season for so many reasons!!! Right now the leaves are twirling and falling outside as it's so windy out! The kitten is LOVING all the leaves whizzing around outside and the sound of them crashing about. He hasn't moved from his window perch much at all today!

  23. Great giveaway!

    I love spring!:)

  24. Fall. Autumn. The 3rd Season of the Year. You can call it whichever you like - in my opinion it is the best! Here in New England, my favorite thing about fall, obviously are the leaves. But, beyond that it's driving down our country roads here where I live, and having the leaves fall all around you and make that certain crisp sound when they are hitting the front of the car, or when you are walking, rustling all around you. Pure - MAGIC.

  25. I love fall. Not just because of the sweaters but the warmth of the colors which compliment my skin tone!

  26. WOW - this looks great!

    I'd love to get my hands on it!!!

    Lovely greetings from over the ocean
    Katharina from the BlackForestRegion/Germany

  27. definetly fall. i love them all though. I would hate to live somewhere that didn't experience all four seasons!

  28. UHM - I forgot: I love what we call GOLDEN OCTOBER - when all the leaves are colored - so I would say: FALL!
    Next is spring... (;

  29. Spring is a very welcome sign after a long Canadian winter! ;)

  30. We experience Summer for most of the year here...but the few days of Spring that we have are my favorite!

  31. I love Fall! Where I live it is usually too hot and the leaves don't change to indicate the season so I use decorations inside to celebrate it.

  32. summer fore-sure!!
    i love the laziness of it!
    thanks for the chance to win!


  33. What an awesome giveaway!! My favorite season is the fall - the football games, the cooler weather, the beautiful fall colors - I just love all of that!

  34. Love this giveaway. I could do some serious damage with it. My favorite season is definately fall.

  35. I love spring! Especially out here in the mountains of Utah! This is my first fall living out here so we'll see how it goes! So far the weather has been beautiful!!!

  36. I love all seasons, but i think the one i love the most is summer :-)
    thanks for this chance to win!!

  37. My favorite season would definitely be fall. Still nice outside, but not too hot. And don't forget the fun of Halloween!

  38. My preference is fall, for sure! Even rainy and grey days like today ;)

  39. my favorite season is spring time because is just seems as if everything is coming alive again after a long, dormant nap!!! yea, spring!

  40. Fall! It always feels like an opportunity for a new beginning.

  41. My fave season is Spring, without a doubt. However I confess to preferring Spring in England, which is in February, than 2 or 3 months later here in Canada.

    Thanks for the giveaway :)

  42. Fall is my favorite - love wearing sweaters and having soup and baking muffins.
    Beth Ann

  43. Fall -- leaves, pumpkin and slightly cooler weather. Oh wait, I now live in California. They only have two seasons here, Spring and summer :( Boo hiss!

  44. what an awesome giveaway!! My favorite season is summer. Give me a pool and a cocktail and i'm a happy girl.

  45. WOW!! You guys are the best!!!! I like all of the seasons but my favorite is Winter!!! Love to be cozy at home with my family!!!!

  46. I really love fall. I love sweaters and wool socks, and pumpkins and the color of the leaves...not so much the raking!

  47. My favorite is summer. I love the heat...
    Thanx for the chance to win a cool looking kit!

  48. My favorite is fall. The weather is so nice and the scenery is beautiful.

  49. what a gorgeous prize!..thanks for the chance :)
    My fave season is spring..and I spend a much of it as possible in the garden :)

  50. I love Fall! Smell in the air, cooler weather, college football, changing leaves, and pumpkin pie! I like winter too; I live in the South, so the winters are mild here. =)

    Susan C.

  51. i am in love with fall. i wish it would get here already!

    and i love Bella Blvd's new stuff. fantastic giveaway! whomever wins is a lucky duck.

  52. What a fabulous giveaway!! Can't wait to see the big reveal!!

  53. Wow! What a beautiful, bright giveaway!! My fav season is fall too! Love the sweaters, colors, and the cooler temperatures!! =)

  54. I like spring - not too hot and the flowers are in bloom!

  55. What a great kit!

    My favorite season is the colors, love the cooler weather and it's my birthday at the end of September. =)

  56. spring in san diego!!! i love the flower fields in carlsbad where i used to live.

  57. Fall! I love everything about it but having to put away my crocks sandles!

  58. FALL is definitely my fav season... cooler weather, falling leaves & a change in fashion! :-)

  59. SPRING, the koi are swimming, the flowers are blooming and the birds are twitterpating...LOVE it.

  60. I, too, love fall. I love the cool crisp air!!!


  61. Oh, I agree! Fall is definitely my favorite season. I love to watch the leaves changing and break out all my favorite sweaters. Such great photo opportunities this time of year...

  62. My favorite season hands down is fall.


  63. Love the colors in that kit! My favorite season is definitely spring.

  64. I love everything about Fall!!! Heading out to an apple harvest festival next weekend to do nothing but celebrate the season.

  65. I love fall too, and there is SO much to love about it: cool weather, gorgeous colors, pumpkin patch, Halloween and the lead up to the holiday season! THANKS for an amazing giveaway!

  66. Definitely summer! I love lazy summer days and not having school :D

  67. I LOVE fall! The color changes, the smell of fireplaces burning, cooler temps. . .love it!!!

  68. SUMMER!!! I love the heat, and the sun, and the super long days! It keeps me a happy girl!

  69. Fall is my favorite, not only for all its wonders, but also because it heralds the arrival of the holiday season for Thanksgiving and Christmas too! Thanks for the contest opportunity. ;-)

  70. Hands down...I love FALL!!! I am so not a hot weather person and the cool temps of fall are very welcome after a long northeastern summer.

  71. I love Winter because that's when Christmas comes!

    I love the cool weather, the lights and decorations...everything makes that time so merry!

  72. autumn, hands down. my very very favorite.

  73. My favourite season has to be winter, I love wrapping up warm, hot chocolate and the excitment at Christmas!

  74. I LOVE LOVE FALL when I can go to the mountains and watch the leaves change. **sigh**. But I love Florida Winters. It is like fall everywhere else :O

  75. You are so generous to offer this!

    My favorite season is spring with all it's promise!

  76. Fall by far is my favorite time of the year - it is the only slightly cooler period here in Middle Ga.

  77. I love Spring ~ with the flowers budding and new life in the air! Thanks for the chance =)

  78. Mine is fall too....colors and the clothing.

  79. Winter is my favourite season, mainly because I have to travel to get to it!

  80. Summer is my favorite season. We barely have spring or fall, and then 6 months of winter!

  81. I love summer days - especially at the beach! And I love seeing flowers in full bloom.

  82. I love fall :) pumpkins, cooking, beautiful weather

  83. Favorite season is fall because it's a time to shed old leaves and start fresh in so many ways-- school, football, and so many other things. I would like to start fresh with my scrapbooking with this awesome giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity.

  84. Nice giveaway...and awesome OCT kit!!! It sure does rock! My favorite season is also fall (on the east coast!) and winter in! :) thanks, Lisa k in tx

  85. My favorite is summer for sure! Love to be warm and go to the beach and pool, get ice cream from the ice cream man, ride bikes around the neighborhood with the kids, etc. It's such a happy time!

  86. You'd think it would be SUMMER, but it's not... FALL is the best time of year.

  87. I love Fall!!!!


  88. I love spring because I love seeing what comes up in my garden and the air smells so fresh.

  89. any season that involves cold weather and sweaters...

    Kim Bolyard

  90. Fall, most definately fall! The air is so crisp and wonderful...

  91. Spring!!! I love the new growth and the extended days (more sun).

  92. Spring are my favorite!!! what a fabulous giveaway and sneak peeks, great month at Studio Calico ;)

  93. fall :)
    100 percent in every way FALL!

  94. My favorite season has to be Spring! All the new flowers in bloom, warm days but not too hot. Eating outdoors, lots of BBQ's with friends and family! Thanks for the chance to win this awesome prize xo

  95. My favorite season is fall. I love all of the beautiful colors and crisp air!

  96. Fall, especially in my hometown, is so cozy!

  97. My 8 year old just asked me the same question, told him that was hard to answer! Every season is great but I love Fall with the cool crisp mornings and all the beautiful colors 8)

  98. My favorite season is summer. I love the beach, baseball, horseback riding after dinner until dusk and cooking on the grill.

  99. My favorite season right now is spring. I say right now, because we live in the South,and I love all the flowers that bloom early in the spring (actually they start blooming in late winter). When we lived in Colorado, my favorite season was fall.

  100. Without a doubt--FALL! I love the cool, crisp mornings and evenings, going to the apple orchard with my kids, and FOOTBALL!

  101. Well, for the temperature I would say summer. But beeing born in October, I am really in love with fall and the beauty of the colors, the fresh smell of leaves or cool air ;o)

  102. My fav season of all is fall. But, for us in FL, that's really winter. LOL We have summer and winter here in NW Florida. :)
    That's such a pretty goodie pack.


  103. My favourite season is the summer.
    I live in the northest Brazil.

  104. I adore fall! Love the cool air and colors. Can't get enough of the orchards and pumpkins!

  105. Most definitely fall and I'm so glad it's here!

  106. Fall. Definitely fall because of all the beautiful change that goes on around us. It's just breath-taking every year. And somehow I continue to be surprised by it all.

  107. I love summer for all the bright colours to scrap... Fall is in a very close second! Thanks for the chance at a great giveaway!

  108. Spring, because I am always SO ready for winter to be over!!!

  109. I love them all for different reasons- fall because of the changing colors, winter because of my favorite holidays but I LOVE LOVE spring because I love when the daffodils and tulips start peeking through, the leaves and buds start growing on the trees, our pear and redbud trees are gorgeous. Yes, I love spring.

  110. My favorite season is Fall...I just love the colors and fall fires. Not to mention hot chocolate and apple cider!

  111. As I live in Singapore, is always summer all year round. We do not have 4 seasons in a year. But I have lived in Australia for 9 years, my favourite season is definately fall. Thank you for a beautiful giveaway.

  112. Spring all the way, but I have to say I'm looking forward to a touch of fall. Still hot and humid here!

  113. Spring is my favorite season.

  114. My favorite season is definitely fall...loving the sunflowers & dahlias that are in bloom!

  115. Fall! Sunny days - Chilly nights- Yeah!

  116. My favorite season is NO DOUBT Fall. Love, love, love it!

  117. My favorite season is autumn. What a lovely prize: thanks for the opportunity! :)

  118. Summer is my favorite! I love opening my windows, hearing the children playing and going to the beach!

  119. My favorite season is Summer. I love sleeping in!
    Thanks for the chance to win this lovely giveaway!!

  120. My favorite season is summer. I love to swim outside!

  121. Every season comes with its own beauty, especially up here in Verona, Canada. Right now, every tree is boasting.."look at me".. my colors are the brightest and most beautiful!

  122. Fall, of course! What's not to love? :)

  123. AAAaaahhhhhhh summer!!! Beach, sun!!!
    Is the best!!

  124. gentry4@bellsouth.netSeptember 26, 2009 at 9:08 PM

    Summer, all the way!!!

  125. Living in beautiful S. Florida all the seasons are the same but if I have to pick, I would have to say winter, I love the smell of winter morning.

  126. Summer is the best!!! Just soooooo much to do!

  127. Right now I would say summer since it is just over and I am missing it! However, I try to embrace each season as it comes and enjoy it to the max with good photos and household decor to go with the seasons.


  128. Fall to Winter. I love the colors of fall and how the unbearable hotness finally seems to cease here in the south. Yet the atmosphere of Winter is one that is just SO amazing to me that I cannot narrow my answer down to just one. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year!!

  129. Totally fall. I love the relief from the heat, and the magic that's beginning to fill the air!

  130. Fall, hands down! It's always been my favorite...the crispness of the air, changing colors of the leaves, and the smell of wood fires take me back to my childhood when fall was the beginning of a new year!

  131. Fall is the best ... new beginnings is what I think of ... even if it is the season where the leaves 'die' ... it is their last best showy splendor though!

  132. my fave is fall also! i love to layer clothes and the change of color in the leaves (here in the east coast!!).

  133. Love the line and hope to win!! Yea!!!

  134. Fall most definitely! I love the apples - honey crisp ones to be exact, the decorations, leaves turning, sweaters, and coziness that comes along with it!

  135. It would have to be winter as summer where I live just goes on and on, lol! Seriously I luv the winter season, the smell of fireplaces, the holidays, driving up north to spend time in snow country, wrapping gifts, simply luv it all!

  136. It is absolutely fall! Michigan has such beautiful colors. I have to be careful driving because I'd much rather look at the trees than the road!


  137. any seasom I can be at the beach...mosty ends up being summer but love it anytime we can get there!

  138. I love fall. The weather's just perfect in the beginning part of it and I LOVE to watch the leaves turn colors. Gorgeous!!

  139. I love fall the best! Love that Bella Blvd line so much too, great giveaway!

  140. I used to love summer for the swimming and BBQ's, but now that we live in AZ it is just too hot and fall has become my favorite since it is the time when we start getting below 100 temps :)

  141. My favorite time of year is Fall. I love everything about it and I'm so glad that we are finally getting there!

  142. I love all of the seasons because I am always ready for a change! I love fall because of the crisp air and changing leaves. I love winter because of snow, Christmas and hot cocoa. I love spring because of the flowers and all new life. Summer is awesome because of flip flops and pools! LOVE IT ALL! I could not live somewhere there were not 4 different seasons! Thanks for the chance to win!

  143. My favorite season is Spring.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

    Cheri H.

  144. I love late spring and early fall. They just go together so well and are fantastic in Oregon.

  145. It would have to be SPRING. In upside down land(Australia), we are seeing blossom on the tree's and smelling the sweetness in the air. There is something so uplifting about emerging from the grayness of our winter's. Make's me want to get busy taking shot's of the kids outside!! Hello gorgeous light, bye bye harsh flash.

  146. I enjoy winter best... I don't even mind -30 as long as the sun is shinning!

    Jamie V

  147. I love fall. I love baking and going to the pumpkin patch!

  148. Fall is my favorite season, with Spring coming in a strong second

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  149. i also love fall. best season evah!

  150. Spring, cuz it means I get to see the sun again for atleast another couple of months, depending on the weather. Laci in Alaska

  151. Absolutely FALL! I love the cool, crisp weather and the beautiful leaves!

  152. That's a hard one!! I really do love all 4 seasons but if I had to choose....Srping! Tomorrow I'd probably say something different!;)
    Awesome giveaway!

  153. It's a toss-up between fall and spring.

  154. I love that there are different seasons,...each provides unique gifts. Approaching Fall overwhelms me with the beauty of creation,.....a colorful canvas of nature. It must be my favorite!

    That is a lovely package! Thank you for the chance!

  155. Fall is my favorite! The cooler temps, the lower humidity, the mosquitoes' not biting as much...yes, I live in S. Texas. ;)
    Plus - the promise of Thanksgiving and Christmas just around the corner - just a few reasons I love this season!

  156. My favorite season is fall. Love this collection.

  157. I love fall...great weather...great colors...what's not to like???

  158. I love fall too. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  159. we don't have the changing seasons here, but when I lived in Seattle my fave was Fall. The changing temps, the changing foliage, everything changing!

  160. I love winter best of all! It cools off outside here in Florida, the kids get winter break from school, and of course, it's Christmas time!

  161. Autumn is my favorite time of year. Leaves changing, falling & crunching under my feet.

  162. I love spring but I think I enjoy each change in season whatever it is.

  163. This comment has been removed by the author.

  164. I'd have to say Fall - it's the most relaxed time of the year for me.

  165. Summer is my favorite season. However, I am excited to experience a new season in our new home and state.

  166. Definitely fall - the slight chill in the air, sweaters, warm colors, pumpkin anything and most importantly... my birthday!

  167. I love fall!! And this giveaway is adorable.

  168. OOOH love the kit! MIne would be winter b/c i hate to be hot - HA! but i love the colors of SPRING!

  169. whatever the current season is, I love it! And I'm always ready for the next one!

  170. Fall is my favorite hands down! So many delicious flavors and colors, not to mention I think it is the most romantic <3

  171. In our country, we only have 2 seasons - a wet and a dry one. If I had a choice, I'd choose winter - since I've never seen snow :)

  172. Cool!
    My favorite season is summer. I love the lazy summer days.

  173. By far, my favorite season is winter! I love cold weather and feeling so cozy inside!

  174. My favorite season is Spring. Such a fun giveaway!

  175. Mine are Spring and Fall! They are both so similiar to me that I love them both! Awesome giveaway!

  176. Mine is Spring!! Lovely giveaway! Thanks!

  177. I don't really have a favorite. Every season has it's positives. (Sorry to be so lame.)

  178. WOoHoO!!! Awesome giveaway!! I think we get cheated out of seasons here in So. Cal. : D
    That said, my fave is summer...nothing like those summer nights!!

  179. My absolute favorite season is Fall. I love the color changes and I'm always ready for the crisp air it brings. And I love the colors I see in the stores! lovely giveaway!

  180. well, i love the colors of fall, but the spring is the best around here. the weather is getting good, not too hot, and everything is in bloom... such a lucious time of year. a new beginning of life.

  181. Fall or summer.... hmmm... summer it is!

  182. Summer, summer summertime! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
